Black Man PROVES Adam and Eve Biblical Story is a LIE : His DNA Dates Back 338 THOUSAND YEARS!

in today’s good news…


Editor’s note: This man is NOT the SC man described in the story. We use it as a visual to show you an example of the original man. #Who’sYourDaddy?

As a child, the story of Adam and Eve always perplexed me.. even to my childlike sensibilities I knew it did not make any logical sense AT ALL.  Countless debates and sometimes fights were had around the dinner table, as I sought to bring logic to my family who had an illogical belief in what seemed to be a completely absurd story (along with santa claus, the easter bunny, the tooth fairy and everything else fantastical) that they based their lives (and the oppression of women) around.

So imagine my vindication when I found this article about a Black man in South Carolina whose DNA is traced back 338 thousand years…

so now creationists have quite a conundrum to ponder:

a. the entire basis of Judaism (and therefore Christianity) is myth or

b. irrefutable proof that Adam and Eve were Black and created in God’s true image (a true horror to white Christian fundamentalists)

These findings of course, have not been reported in mainstream… I wonder why… (that was sarcasm).

Discovery News reports:

An African-American man in South Carolina has lineage tracing back 338,000 years, according to a new study. The unidentified man’s Y chromosomes — a hereditary factor determining male gender — has a history so old that it predates the age of the oldest known h**o sapiens fossils, according to the report published in the American Journal of Human Genetics.

The man’s chromosome carries a rare mutation, which researchers matched to a similar chromosome in the Mbo, a population living in a tiny area of western Cameroon in sub-Saharan Africa. “Our analysis indicates this lineage diverged from previously known Y chromosomes about 338,000 ago, a time when anatomically modern humans had not yet evolved,” Michael Hammer, associate professor at the Univ. of Arizona’s Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and a research scientist at the UA’s Arizona Research Labs, said via a press release. “This pushes back the time the last common Y chromosome ancestor lived by almost 70 percent.”

The DNA study began after the South Carolina man submitted a small tissue sample to theNational Geographic Genographic Project. Researchers were shocked after they noticed none of the genetic markers used to assign lineages to known Y chromosome groupings were found. The man’s DNA sample was sent to Family Tree DNA for sequencing. Fernando Mendez, a postdoctoral researcher in Hammer’s lab, led the effort to analyze the DNA sequence. It included more than 240,000 base pairs of the Y chromosome. Searches through a huge database led to the Mbo connection.

The scientists were then able to estimate the emergence of the chromosome mutation based on rates of change, creating a sort of “family tree” for the chromosome. The discovery doesn’t necessarily mean that all humans descended from an ancestor living in western Cameroon. “It is a misconception that the genealogy of a single genetic region reflects population divergence,” Hammer explained. “Instead, our results suggest that there are pockets of genetically isolated communities that together preserve a great deal of human diversity.”

Hammer added that still “It is likely that other divergent lineages will be found, whether in Africa or among African-Americans in the U.S. and that some of these may further increase the age of the Y chromosome tree. There has been a lot of hype with people trying to trace their Y chromosome to different tribes, but this individual from South Carolina can say he did it.” The study has even further implications. It strengthens the belief that there is no “mitochondrial Eve” or “Y chromosome Adam.” All of humankind, as a result, did not descend from exactly one pair of humans that lived at a certain point in human evolution.

The original source of this groundbreaking study is found in The American Journal of Human Genetics.

Special shouts out to the Facebook group Blacks History And Africa Education.

Editor’s Note : please keep your dissertations, short novels, and epic fictions you call comments to yourself. You have an enormous wealth of forums you can Bible thump in… This is not it. If you don’t believe in reality, that is your right, as it is mine NOT to believe in white Jesus, Yahweh or whatever you choose to name the superstition that prevents you from understanding the human genome.

This article is for the people who are awake. I AM that I AM … And that is the person who won’t waste our readers time with your diatribes.

If you truly believed in this god you cry about, you would be out doing charitable works, not trolling scientific articles. Now go in Peace sleepwalker.

939 thoughts on “Black Man PROVES Adam and Eve Biblical Story is a LIE : His DNA Dates Back 338 THOUSAND YEARS!

      • As far as this article Adam and Eve are not a myth-in fact we know where they are buried in Hebron, Israel -when they resurrect at the time of the Great Resurrection they wil set us all straight> As far as some measurement being 338,000 years old if it is based upon carbon 14 dating calculation then the whole ‘analysis,’ is a conjecture or theory couched in human intellgence which asserts its’ authenticity within the realm of human self-justiifcation-by the way we have a sage by the name of Rav Yaakov of Acco who calculated the universe to actually be over 15,000,000,000 years old so we of Israel don’t see contradictions between science and Torah/Bible Written and Oral Traditions -for if there is no empowerment from Creator=no one can get involved in science-and without science, mathematics one really can’t fulfill Scriptural and Oral Traditions that predate Israel, that predate Noah that even predate original man and woman-PS to assume the time continuum as we understand time today is also only human conjecture-what we know of time is only due to humans being able to measure it according to where we are-so there is never the same time say in Africa as say in California-how much more so before humans were created by Creator-who is to say what constituted a 24 hour day, week of month-even Moses addressed this in Psalms 90:4 where he prophetically taught us, ‘For a thousand years are in Your eyes like yesterday, which passed, and a watch in the night.’

        One descendent of King’s David and Solomon, he is called Rashi, elucidated upon this: “For a thousand years are in Your eyes: A thousand years of man are like one day of the Holy One, blessed be He, and part of the night with it; for one day of the Holy One, blessed He, and a little of the night of the Holy One, blessed be He, are a thousand years, for the text does not say that the day of the Holy One, blessed be He, is like a thousand years, but that when a little of the night elapses with it, then His day is complete, and it is a thousand years. Therefore, Adam died within a thousand [years] for had he lived a thousand [years] it would be more than the day of the Holy One, blessed be He. Perhaps the amount of that watch equals the time from the death of Adam until a thousand years, but we do not know how much that watch was, except from conjecture. I found [this]:

        For a thousand years are in Your eyes, etc.: And when repentance came into Your thoughts from the beginning, You judged well and created it. Now those years were appropriate for it because people’s days were many, so that a thousand years were in Your eyes like one passing day, which passed and was gone, with a little of the night with it, for You said to Adam (Gen. 2:17): “for on the day you eat of it, you will surely die,” and he lived nine hundred and thirty years. We find that a thousand years equal one whole day and a little of the night with it.”

        So I say “Who the cap fit let them wear it.” I wear the cap that does not find a contradiction between the words of the prophets and the interpolative scientific methods of man-with extrapolation forms of scientific analysis which seems to configure more efficiently within the realm of quantum physics it bears within it a certain positive potency-but to extropolate out certain mysteries by not understanding the context of Biblical Structure within its’ original languee is tantamount to using musical notes to formulate chemical reactions with the same expectations of putting together 2 elements of Hydrogen with one element of Oxygen and expecting an outcome of water when no water is manifested to then attack the idea of 2 parts Hydrogen and one part Oxygen does not make water not only denies that reality it stifles the further analytical study of what further benefits can be rendered from studying each element alone then as they are compounded and then see how this compound can bind with other elements and compounds to produce good outcomes for all of Jah Children- Concluding with best wishes for you and your loved ones and my own personal mantra a human who knows his/her roots can in due season bring forth good fruits!!!!

        Chat Conversation End

      • Lmao..If Adam was first man… he had no mother , he was made from dirt, that means he had to be a Dirtbag hehehe… Don’t why I replied ? But your comment was just too funny to pass up..LoL Keep walking backwards ,you look a little smarter that way…HaHa

      • So, I a Black man, should toss out the entire Holy Bible on your most-likely inaccurate DNA test? I don’t think so. I will always believe in Christ and when He returns you can tell that bull you believe to Him. Adam and Eve were not white anyway. Anyone with any common sense knows that if they have a logical mind.
        PRAY! Ask God for wisdom and then put that wisdom into your blog.

      • Straight HELL!
        This guy is really preaching hate and trying to destroy the Holy Bible at the same time. That is what this is all about and the Devil is standing back laughing at this idiot and at you for going along with this MIS-information.
        This guy with the 338,000 year old DNA does not realize that God’s creation is real and God, Jesus Christ, made it all. He and you need to read John 1, the entire chapter. That is the first chapter of the Gospel of John.
        Also, Acts 17:24-26 is where Paul the Apostle told the Greeks that God made ALL MEN of one blood no matter where they come from or what color they are. Do not preach hate a division.
        Just because we believe the Bible does not mean we are stupid. IF that report blows your mind you don’t have much gray matter, do you?
        Think! Don’t just let any idiot that comes along to cause more division between the “races” than we already do have lead you down the wrong road. Much of what Black people here in the US believe is not logic, but a reactionary view influenced by America’s White racism. That still has no effect on the validity of the Holy Bible. They are mostly hypocrites and that is a fact.
        They also need to repent of their evil, follow and worship the God they CLAIM to worship and be for real.
        I hate the internet because this allows any idiot to say anything and cause problems instead of leading men to the TRUTH, Jesus Christ.
        Goodbye and I will not respond to any more of this ignorance.

      • HAHAHAHAHA people like you still exist? I don’t even get mad at this anymore. I just get perplexed at the fact that people like you survive natural selection with that attitude. Oh well, you’ll eventually fizzle out someday and be remembered as a bigot. Good luck with that thing you call a life.

      • I’ll assume your reference to ni66er is directed to Black people. It must really be disappointing to know that your azz and all other races; especially white people would not exist if it weren’t for the ni66er as you would like to refer to them.

      • Whether or not you’re a troll, or a bigot, the fact remains that all best, verifiable, evidence we have, points towards all humans, living today, are of african origin. I guess we all have to sit in the back of the bus.

      • Hey bull Boy.. did you know that the word Ni66er is a slur name for God ? So everytime you use that word you’re Blaspheming God ? Go find it for your self because I refuse to provide you with the correct information and I always like for people to find what out things for themselves .

      • And your still a cocksucker, i guess nothing has changed. Im sure he would rather be a niGGer than a cowardly cocksucker any day of the week. Now STFU and go do what you do best, SUCK COCK

      • Fortunately so are you Lmao. White people came from black people & your science proves that. Talk to you later my nigger.

      • You know Bull…. PPL like you are the reason I am ashamed to call myself white because ppl that have major bigotry like you do and are racist like you are are unfortunately mostly either white or mexican and unfortunately you want to be that ignorant and disrespectful then maybe you should keep your ignorant comments to yourself…… instead of showing exactly how much of a ni66er you really are

      • Your hating aren’t you. I love it. Now go look in the mirror Bull-shit-Conner and call yourself that N word. If you hate blacks then you hate yourself. We made you. Study the story of Yacub.Big Head Scientists | The story of Yakub and Yash…:

        But it’s not your fault. It’s your ignorant ass parents fault.

      • At the end of the day we bleed the same color blood. I’ll just pray for you like I do the rest of these ignorant racist fools. I’m black and I’m also bless.

      • It clearly states that we are not all African American….

        “The discovery doesn’t necessarily mean that all humans descended from an ancestor living in western Cameroon. “It is a misconception that the genealogy of a single genetic region reflects population divergence,” Hammer explained. “Instead, our results suggest that there are pockets of genetically isolated communities that together preserve a great deal of human diversity.”

        Just saying. Although, what bull Connor said was not very nice.

      • Why does the N word have to be used common we live in 2014 things have changed if you don’t like blacks fine but don’t be putting them all down because there’s a difference between a N****r and a black person like there is with white trash bitches and white people it shouldn’t matter the Damn skin tone it should matter who the person is unfortunately some of you don’t understand that and obviously trying to start shit that doesn’t need to be Fucking started

      • Bull, you’re an idiot… shaylynn, your comment is by far one of the best I’ve seen in regards to this!!! I am a white male and racism sucks, and the race has no bearing on that statement. People are people and all have the same basic needs, so get over that racism BS, man.

      • Your lack of color is showing and your thinking that label has any true power lol. Your kind makes me feel that more superior as I comb through my God gifted “wool like” hair and admire my perfect bronze skin. Tan? Nah. I don’t think so.

      • Its negroid, the highest & most superior! & I bet you are a caucasoid. Also known as a thing made of sulphur in a lab. Let me see you pull energy from the universe….Oh yea! You can’t. Poor thing. Just bow down & get it over with.

      • Seriously? A nigger? You are literally the definition of ignorance. People like you are the reason why our society can’t progress to our full potential as a race….the HUMAN race. I’m not even offended at your belief the darker skinned people are niggers or whatever you think we are. I’m honestly just very sad for you. I hope one day you reach a place of acceptance and inner peace.

      • Soooo, clearly he’s never opened a dictionary!! If he had, he would know that he’s oozing “nigger” tendencies!! Just pray for him…!! That’s the only way we will all move forward as one race……The HUMAN RACE!!!!!!

      • And you my fiend are still a cave dweller. That’s why your kind can’t handle the sun cause you were created in caves. Plus you white people wrinkle in your 20′ s
        But yet you white people risk you’re lives in the sun which clearly your skin can’t take to become darker. Please have a couple of seats.

      • Let it go. People get offended so easy. It was a joke. Also in the article it really proves nothing and Christianity does not opress woman. The bible tells me God is love

      • Ur a fucking dumb ass there’s no need to be racist u say ur religious read upon the text the tower of babel its the oldest dated text to man and it states that we all originated from the Babylonian plains as black men and we nd we got we got our racial features from what we had to go through. So calling us niggers makes u look stupid cuz u originated from one

      • You must be dying alone. Because there’s no way on earth someone loved by another being would be as hateful as you. And yes, you came from a black man. Get over it!!!

      • Bull, now figure out where you as a white man, where did you come from? We know where we came from, Adam and Eve.

      • Lol u answer his racist comment with a racist comment. White success what not impacted ny blacks. Cmon guys u dont give credit to the mule for getting ur goods to its destination.. if the mule wasnt there wr would just find an alternate. Method. U should thank the white man that ur civilized and not still wearing leaves..

      • Bull Connor, hahaha! Just like the real Bull Connor your humor is Dead, deny all you want, but history is finally correcting the lies that America and the world have been telling for so long, that we Black people are the real chosen people, it’s time that the truth be told, I’m sure you read the story about the little boy the son of a known KKK member he was in some sort of an accident or something and died for a little while, and when he came back he told his dad that he had lied to him and that He met GOD while he was dead and GOD was a Nigger not White like you said. It’s all coming to the light you can’t hide the Truth forever, Nigger, Colored, Coon, Porch Monkey, African American, what ever terminology you want to use, but a rose by any other name is still a ROSE. And all those terms that I used means that he GOD is still a BLACK man or person or Being, just like the first humans, and so many others that history has claimed they are White, they even found that the first Asians were actually Black just like the actual Jews were actually BLACK, all you have to do is read.

      • Bull shyt eatin attention seeking “”(bad or good)”” simply sorry piece of from siblings born trash go suck a dick-up till u hiccup its obbbvious BITCH niggers had n raised your sick psychotic perversed simply sorry no buisness barnyard unsecure ass….. but heyyyy guess what U R FUNNNNNNY AS FUQ, oh and YOU ARE THE WEAKEST LINK GOODBYE FELECIA!!!!!! JAHJAHJAHJAHJAHJAH

      • I am in no way agreeing with or condoning what Bull said, but in the article it does state this DOES NOT mean all humans can be traced back to Africa! So why are y’all perpetuating a lie while trying to debunk what you believe to be another lie?

      • Doesn’t matter what you call him. Mother nature made him and his kind the mother and father to all others. That makes you the decendent of Niggers, since you choice to give him that title. Lol

      • I bet you did not know nigger came from the word negus which mean king/ruler dummy now you know whos your king .

      • So sad that you trust science which has proven wrong so often, opposed to God, whom I know exist…. Have had personal spiritual encounters with heavenly beings….I pray for you and your doesn’t matter what color Jesus was…he is now a spirit…Paul had a similar problem in the Bible…. I know for a fact that you will end up confessing that God is and you will acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Saviour before you leave this world…

      • I need to burst your bubble, Jesus was never the son of god ! You need to study up on Sirapis whom Emperor Constantine through transfiguration’s ( Lies ) rename sirapis Jesus Christ who never existed except in Constantine’s mind ! Yeshua was and still is The Son Of God . By the way there are 4 known portraits of Yeshua, But very creepy people ( King James ), Fake ministers, preachers and whomever else Mislead people by telling them that no ones knows what the Son of God looks like, Yes They also say , No one knows what Jesus looked like ???,that’s so laughable because you can see portraits , Bust. and etc. sirapis as well read up on this Greek Ptolemy Egyptian wannebe ! Don’t take my word for it , Check it out and let me and everyone else know if I’am lying ??? I say this everyone who tries to tell what I know better and so far no one has proven me wrong !

      • In the bible, ACTS 13-1 God or Jesus and his brother is describes as NIGER([NIGGER] which means “black man”), is good thing because it tells us God made black men FIRST AS THE DNA TELLS US, in his image so you using the word as negative slang shows how dumb and stupid you are for not know that it’s oxymoron to use positive connotation as a negative. Besides the ancient black people of India and Asian were also called Nagas(Negas) meaning black as an honor or word of honor.

        Now let’s see why ITS A GOOD THING TO BE A NIGGER:

        1. The nigger is the first human and original organic man
        With a selenium base chemical make up, whereas the white man (genetic recessive, artificial cloned copycat, carbon copy) has a sulfur based chemical make-up like that of the rhesus monkey carrying mostly negative blood types which is alien to earth.

        2. The nigger has a natural connection with nature thus a connection to God and the universe because black skin has melanin which is a dark substance that is created by pituitary and pineal glands that function as a super semiconductor. Just like plant life grow towards the sun because of chlorophyll the plant synthesis food or energy via photosynthesis because the plant and sun has a good relationship, the nigger has a good relationship too because melanin process sun light to produce vitamin D. YOU WILL NEVER SEE FULL GROWN ADULT ANIMALS SUCKING MILK FROM ITS MOTHER BREAST. However, you will see full grown white people drinking cow milk because white people have a bad relationship with the sun whereas white people cannot process the sun light to get natural energy. In fact the sun creates a slow process of death to white people by causing them to speed up their lifespan to reach a quicker death, it’s called PREMATURE AGING, along with cancer.

        3. The nigger has the natural ability to extract DNA to create each and every so called race on earth but nothing of those races can extract DNA to create the nigger. The nigger has a natural ability to remove or genetically annihilate every race peacefully by simply interbreeding sexually to produce colored offsprings or babies that has more of the superior nigger blood.

        4. The nigger is more human than animal by not having Neanderthal, rhesus monkey, pig and dog DNA. The nigger share DNA of many life forms just as all life share on earth. However, the nigger DO NOT SHARE PIG, DOG, NOR NEANDERTHAL DNA WHERE AS THE RECESSIVES ARTIFICIAL WHITE ANIMAL DOES. This is why the white recessives artificial animal can have a blood and organ transfusion with a pig with no natural body rejections, the white recessives secrete rabbit serum, the white artificial grow hair all over their bodies (men in particular) just like an ape has hair all over its body, white artificial recessives even are born with tails and grow calcium based horns out of their heads.

        5. The nigger has always had a strong birth replacement rate until the white recessives took over earth.



        6. The white artificial recessives life is only on earth and the astral plane where demons and evil aliens exist. This is the reason why mostly white recessives see or have alien visits because the aliens or demons that created the white race using the original black man DNA as a template to create a middle management agency known today as racist white people. so once they die they remain ON EARTH AS GHOST, which explains why ghost are mostly some dead white person and you never hear of black people being a ghost”. Artificial life has no soul and can not go to a heaven where souls resides so they stay on earth to reincarnate as many of the white Hollywood actors have body doubles that look like them of the past. Aliens abduct white people to UPDATE UPGRADE AND ENGINEER A NEW HYBRID RACE OF WHITE RECESSIVE DEVILS because the Cosmo is shifting and the white race is facing extinction due to interplanetary changes the artificial cannot live in. Aliens are working to create a new hybrid of white Devils the CERN particles collider is used to support the alien threat that use human real humans as an energy source by way of negative emotions, which explains why white Devils create so much havoc to induce negative emotional response that Feed demons.

      • For the people saying ni66er your ancestors loved blk pussy so you definitely have a percentage of African in your blood….stupid will always exist😒

      • You must be one of the dumbest cave people douche bags I know. you’re just mad because your ancestors evolved from caveman and apes staying in the Caucasus Mountains eating raw meat and having sex with your family members clock sucker!!!!

    • Read the holy tablets by Dr.Malachi z. York on the anuunaqi and creation of homosapiens and the evolution of life germ and the many beginning gs call re-plenishings genesis1:26 Adamites and hawwahites call watusi tribe and pygmy parents of zakar(Adam) and nekaybaw(eve) and the reptilian humanoids influence on humans call the snake check out

      • Dude, before you try backing up your “whatever BS theory” learn to spell, its Annunaki and they’re mentioned in very old Babylonian texts. There isn’t any real science backing up the reptilian ancient alien theory, but I suppose you believe in the Illuminati and chem-trails too. There are, however, tons of archaeological evidence that human life originated in Africa. There is even some fringe science that suggests civilization could be much, much older than originally theorized. The fact that we just pushed the human genome back to such an early date makes that all the more plausible. Our ancestors weren’t half as stupid as we like to think they were, and they were perfectly capable of building amazing things without the help of little green men.

      • The convicted serial paedophile, “Malachi Z” York? for real? Have you researched this evil con man? He’s as dangerous as Bush or Blair.

    • Oh look his DNA is this old, because this fossil is this old, nevermind the DNA ‘half-life’, and we know the fossil is this old, because the rock is this old, and we know the rock is this old because the fossil is this…oh whoops.

    • Vyatcheslav Krasheninnikov was the last prophet before Enoch and Elijah return to preach against the antichrist. According to Russian Orthodox Christian Vyatcheslav Krasheninnikov: Humans were created about 7500 years ago. Birds participate in time creation. It’s a sin to kill birds. Dinosaurs live under our level. They will get out through sinkholes and lakes. To kill them, go for their nerves. Save the birds; but kill the dinosaurs. First dinosaur will come out of Volga River in Russia. Demons grow human skin and put it on so as to look like us. Demons will invite people to be healed inside their UFOs; those who go will be like zombies after. Gov’t provides demons with diamonds and allows demons to abduct people. If you’re being abducted, slowly pray the Jesus prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.” Don’t panic. Demons use diamonds and souls to power their UFO craft. The bigger the diamond, the more it lasts. Demons have 4 UFO bases: 1)Moon 2)Inside fake mountain Kailash in Tibet 3)In lake Baikal in Russia 4)In Atlantis which is underneath the Mariana Trench in Pacific Ocean. There are no aliens. Nobody lives on other planets. Airplanes that go down are hit by demons because they need the airspace to fight Jesus. Antichrist is pale with red eyes. He’s possessed by Satan since he’s 12 years old. He flies. He wears gloves to hide long nails. He’s surrounded by demons who appear as angels of light. Don’t go into a UFO to be healed by demons. 666 is given by isotope rays on wrist or forehead when people stretch hands to receive small plastic grey card (world passport). Police will microchip and isotope ray people on highways. Food stores will isotope ray people too. Antichrist will also release prisoners to mark people. Reject 666 at all cost. If you’re about to be marked, scream: “Lord, have mercy!” three times. Go hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666.

    • From the Title “His DNA Dates Back 338 THOUSAND YEARS!”

      Q: HOW exactly does one “trace DNA back 338 thousand years” ? 😉

      Also WHY would it present a conundrum to Creationists if Adam were Black?

      I am afraid the “science” is a bit WEAK in this piece and I am going to need a WHOLE LOT MORE EVIDENCE than “WYMS and one Fernando Mendez, a postdoctoral researcher says so” to convince me. 😉

      • Adam- the author references the original journal entry with the methods for their research with a link to the The American Journal of Human Genetics. He briefly mentions the particulars when he brings up Dr. Mendez and his findings, but if you need more convincing, then the article is just a click away.

        Obviously, we do not know each other. That being said- I have a hard time believing that, no matter whatever your profession is or wherever your competence shines, anything you have to say would be more legitimate, reliable, or valid as anything that is reported in this peer reviewed and highly respected publication.

    • To someone who truly understands the bible this makes perfect sense, Genesis relates TWO creation accounts NOT just the one of Adam. Yaweh Elohim first created the races of the earth which he called “beasts” and THEN he created “et-yadam” which is where we derived the name Adam from.

      “The next word we come to is the Hebrew word “et-yadam”, which is indiscriminately translated “man”, and is where we get our English word “Adam”. The root of the Hebrew word is “adam” and means “of a ruddy complexion, to show blood in the face, to blush;” a word obviously not applicable to the dark races, which we also know from scientific facts to be much older than the “blushing” white race.”

      • LoL.. more King James B.S. transfigurations of the orgin of words…. It’s a lie and I wouldn’t care how much you try to translate it because it’s a transfiguration to begin with.. African’s came in and still come in all colors ! You can’t get any Lighter then an African and you get any Darker then a African . Tell us how much you think you know ? What is the name of the Orginal Book or bible as you call it ?.. And it has absolutey nothing in common with the transfigurations of words and meaning like the KJV version ( english lies ) !

      • I am black and I blush… It is harder to see but if you pay close attention than you will see a little red appear on my cheeks. So blushing is not only for the “white” people

      • The Watcher:is a joke…..Africans from the south African Bushman to the Sudanesee have the skin tone to Blush…Just let Watcher walk thru life in his own stupidty !

      • i can’t believe that some people actually believe this crap just because it fits into their racist agenda. adam and eve was made in the image and likeness of god who has no color because he is a spirit however he does have a spiritual image and it is not black and it does not look like an ape. please people , let common sense prevail. ancient books that many people don’t know about because it is hidden by white racists reveal the different tribes and clans thousands of years ago that existed. these books are the vedas, mahabarata, ramayan. these books belong to the east indian civilizations which was studied by the british when they occupied india for three hundred years, raping, stealing, and robbing indian wealth to the point where india went from the richest nation on earth to the poorest. these books and its information was either hidden or rewritten to suit the white man’s agenda, particularly the british. when the scriptures reveal the sophistication of these ancient people they conquered and called unciviliisate , they could not deal with the truth. however going back to whether or not adam or eve was black , this is complete bullshit, the same ancient text spoken above indicates that there were experiments done with the dna of humans and animals, there were a tribe called the vanares . something like the hindu god hanuman. half man half monkey. i believe the black race is one of these subhuman races wasn’t intentionally the way god wanted his creation to look but man did their own thing hence the reason for the flood and hence the reason as the bible tells us he regretted making man on earth. since god created all life we are all covered by his love and grace through jesus christ for those of us who chose this. my final take is for those blacks out there who continues to twist history to prove that all races come from you think again, there are many of us out there who know the truth and will not accept this crap, you can fool the american white shit heads but not those of us from the east and middle east, we know what our ancient scriptures tells us

    • it is truly amazing how people will so quickly denounce the Bible but turn around and embrace such ignorant rhetoric…you can refuse to bow now but know and believe you will bow later because eventually everyone will bow down and worship Christ!!!!

      • I know a certified Oral Historian who will you there never was a Jesus ,son God ? And he pay you a Million Dollars to prove that was ever such a Person / personification of God ! So far No One has proved him ! There was a Certified Human Being or rather a person who took the title of Jesus Christ , but he was never the son of God , he just a person with an unearned title !

    • “Trailer park hillbillies whose uncle’s and aunts are their moma’s and daddies, and their little sisters are knocked up by cousin Jeb, are genetically too fucked up to know what a fact is! shit, they cant even read! Oh lets not forget they farm animals strutting around the barnyard, that are being serviced by ole farmer Brown that his wife doesn’t know about!”

    • I to have all ways being black in America with strong African features . Felt out of place and have a natural great love of my people !! I would like my D.N.A. tested I to fill it will go back very far!! My nick names growing up was nappy hair king and fuzzy wuzzy .Even though my family has been here since the 1620’s African that just arrive here except me as one of them until the here me speak !!

      • Keep loving you people, there’s a lot to love. Louis Armstrong, Billy Holiday, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh etc etc all the Soul brothers and everyone that has had to put up with the crap some white people have dished out. But hey what goes round comes around. Black and proud. Keep the faith long live Mother Africa may God bless her,

      • I have to reply to this one…

        Dude. 1. You can’t LOSE your DNA. 2. The ark replica is a REPLICA. There have been any great floods over earths history, but that Noah story was a fable.

        Please, please … Take a science class. The PEOPLE who wrote the Bible also believed the earth was flat.

      • You sound dangerously, like an atheist, if so, that would explain your analysis! People have faith in what they believe in, and whom ever they worship, whether it’s fact based, or blind faith, you may be absolutely correct in your analysis, and your research, one thing is for certain, we all will leave this place called earth one day, I’m confident, the whole truth will be revealed to all of us, until then, as for me, and my house, we’ll continue to worship the God of my father’s, the God of Abraham,
        The God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob! Shalom aleikum

      • I highly doubt that the people who wrote the Bible also believed the earth was flat. The knowledge that the planet is round has been around for countless millenia. The idea that people back then had the idea of a flat earth was constructed as Protestant propaganda against Catholic teaching. “The myth that people in the Middle Ages thought the earth is flat appears to date from the 17th century as part of the campaign by Protestants against Catholic teaching. But it gained currency in the 19th century, thanks to inaccurate histories such as John William Draper’s History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science (1874) and Andrew Dickson White’s A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom (1896).” -James Hannam.
        I don’t see you citing your sources. Take a history class.

      • No they didnt….(Isaiah 40:22) There is One who dwells above the circle of the earth,
        Its those that didnt read the bible thought the earth is flat!

  1. What if Genesis is an Allegory for creation and not a literal history? The Genesis Pattern as well as Adam and Eve are similar to many other religious and spiritual creation myths, all of which are allegories about spirit and the void.

      • Thanks Daniel… I started not to comment and allow these “monkeys” (pun intended) to continue to chase their tails. They don’t understand the circular nature of the argument proffered by these “scientists” concerning carbon dating and the like.

        They swear on science that it takes millions of years for fossils, oil and coal to form. However, there are petrified trees standing upright through coal deposits that were supposed to have taken millions of years to form… and other scientists have proven that under the right conditions oil can be produced in a matter of months rather than millions of years. Then there’s this question… it involves simple mathematics… if mankind has been here so long… using a simple equation with just a 2% growth rate… 1.) there should be far more than 7 billion people here now… and 2.) what of the billions and billions that have already died? We should be living on stacks of human bones by now!!

        Now back to your tails!

    • Eeeeeeeeehehe, no. First off, Jordan (the person who does those videos) has no basis for his claims at all. Everything he says is more facile than most religions now a days. Do some actual research.

    • The creation story is an allegory. Adam means human kind. And Adam had a wife before Eve and her name was Lillith. The bible as we know it is cobbled together of various writings that some deemed inclusive. The apocrypha of Enoch is not included and wonderfully written. Enoch is Noah’s great-grandfather and father of Methuselah. Another nugget to consider is our concept of time and the measurement of it and that counting time is a man made thing based on figuring out movement of moon, stars, earth and sun. considering we can change it willy nilly how do we really know how old earth really is or how far back this guy’s DNA goes back. Forgive typos typing on phone

    • We have living trees that date back to 9,000 years. Not only does that predate the biblical estimate of the age of the earth of 6,000 years, it shows that the flood never happened. How can a tree survive UNDER WATER for a year? Not to mention that major civilizations, like the Egyptions, were in existence BEFORE the supposed flood and yet amazing enough were NOT AFFECTED by it and there is no record of any kind of world wide flood in their historical records.

      It is likely that the formation of the Black Sea gave rise to the legend. A sea wall broke and the area that used to be a valley with a lake was flooded.

      Anyone who claims that they have found the ark is just trying to sell you something. There has been no excavations at all, only rumors that a rock formation looks like an ark. How many pieces of the “true cross” are floating around?

      • To be clear… I agree with this article and not the standard bible thumping Adam & Eve mumbo jumbo that lacks any proof but…. Just so you know there are trees that have been under water in great condition for decades. In certain parts of the US there are people who harvest these trees for profit & the longer the tree has been under water the better the money. When the minerals and mud absorb into these trees they are worth even more. There are bumpkin loggers who make hundreds of thousands of dollars every year harvesting trees from rivers, lakes and streams.

      • The bible never stated that the Earth was 6000 yrs ago, Please don’t fault the bible for the misinterpretation of faulty teachers. You will not find anywhere in the scriptures where it is said the Earth is 6000 yrs old.

      • Those trees that you’re referring to, Jennie Howell, happen to be *dead* when they’re harvested. The 9000 year old trees are still alive and growing.

      • The World Was Made Full Of Animals And Trees And Life…In 6000 Yrs (Not Implying It’s Age) Meaning It Took That Time To Get Things In Order…That Could Have Been A Million Yrs Ago, People Have A Misconception Of That….As The Bible Says “In The Beginning God Created The Heavens And The Earth” (Planet Was There…No Sun…No Life Yet) “& God Said Let There Be Light” (Implying The Earth Is Even Older Than The Sun Obviously)

        Sometimes When You Read Between The Lines Of The Bible You Can Understand Some Shit Lol For Those Who Don’t….Just Try…

      • Just curious as to where you received the info that the flood (Noah) lasted a year.
        I could be wrong, but i believe that there are only so many literal digits used in the bible. Ive never seen 365 in the bible as a number of completion. I believe that 40 days and nights is how the Bible puts it, Meaning that trees would only need to survive for little over a month, which is very possible as opposed to an entire year.

      • Glad I saw this ! For those who think there was only 7 days in the bible , remember this , days were not counted in weeks as 7 days makes week ! There were no calendars like we have now ! So ,days were continuous in that time ! yes there were 7days ,but you kept counting days as 8-9-10-11- and on and on i.e. 1000days -10,000 days ! I hope you get the point now , Or at least , I hope so ! Now , we are using the term , ” End Of Day’s ” – Not weeks , months or years !

      • Roget’s International Thesaurus Sixth Edition: issue, flow into, join with, mingle waters, greatness, increase, abundance, multitude, world, no end of, deep, full, heavy, grave, vast, infinite, spacious, godlike, perfect, plentiful, throng, multitude, horde, crowd, press, crush, flood, legion, deluge, mass, host, army, pack, colony, collection agent, bill collector, pyramid, tax man, movement, group, grouping, congregation, congress, caucus, mass meeting. Now what flood are you talking about? There are hundreds more meanings we take for granted that flood means water covered the earth, when it could mean a flood of other beings (white:) flooded the earth:)

    • There is NO scientific evidence in support of a noahs ark being found. Absolutely none. You should fact check first, there are theories and conspiracies published only by religious organizations that want to shore up their ideologies that are based on insane folklore… but theres not a single peer reviewed (or other) scientific article/data on it… not a shred.

      Also it is which… a witch is those special group of ladies that christians love to set on fire at the stake

  2. Pingback: Black Man PROVES Adam and Eve Biblical Story is...

  3. How can someone have aids and yet be healed… Through Gods intervention and healing. Thus with your example of the flood, could not of God done all these things? Could God have sown a seed that was encapsulated in a stone, that after a duration of time crumbled to reveal the seed of hope, the seed of dry land and the cleansing that was needed!

    One reason we can find it difficult making a decision is because we’re frightened of failure, scared we’ll get it wrong and make a fool out of ourselves. We need to remember that just because we may fail sometimes; it doesn’t make us a failure. Thomas Edison is believed to have had tried 50,000 experiments before he successfully invented the storage battery: that’s 49,999 failed experiments! How did he keep on going without seeing any results? When he was asked about it, Edison said, ‘Results? Why, I know 50,000 things that won’t work.’

    When the choices we make don’t produce hoped for results, we can learn from them to make better decisions in the future. This doesn’t mean we don’t need to put any thought or effort into decisions we make. Choices always come with consequences, so they matter! It’s important we recognise that we won’t make good decisions simply by flipping a coin.

    The Bible contains the very thoughts of the One who created us and knows everything about us, everything about life. In order to make consistently right choices we need to know what it says and apply it out in our life. Most of all we need to chat on a regular basis to the author because, ‘The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.

    Think about buying a Bible commentary to use alongside your Bible study. 100 Shalom’ Have a blessed week my friends…

      • Magic Johnson was diagnosed with HIV and he did in fact reach the AIDS phase of the virus. It has been years. He is still living to tell his story. There is a cure.

    • I agree that God is the ultimate healer. However, i believe that your statement is too generalized. Those who dont believe in God hear this as storytelling. There is a cure for HIV, not AIDS (which is a stage of HIV, not a virus itself) because HIV was manufactured by humans and using all of these facts along with the knowledge of God is how to teach those who dont believe. Because if you say God has healed people from aids, atheists will say those who were healed can afford the cure. And i do believe that there is a virus as well as an an antivirus, both created by man for “govt” purposes.

  4. I enjoyed your article until you went on to basically insult Christians. Now I’m confused however if you were insulting the same “Christians” whom I dislike, the ones who believe in basically white supremacy and take everything in the Bible as a literal sense and are also very hypocritical and judgmental and basically just crazy; or if you’re insulting ALL Christians, even the ones like myself who approach things with an open mind and intelligent understanding.

    Now I am quite positive that Adam and Eve were not white. There’s been much evidence to suggest they were black. Jesus was not white. Additionally, the earth is older than the Bible suggests. But everything in the Bible might not be supposed to be interpreted literally. Additionally it’s possible that things were misinterpreted in translation from several many languages.

    I believe in God, but I also would never be an ass to somebody for believing differently than I do. That’s childish and ignorant, and not a good look for anyone.

    • My insults… If you want to call it that, are directly to the people who use dogma as a tool to continue to bash an entire race of people while enforcing white supremacy.

      Believe what you like, and I’ll PROVE what I like. Your feelings about who has been insulted are inconsequential in the big scheme of things.

      You obviously have no understanding of the subjugation religion imposes on what should be rational human beings.

      Again. This is not remedial Black history facts 101 … This is a master class. If you are insulted by my bluntness …. Channel it into making a difference in your community as your Jesus would do.


      • it’s funny that your profile name is “why you mad son?” you seem to have a lot of anger-pent up inside if you. Why are you not content with simply allowing others to exist?

      • My “name” is not funny in the least. Let’s begin with the fact that it is not a name, but a question. A question everyone should ask themselves daily. The quest for knowledge of self, the ability to ask and answer the tough questions for yourself is not a joke in this day and age.

        To answer your question it is OTHERS who do not allow me to simply exist. Your question alone challenges my existence, seeking to diminish the importance of what has been laid out.

        You aren’t seeking knowledge here, you are seeking to antagonize. Nothing you have written is in response to the article nor does it add to the discussion.

        And understand, I am telling you this completely devoid of emotion. I am simply answering your question and showing you how elementary your assessment is at the same time.

        If you want to speak on names, speak on yours and yours only.

      • I myself am a Christian who believes in letting people do them. I don’t force feed the Bible down people’s throats. I don’t condemn them to hell for have beliefs that differ from mine. Nor do I judge them for the decisions they make in their lives we all have to be held accountable for our own selves. My walk with God should be message enough, I don’t have to scream at a Christian to the world. We all die at the end of the day what God you worship is your business. But don’t bash all Christians because we aren’t all hypocrites.

      • Her views may be inconsequential to you. Your words are inconsequential, disrespectful, and downright belligerent to every Christian who believes. No one is bashing you for what you believe, but if they are, you have proven yourself to be just as guilty. Why should we be disrespected based on our beliefs? There truly IS a right way to voice your opinions, especially since we are all entitled to have one.

      • Now you do know that you can skewe facts to support anything you like, correct? If you believe in something strongly you will be able to justify it with anything because you then cease being objective.

      • Those are not insults, just disclaimers to weed out those that feel a need to visit sites that have nothing to do with religion and spout off at the mouth about the bible and a magical Jewish zombie! Trust me it’s a LOT more common than you think!

    • Here lies one of the big problems with religious people – the devout vs the moderates. In other words, you’re either a person who reads the bible and follows what it says (devout) or you’re someone who ignores most of it but cherry picks the seemingly nice bits, imagines the rest and calls them self a Christian (moderate).

      Why should anyone worry about offending people who are only half-arsed about their religion to begin with? What right do they have to whine about being offended, when the original supposedly offensive comments were clearly aimed at true believers who believe in their bible? Why do half-arsed christians who don’t really believe in most of it always step in to take the bullet on behalf of the devout?

      If you just simply “believe in a god” then that’s a personal comfort blanket for you which has nothing to do with any religions. So when Madmen talked about Christians and bible thumpers, he clearly wasn’t talking about you.

      • That was an excellent response and i’m not religious in the least but ur devoutness and understanding of your position are respectable

      • What right do you have to place everyone who calls themselves Christians in the same categorical box? Humans are humans before anything else. No one is perfect, including TRUE Christians. I disagree with you. Of course there are people impersonating Christians, impostors are everywhere. However, an open mind will allow you to see beyond those “christians” who are not true. But to generalize all Christians as hypocrites, basically, is like saying all Catholic priests are gay men who sexually abuse children. Obviously, both of these faulty ideas are discriminatory and narrow minded.

      • jesus christ was never photographed nor is there any known portraits of him. the only consistent report about him is that he was a man. like nobody ever claims jesus christ was a woman. now, why is this? through all of human time its men who have done most of the war mongering and raping of the women. if this is so then jesus christ himself supposing to be the son of god has caused allot more war mongering. it seems to me that there is something really fishy about mother mary being so involved with her own sons experiences from immaculate conception and during his crucifixion and resurrection. there is virtually nothing otherwise mentioned about her participating in his life. most other famous male personages don’t have any stories about their mothers. like who knows what budda’s mothers name was etc. etc. etc.? yet mother mary is worshipped to this very day just as her son is, minus any kind of woman wisdom she may have spoken of. this is the standard ass male exclusion of woman from historical records. like man history is important but woman history is not even worth mentioning.

    • The idea tha Afrikaans was the cradle of civilized humanity and evidence of bones dating back 4million years is evidence enough however our stories are hidden in our myths the facts were destined to be discovered humanity are descendent of AfafRayaKau (Afrikaans) the bible calls ethiopians cushites the Egyptians story been supposedly edited to suit the authors views noah story is similar to Sumerian story of great deluge name nuAkh or utnafishtim the story of old testament has Hindu stories Abraham was brahma spell backward the God tammuz can be found who was the appointed yahweh over mortals the Jesus story was the drama of Ausir or osiris who died and resurrected his son of God is heru all these facts found by a renown scholar master teacher Atum-re

    • Agreed. Everyone’s beliefs are equally valid & therefor, should be equally respected.

      I believe the Magical Great Pumpkin who lives in the “Heavenly Cosmic Inter-dimensional Pumpkin Patch” created us & the entire universe. People make fun of me for believing something so stupid. I say “Wait til you die & go to the Cosmic Inter-dimensional Heavenly Pumpkin Patch!” Then we’ll see who’s stupid!!

      Then there’s the ridiculous arguments like… “If the Magical Great Pumpkin is real, then how I can’t see him?” Honestly, I hate having to repeat & explain the obvious… If something was actually Magical you probably wouldn’t be able to see it! DUH! The fact that no one has ever seen the Magical Great Pumpkin just proves my point even more!

      • All beliefs are not correct,, I know there are people who think ( Hmm blieve ) the bible is written for white’s ( Dumbass King James the pedophile ). The Orginal Book and i am not about give out the name because it is Most Sacred , was written by and for Black People to be taught to all , but of course that never happened . Fortunetly or Unfortuetly , there are set asides for all beliefs and many will go to these places and find that’s not where they want to be, especially those who are haters, greedy, materialistic , sex offenders , murderers and the list goes on and on based solely on ones belief system. They will remain in these realms until it’s decided to remove the illusion and force to experience a completly new belief. Time is not involved here or rather there ! I could say more beyond this , but I won’t !

  5. I do not know you (the owner of, I’ve never been here before, and haven’t had time to look around much beyond this article….. BUT. Your 3-paragraph “Editor’s Note” is wonderful! Thank you for stating it so clearly.

      • Very interesting post . The Infinite World of Science vs A Book Of Wisdom . . . Peace to all of us on this “journey” to hope and understanding . . I see the method to your madness, and I find it funny how the “facts” you the editor brought to this post , backed your “opinion” and instead of this argument enlightening people , they just seem to question your motives to the research you’ve chosen to share , thank you for this “piece” of history that I am able to place into my timeline . . . . and further . . . search . . .

        also , people like me believe in truth .

        no one knows what the future beholds .

  6. It’s strange people spend alot of time and energy trying to disprove something that they say is not real. If God, The Bible, Adam, Eve, or any of it not real how come you keep talking about it. I don’t talk about anything that I don’t believe in.

    • Samantha. I am not talking about something I “don’t believe” in. I am defending myself and other free thinking people AGAINST it.

      There is a difference child. In the future, never speak about something you don’t understand or can’t grasp contextually as you have done here.

      Be quiet, listen and learn.


      • So what exactly DO you believe? Explain yourself, rather than be condescending and rude to people who give you time of day to even come read this. I don’t mean to be “all up in your tea”, but you seem like an angry person. I am AWAKE, please enlighten me.

      • I believe I do not have to explain myself to anyone at any time. If you read the article, you have my stance. If you don’t like it, move on. I am not here to entertain you.

        You are not important enough in the big scheme of anything for anyone to have to answer to you about anything for any reason.


      • I dont beleive in the bible at all a book passed down for generations by humans and has never once been altered? Bull it has been altered to push prople even more its another test. The only thing god wants is for you to treat other people with respect and not talk down to them with the condescending tone you do like you are a god among men

      • You are so condescending it is hard to listen to things you have to say! You want to teach? You can not teach someone you belittle because they will not be able to get passed you ugliness! If someone doesn’t agree with you, they are beyond reproach? I tend to agree with the previous poster questioning your anger. What has any person on this post done to you to deserve your ire? You might get more discussion and less combativeness if you didn’t act as if you are the most intelligent and only correct person in the room and are bothered by anyone offering a different idea. Trying to convince us otherwise by saying you are not mad and ending your reply with peace is not working. I like the give and take of the discussion, so why ruin it with personal attacks or rudeness?

    • The problem is that people like you keep talking about it. And then you don’t stop talking about it. And then people who actually use their brains for more than happy pretend time on Sundays, have to listen to a constant crazy babble and are forced to treat you as rational thinking adults with an opinion that is potentially valid. You can’t prove your book. Sorry. And we’d prefer not to hear about it. So please keep it in your pants.

      • He is not “talking” about it. He has posted an article and is responding to messages people are typing to him. You came here of your own free will, read the article, read the comments and decided to type a reply of your own……..and yet you claim you “don’t want to hear about it”?!

        You’re not making the slightest bit of sense.

      • If you never explain yourself how do we know where you coming from son??? its clear you are an angry little man with something to prove. What amazes me is the hidden agenda making us fight one another that gets ignored everyday. Everyone, this is how the NWO works. Most people think like WYMS and I feel sorry for them and the world in general…having to share this place with them takes extreme patience. They all need wake up. Yes; the USA and most parts of the world are under a form of evolved Nazi psychological warfare. They’re known by many names, Freemasons, Bilderbergers, NWO, Club of Rome, Illuminati, Neonatzism, eugenics, trans-humanists…..If you don’t know this by now then meet your new zombie friend…cuz its YOU! Want to talk about real issues instead of who was here first? How about exerting some of that energy for the common good of enlightening people about the ongoing religious, political, and gender (pitting sexes against each other; and destroying the family unit…*NOT feminism*) wars going on now under our noses. Oh, that’s right everyone is beneath you and NOT worthy. You say no one deserves an answer from you on your belief, however I believe you dont have an answer and you are afraid to admit it. To anyone who gives a shit whether Adam and Eve existed or Jesus was black/white, by concerning yourself with this matter, you are revealing yourself as a hypocrite or “closet racist”. This is what the NWO promotes: SEPERATION. Everyone is entitled to there own beliefs and thats what makes us different. Embrace it. What a horrible and boring world this would be if we were all the same.

        Maybe you should watch the Twilight Zone “The Mind and The Matter” because you and Mr. Beechcroft would get along very well.

    • OH GOODNESS… I can’t fathom the ignorance of that comment?????? Because that is the nature of science and progress. It attempts to understand the world correctly and truthfully through testing and EVIDENCE. Science doesn’t make things up, it is constantly aiming to refute and understand. Religion rules a lot of peoples lives and it is just an ideology of belief that belongs with other folklore. But by many it is put forward as the only way to understand the world… science tests it as a theory and checks the evidence to see what is supported and valid and what is not.

      • Shannon, one thing you are forgetting about science is that if a theory or portion thereof cannot be proven, the author then gives his opinion in hopes of support. If we choose to disagree with all or part of a theory, our opinion is just as relevant. How many theories have been proven wrong over time? That does not mean that person was ignorant, only that they were trying to verify a belief with some bit of supporting evidence available at the time. Theories are relative to what is available at the time of supposition.

  7. Some people with power in the church said the earth was flat, God and the Bible state no such thing. Also, Adam and Eve could have been black, or purple, or green, or what ever. Doesn’t matter. There will always be people who twist the Bible. And there are things that God teaches that are his way and not the worlds, which will mean that a non-believer will not grasp. And even find ways to be repulsed. There are no fables in the Bible. There is only truth. Our lack of ability to grasp the divine is not that much different that scienctist not being able to know everything about space. Our minds can only grasp so much. Doesn’t make us right, no matter how smart we think we are.

    • David take the Gospel according to Mathew as truth and the words of Jesus Christ, Question everything else apart from the commandments that strangely have been edited.

  8. I appreciate your bluntness and I think you are right that religion subjugates what ought to be rational human beings in appalling ways akin to the self-destructiveness illustrated in ‘The Happening’ starring Zoey Deschanel and Mark Wahlberg, a frightening movie if there ever was one, and which is a brilliant allegory of the type of disease fundamentalist religion is when it wafts over and possesses the human mind. I understand why some may think you were insulting but in the light of the urgency of preserving rationality among a critical mass of the population I’d say it’s allowed; believers’ rudeness is definitely unacceptable and runs amok in too many places on the internet. Much love to you, madman. One of my country’s iconic singers, David Rudder, has a song called ‘Madman’s rant’ which denounces our nation’s sick romance with denial…Hope you look it up, and nice to meet you.

  9. Thanks for sharing the discovery. And more so, your knowledge and ability to answer the questions posted by some commentators is greatly appreciated. It’s a pity some people still want us to accept the contradictry biblical stories, just because they are christians. We are saying that the biblical stories promotes dogmatism and slavery, yet some people still want us to buy the ideas that has brought pains and sufferings in the life of man. If Adam and Eve ever existed, sure they were blacks. My ancestors were the first to thread the planet earth, nobody should argue that, since we have the living evidence all over the planet. Blacks is the only race you can naturally find in every corner of the globe. Where you dont find this evidence today are places where the blacks had been racially and wickedly extincted. The stories in the bible are all man made, fake, misleading, slavery and oppression oriented. I studied bible as a subject from the age of six to twenty. So i know the book very well.

    • I have a question. If we are all from Africa and blacks are found everywhere, how is it that slavery exisited? It seems to me that you would be greater in numbers so how is it that slavery was possible. Also, if we are all from black descent, can you please explain how why we all look the way we do? I just find this far fetched.


      • This site is getting crazier..LoL….News Flash , the majority of earth population is 92% Non- White <— so -called . So who's the real minorty ? Everyone has been a slave to some one else . Read up on world history regarding slave history . White's were slaves to black 's 1st. . I 've always thought slavery was a good Idea . A lot of people were in fact enslaved by their own kind . Did you know that slavery still exist today ? That includes White, Black, Red , Yellow and all other mixtures if you prefer. We all Human Being and we need to start looking at each that way , Period !

    • God is real, He is Alpha and Omega. We are to blame not him. What you studied may not be all true. And some who represent him are not true either. “I do not know who you are” God is not the Hypocrite Man is.

  10. I actually don’t find the article surprising at all. Adam and Eve is often interpreted as a metaphor describing humanities change from Hunter Gatherer to Agrarian. Besides, the bible never explains the dinosaurs, unless you factor in the “replenish the earth” line in Genesis 1:28 which makes it sound like something was here before and Adam and Eve were a “do over”.

    • BINGO! “Re-plenish” was also used after the great flood. Meaning “some peopl were here, I killed them all, now start over and put them back.” Since Eve can’t produce dinosaurs, there must’ve been people. Or else, where did the folks come from who Cain was afraid of when God kicked him out of the Garden of Eden? Or how did Cain find a wife in the land of Nod AFTER he was kicked out of the garden? By the bible’s own reading, Adam and Eve were not first……

  11. White folks have been calling black people, monkeys, gorillas and apes for centuries. Now a scientist says a black man has primate DNA and black people are happy? I guess there is some honor in being first, even if the claim to fame is first animal to walk upright.

    • Nicole: while your observation is humorous, it is completely incorrect. The study at no point refers to “primates” as you suggested. It dates it back along with the oldest known HUMAN fossils. When they said “tree” they didn’t mean a tree found in a forest from which primates swing.

      Please employ your reading comprehension skills to fully understand the content..

      To wit : “We report the discovery of an African American Y chromosome that carries the ancestral state of all SNPs that defined the basal portion of the Y chromosome phylogenetic tree. We sequenced ∼240 kb of this chromosome to identify private, derived mutations on this lineage, which we named A00. We then estimated the time to the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) for the Y tree as 338 thousand years ago (kya) (95% confidence interval = 237–581 kya). Remarkably, this exceeds current estimates of the mtDNA TMRCA, as well as those of the age of the oldest anatomically modern human fossils. The extremely ancient age combined with the rarity of the A00 lineage, which we also find at very low frequency in central Africa, point to the importance of considering more complex models for the origin of Y chromosome diversity. These models include ancient population structure and the possibility of archaic introgression of Y chromosomes into anatomically modern humans. The A00 lineage was discovered in a large database of consumer samples of African Americans and has not been identified in traditional hunter-gatherer populations from sub-Saharan Africa. This underscores how the stochastic nature of the genealogical process can affect inference from a single locus and warrants caution during the interpretation of the geographic location of divergent branches of the Y chromosome phylogenetic tree for the elucidation of human origins.”

      • “Our analysis indicates this lineage diverged from previously known Y chromosomes about 338,000 ago, a time when anatomically modern humans had not yet evolved,”. This black man has a biological link to a time before anatomically modern humans evolved. That would mean he has primate DNA.

      • Again. I get what you are saying, but understand comparing something new to something that previously existed is not calling them one and the same. To simplify it further: man and primate have lived side by side longer than what was previously discovered. This is the interpretation of the scientific language presented in the article. At no point does it infer this man evolved from apes or primates… Sorry. This is pure science and you can’t call racism or “white folk brainwashing” on this one.

        Sometimes, science WILL trump bigotry and prejudice. …

        Walk good. Peace.

      • Oh. Side note .. The oldest linage is the Mbo of Camaroon… That was the lineage he was referring to… Not primates. Research and get past what you want to see. He also said that it is possible you will find additional sequencing of African AND non-African descent. That sounds pretty inclusive … Don’t you think? Everything is not an agenda by “the man “. Take a breath… Breathe… And reflect. You will find that if you do, when you speak, it will be from a place devoid of agenda and based in logic.


      • Well from my understanding, which might be incorrect, it simply said “anatomically modern humans” which I interpret as not being what we are today. In no where in this article does it say his DNA show his ancestors were descended from apes. With that being said however, I personally believe in evolution, and do think HUMANS were evolved from something. In this case it’s primates, and if you look at the characteristics of what makes a primate a primate we fit the bill. Get the chip off your shoulder, don’t knock scientific evidence because the racist white people said it.

        But, I do think this was a great article. Unfortunately, some people will not accept it, and continue believing their strict fundamentalist views. Or they will read out of context and not grasp the full information.

      • Lol blogs like this amaze me. I’m thinking to myself why I’m even responding to such a poorly written argument such as this. It seems to me that you are the kind of person who values empirical data. You relate to and abide by the”is it testable and is it falsifiable” rule. Are you even a scientist? To me you sound like some undergraduate sociologist who read a few Durkheim articles and tries to use your free thinking skills to argue with notions of the bible. I doubt you are a scientist because a scientist would not write such a poorly written and biased article. With that being said, your opinions are indeed misguided. I’m glad you have data suggesting your argument. However, you cannot compare empirical data and the standard normalities of science with pseudoscience. It is not possible. In order for you to compare the DNA from the man with DNA from adam or Eve, you need the DNA from Adam or Eve! This information will never be obtainable. You can make educated guesses or theories, however that is it. As a scientist you are very limited. I am a biochemist. The longer I have studied science, the more belief I have in a God. There are so many intricacies of our bodies and how are cells and organic matter intertwine in just the right fashion. It is hard to not believe in a God. If you would like for me to further elaborate any of my dilute supporting sentences then I would be glad to. The reason why I am responding to this is because your misguided knowledge is affecting people who have no background knowledge of science. These people are sharing your argument on Facebook.

  12. Adam & Eve _was_ a do-over — Adam’s first partner was created in exactly the same way he was, as an original being, according to the part of the Jewish writings that were cut from the Christian bible; but, as she had autonomy and her own will, well, that just didn’t work out for the so-called ancestor of humanity, so Lilith was banished and Eve was extracted from Adam. And she was such a prize, she got him in trouble and his binky taken away, and it was aaaaall her fault…

    I still laugh my butt off over that, in a razorblade kinda way. It says so much about the underlying hatred of the Other in the Levantine religions — that is, anything Other than dominant-race, ruling-class male. They so desperately need someone to loathe and to blame.

  13. First of all great piece. I’m wondering though what the longer term ramifications are of this discovery. I know previously there was some talk that being able to find more of the y chromosome divergences across the planet would help us better understand the evolutionary chain that created modern humans. Seem like we could unlock more of the missing bits of human existence by finding out more from this man’s DNA.

    • Go speak to some of our ancestors in Africa, they already know the truth and they live in villages. They have a tree that represents it. Yo bro I’m your white distant. Cuz Its about time other white folks start to realise this. Peace

      • Right ON Brother ! the christian religion was stolen was Stolen from African Spiritually ! Example , Jesus is a Figmentation, ( transfiguration) of Heru / horus !. Mary his mother is Figmentation ( transfiguration ) of Isis / Asp ! Joseph is a ( transfiguration ) o Osiris /Asar ! And last but least :God ” is a Figmentation ( transfiguration ) Amon Ra /Atum ! This is why I follow the Oral Histories ( The Speakers were trained to teach/preach the oral histories Verbatim so that there would be No Misunderstanding o rmisinterpretations ) The so-called christian bible is Gross subjected to Misinterpretations like the christian preachers still do up until today. versions which are grossly ! Do any of you the True Origin of the word ” Christ ? I’ve that only a Very Very few Know ? It’s Not What you’ve Misled to believe ( <— I refrain from using that word believe and belief 's as much as possible !

  14. SInce we are composed of atoms, perhaps this was the beginning. And as this, we are all the same. Adam and Eve are just a mediaeval fairy tale. That point where man ate the apple from the tree of life – from which it came- and decided that a mind as a picture of knowledge and information was more than the very fabric and substance of physical reality is the reflection of the point of separation from equality and oneness to ourselves as life.

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  16. Humans have very little capability of being rational. The author of this article does a good job in positioning themselves in the side of reason, but the post was very emotionally charged. The author is just as biased as the Christians he or she bashes.

    Science is not objective. Math, physics, chemistry, and grammar are objective. Since science involves math, physics, and chemistry people automatically assume it’s objective. But when we start calculating things we can’t observe, a lot of assumptions go into play. Science is subjective due to the assumptions and premises used to make the mathematical calculations such as date of trees, fossils, rocks, etc. How do you think the age of the oldest tree you mentioned was derived? Well, most likely through Carbon-14 testing. They didn’t count the rings in the tree. And even then it has been established that trees can grow multiple rings in a span of one year. So let’s say I manually counted the number of rings in a tree and it came up to 110,000 rings. Even then I can’t conclude that this tree is 110,000 years old unless I assume that this tree never grew more than one ring in a year.

    My point is that underlying science and all these mathematical calculations are a lot of assumptions. Many of the assumptions used have even been proven false over time. But that doesn’t stop people from believing their conclusions and that’s where faith comes in with science.

    At the end of the day it is difficult to change someone’s mind from what they want to believe. The author wants to believe that he/she is rational because they don’t believe the Adam and Eve story. A scientific discovery (that will probably be debunked in a few years due to newer discoveries and assumptions) is used to support their claim of being rational. This is a classic case of I’m right and you’re wrong. I’m smart and you’re not. My friends, this is not rationality but emotionality at its finest. No worries, that is where 99.9% of humans fall.

    • As a trained scientist, you CAN twist science to say exactly the conclusion you are seeking. It has been done thousands of times. Science is not objective. Many atheists love to hail science as the end all be all but their rational thinking requires faith in the person doing the research and the methods they use. Since most atheists form belief based on scientific papers, it becomes their Bible. In science, there are many ideas that are challenged and proven incorrect. If someone gets a result in the lab, many will attempt the same experiment following the same methods. They will get the same result. Soon that is considered ‘ Truth ‘ until someone questions the sample size, original premise or conditions of the experiment. The result is a change in science which makes it just as subjective as the Christians they attempt to have the rational authority over. When you have real scientific knowledge you know that you are only working with the latest information available and that is subject to change.

      • Fact : We’re all One ! I don’t care what science or even what the bible says . There’s been a lot of transfiguration where the Bible is concerned ! I do my best to transliterate that which has been transfigurated in the bible by the likes of that pediphiole , incestrial ,rapist and a few other names , King James . And then , there’s William Tyndale who hated rich people so much , he icluded his own spin / slant in bible versus like ; A rich man has about as much chance of getting into heaven then a Camel going through theeye of a needle , lillies of the field and other stuff/ versions he put in the bible . Aww , there’s also William Shakspeare and others who also poluted the bible with their inputs/inclusions/versus ! Now, as for scientist , espciallty the ones of european descendancy ,they do and will try to fit a round peg into a much smaller square hole. Them boyz can lie their asses off to prove a point and discredit others ! Hotep ! Hahoo ! Amen !

      • jperez, that is what I was saying in my previous response to Shannon even if your reply was more eloquent.

    • Point well taken @glove138. I may not be as eloquent in writing…but this is exactly what was rattling around in my head. Who can irrefutably state that what they purport is factual in these matters. I tend to wonder who established this fact? What method did they use? It’s a fact or truth because you read or “researched” someone else’s data. I’m in no position to make a determination of what’s right and what’s wrong. I think the universe of knowledge is so expanse and fluid, I would not dare. I do enjoy the musings of alert minds sharing information and ideas. Refreshing. 🙂

  17. The Bible clear states REPLENISH the earth which means it must have been plenish (filled) before…as someone say earlier everything in the bible isn’t meant to be fully understood by us and a lot was probably lost in translation…hence the earth probably is older then what people interpret the bible to say.

    GEN 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

    • Its clear if you read it, Just doesn’t go into great detail. The bible never said the earth wasn’t old. How old do you think God is “Alpha and Omega”” I am That I am”. Hebrews explain it better. I just wish they would start to recognise Jesus. He will forgive.
      ” Forgive them lord for they know not what they go” Mighty words from someone who’s just been crucified.

  18. 63:6.8 Onagar was born 983,323 years ago (from A.D. 1934), and he lived to be sixty-nine years of age. The record of the achievements of this master mind and spiritual leader of the pre-Planetary Prince days is a thrilling recital of the organization of these primitive peoples into a real society. He instituted an efficient tribal government, the like of which was not attained by succeeding generations in many millenniums. Never again, until the arrival of the Planetary Prince, was there such a high spiritual civilization on earth. These simple people had a real though primitive religion, but it was subsequently lost to their deteriorating descendants.

  19. Interesting article. I know you said you don’t believe in white Jesus, neither do I. But Jesus of Nazareth is in the same historical documentation you’ve found much of your other info. He wasn’t a meek symbol of peace but rather a revolutionary; like MLK and Malcolm. Well documented history proves that, not the fairy tales in the bible. They hung him on a cross when he opposed the Roman rule. He hung beside two other rebels of the law, they turned him into a symbol of peace to keep the people from revolting and that’s why we have white Jesus today.

    • Yeh. I don’t think revolting’s the right word more like threatening. Jesus was a Jew so he would of had an Arabic skin tone. Certainly not white, colour or race would not have mattered to Jesus, only what was in your heart.

  20. I believe in the science of this Article however the oldest misconception is that the is Bible an account of Adam and Eve’s historical record as the Very FIRST! Man and Woman…

    That is NOT so Gen 1:26 – 30 clear shows that God created several humans on Earth that multiplied and was fruitful. Adam is ONE Man that was created to tend to his Garden (Eden). The Bible even speaks of other people on earth at the time of Adam and Eve (Look up Land of Nod Gen 4:16) That is where Cain went to settle after been banished from his family. Now logic tells us that IF Adam and Eve were the first two and only people on Earth the following couldn’t be possible. 1) Cain fearful that if he left his fathers land someone would kill him (who?) 2) When he settled in Nod he found a wife to marry… (where did she come from?)

    I say all that to say this the science doesn’t disprove the Bible’s account of Adam and Eve because it is reasonable to assume through the scriptures there were people already living on earth. For how long the Bible doesn’t say… but why should it? The Bible isn’t the history of Mankind… it is the story of God’s Chosen people. Their beginning, their ups and downs, their fall from grace, and their redemption through Christ. The scriptures says a wise man adds to his wisdom I for one would like to be a wise man, being biased to knowledge is never the way to go. You just need to be able to discern what you are taking in as truth or fiction. I appreciate this article. Thank you.

    • Now you have added the most intelligent comment to this blog thus is a story that he wanted us to know surely it was not chronicling every dot or tittle in mans existence but yet it was divinely inspired ,..all these scientifically correct,agnostics,atheists or whatever have so much to say about God whether he existed,whether he didnt,but did you ever once seek his presence? He sais stand at the door an d knock I will answer ….you wouldnt have to sit and debate his existance…I sought the Lord for myself years ago,,and found him to be a true living miracle I cant stan d for ppl to say Christians are lying, theyre crazy etc..yet they believe in paranormal..ive only experience with ghost was the Holy Ghost an d im glad about it..hope this helps somebody….good morning

    • He didn’t say there was other Man either. A pretty obvious mistake, also people lived to 900 years old so clearly it was a bit different. Egyptians had incestuous relations, so no reason this did not occur. Also sex with fallen angels. Anyone trying to do the math is wasting their time, found any giants yet. I think Genesis and the old testament is somewhat condensed and a distant past. Look at all the information in the last 3000 years of history, physically impossible.Truth or Fiction? Most definitely, trust the spirit,not the letter.

  21. well the holy quran confirms the story of the first two people and sodid hitler he knew how in that secon creation how God almighty had did it and so he wanted to do it to in order to rid the black race of his gens.he wantedto purify hisrace by going back to practice of sleeping with his children his mother brother sisters and family that’s how God almighty permited in that secon creation

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  23. The truth is out there, but so many people don’t see it or try to understand it. Science and religion are not at odds with each other. Jesus said “you cannot drive out a demon with another demon” in other words you can’t split an atom of air to find a atom of a tree”. If science was anti-god then all of it would be a sin, which makes no sense. Everything from clothes to a toothbrush would be evil. But of course it’s not.
    It’s this was aethiest really, really believe that if they can just fund the right scientific theroum then they could finally prove that God doesn’t exist, like Santa Clause!
    But..that’s impossible. You can’t prove that God doesn’t exist. But Christians can prove that he does! It’s a age old test. In the Bible God exist through miracles, and nature. The catalyst of which can never be disproven.
    But atheist want so badly to show that your belief is fake! Prove it they say..jump from a building as ask God to make you fly! But that test has been debunked many times and…’s in the bible.
    Here is the truth.. Read the bible to see God. Don’t read a except on the web about Noah and the Flood . Don’t delve into Jonah and the fish. Read the tales and see if you find meaning in your life. See if you find strength in its words. You’ll find the truth there.
    This story doesn’t change anything. Who’s timeline is this referring to ? What verse in the bible does it say “338,891” years ago god created blacks ? It doesn’t . There is no timeline in Genessis. It does not say. “Go back 6,000 years and it all started”
    It says “in the beginning there was darkeness” that could mean the beginning of time and commencing to the Big Bang. A time period that could take 1 day or 100 billion years. the beginning of time those 100 billion years could be seen as 1 day if so because it was the start of time .
    Discovering a gene from 400,000 years ago and referencing it as evidence that Adam and Eve did not exist is primitive. For example.. If 19 million years ago there was a first man and woman then those first two would be the genetic predecessors of all mankind. But such an occurrence had to occur in order for our species to occur.
    In essence the bible is factual and scientifically sound. You can argue the merits of he resurrection and if God exist. But you can’t argue that Jesus was born, died and rise again. Because these are facts. There is recorded evidence that he existed, that the Romans killed and crucified him, and that hundreds of people witnessed him walking around in multiple locations three days after he was killed. Check out LEE STROBEL to see the scientific evidence for these occurrences and many others.
    In essence , mostly when you ask aethiest about their true awareness of God, they aren’t much more educated then “Sunday Christians” in that they let others do the heavy lifting intellectually and do very little true investigating on their own accord. Or use half understood principles to explain complicated scenarios that actually defy their own logic.
    Finding genes from 400,000 years to a Pygmy tribe in sub Saharan Africa does not a case for the non- existence of God or Adam or Eve.

    And lastly.. Who cares if they are black? Truthfully Jesus was a Jew. So was David and most or all the Old Testament. It doesn’t matter what their race was. In the new testament Jesus himself says that where you come from matters not. That the Jews are not special to The Lord and that he dies for all sins. This whole case for a black Jesus is as important as finding a black pair of socks as opposed to dark grey. It’s something old black people say to give their existence meaning in a time when being black meant you had no pride or glory. But we as black people have both. Jesus does not have to black to have being black have meaning.

    Read the truth yourself and spend time making your own decisions , if you do you may be surprised how much of the truth has actually been out there for centuries.

  24. Yo, this is amazing. Now let us all remember that… Just as the Gorilla does not share the same DNA as a Spider Monkey. So Ur is for humans. Yet, Man and his kind are in denial to the facts that they are an advanced form of talking, upright walking and thinking Ape. Yeah… U heard me. The highest form of Primate. But because of racial stigma many So-called Black people get angry at the suggestion instead of embracing the Idea with Pride. Niggaz iz Apes and Crackers iz Lizard People or Serpent People. Now Letz Get Our Monkey On with this Battle Cry… P.O.T.A. = PLANET OF THA APES. LMFOA but I’m serious tho.

  25. really….338,000 years..??……ha…what a laugh…were you here 338,000 years ago….?…you are such an idiot….the earth is no older than 12,000 or 13,000 years at most based upon god who said that a day to him is but a 1000 years to us…

    2Pe 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day…

    when god said he said he made the earth in 6 days….he is referring to either 6 1000 year days……or 6 literal days…….the general consensus is that he made the earth in 6 literal days…based upon the verses that says…..

    “and the evening and the morning were the first day”..genesis 1:5

    including the…2nd day….3rd day etc…..which means the earth is no older than 6000 years…..being that the jewish calendar is now at 5774….and very interestingly….all history goes back just a little less than 6000 years…..there is no history or record of man before that time….plain and simple…..all this millions and millions of years back… made up and pure conjecture… is just as stupid as it is idiotic……….oh and by the way….

    adam and eve was not black….but were a reflection of god’s own glory…inside the heart and outwardly of the body…..god’s glory is of brilliance and light…not darkness…..I dont think the color black is a direct reflection of a superior being who is of bright light…to which his children are a reflection of darkness….and outward righteousness……it is a contradiction of expression…especially during a period when there was no sin….the darkness of skin tone came after sin was injected into the world and into the hearts of humanity….thus the reflection of man’s true nature became evident in the various colors of skin tones as it was expressed after adam and eve… their offspring……..

    • Gene Corpus, you repeatedly claim that the author could not possibly know what happened hundreds of thousands of years ago, yet your proof that he doesn’t know what he is talking about is to quote a compendium of writings that were written starting with Moses who died just about 3,300 years ago. I really don’t understand how you can infer that Moses, the main force behind the Pentateuch, had any more proof or grasp of the beginnings of earth and humanity than you or I do–we’re still talking about several thousand years if you go with the fundamentalist Christian creationist understanding.

      If Moses had some special evidence at hand, a way to peer back as an eyewitness, and furthermore correct the errors and political agendas inherent to oral history, I can go with that–but he had no more evidence than we do–at least he and his followers don’t refer to where their special knowledge comes from in compiling the Pentateuch. Unfortunately, we are relying on the absolute righteousness and apolitical attitude of one man living in ancient Egypt for all of our understanding of how the world began according to Genesis. You know very well that Moses was not even close to righteous…he fled Egypt as a murderer. We are relying this single guy being divinely inspired by God, and we are trusting that he and his scribes were divinely inspired just because you say he was.

      How many pastors, preachers, and priests have you heard of who are supposedly acting/speaking on behalf of God, ordained as holy men, who turn out to be manipulators, thieves, or molesters? I realize than not all ordained ministers fall into this devilish category, however, a percentage do and therefore that calls into question just how genuine the supposed transformational power of Jesus is, how much authority and purity that the Bible is actually written with. You can’t trust a man just because he claims to be passing on the word of God–it’s actually those people that you really need to steer clear of. These people live and thrive on stroking your ego and security buttons, while also demanding that you live in fear, shame and victim-hood. WAKE UP.

    • Your either an Impolite Jew(singular) or Christian who doesn’t recall what Jesus said about calling people fools, especially without good reason. Time is of no consequence to God. Identifying sin by skin colour makes me puke, if your white ass or mine is free of sin I’m prepared to eat shit and that I ain’t. Oh gene corpus sounds like shit to me.


    Old Testament theology talks in the language of man, but it is possible to maintain faith in the validity of the Bible and also to accept that a creature almost identical to humans, did exist prior to Adam and eve. Both scientific and religious traditions are systems of thought that seek the truth. Science seeks the truth by evaluating interactions observed in our physical world. Religion bases its search for truth within knowledge believed to have been attained by revelation. And both can be demanding. Maimonides who lived during 1135 – 1204 c.e., also known as the Rambam said, “If you find a conflict between science and Torah, the problem is that you don’t understand the science or you don’t understand the Torah, but there can’t be a conflict between the two”.

    Homorectus, the species to which Peking man belonged, made its appearance 1.5 to 2 million years ago. And these creatures except for the shortened forehead had features so similar to modern humans that they could pass unnoticed in a crowded street.

    However, mankind and his predecessors, although physically related, are not connected by a spiritual line of evolution, homosapiens roamed the Earth for some 300,000 years, prior to the appearance of mankind. The Neanderthals appear to have started burying their dead 100,000 years ago and their fossil remains as well as those of the more recent Cro-Magnon became increasingly similar in shape to human beings as time progressed. And based on the position of the larynx of these creatures, it is evident that articulate speech had been possible, since the size of the cranial cavity, from which brain size is estimated, has not changed much in Homosapiens for the past 100,000 years. But neither the Neanderthal nor the Cro-Magnon evolved into human beings.

    But does mankind’s history really stretch back a million years, or even several tens of thousands of years? A strictly literal view of the Bible would say No! To the literalist, there was no prehistoric man. Adam was the first man and he was formed some 5774 years ago from the dust of the Earth. (Gen. 2: 7).

    Maimonides in his Guide for the Perplexed makes a remarkable comment. In the time of Adam, he writes, there coexisted animals that appeared as humans in shape and also in intelligence but lacked the “IMAGE” that makes man uniquely different from other animals, beings as in the “IMAGE” of G-d.

    Nahmanides, another great sage who lived during 1194- 1270 c.e., known as the Ramban also makes some remarkable comments on Gen. 2: 7, also with reference to Gen. 1:20 and 1:24, where he describes, “the sequential first appearances of aquatic life and the terrestial animal life”. He also adds that prior to attaining the unique attribute of mankind, the animal that was to become man had both the physical structure and the power of perception of a human. Only when this was accomplished was the spirit of G-d, the NESHAMAH, breathed into him. This Neshamah, placed in mankind by G-d, was the last act in the making and creating of mankind.

    So, as can be seen, the existence of pre-Adam animals with shapes and intellect similar to humans was discussed hundreds, if not thousands, of years ago by biblical sages, just as it has been discussed by archaeologists during the past hundred years.

    All animals received a life-giving spirit, a NEFESH in Hebrew. The animal that was about to become Adam was no exception. However, into the physical form that contained the nefesh of Adam, the Creator placed an ADDITIONAL spirit, or Soul, the NESHAMAH. It is this that set mankind apart from the other animals, “And the Lord formed man (Adam) from the dust of the ground (adamah) and blew in his nostrils a Soul of life (Neshamah), and the man became a living being (Nefesh). (Gen. 2:7).

    As regards the sixth day of Creation, the Bible states that G-d will MAKE man in G-d’s image and likeness (Gen. 1:26). In the following verse it is written, “G-d CREATED mankind in his image, in the image of G-d He created him, male and female He created them.”

    The verbs MAKE and CREATE are both used, and so, from these two verses, it appears that both making and creating were involved in the appearance of the first mankind. Therefore, as regards to Gen. 1:26, MAKING requires time, and at first, man had the Soul of an animal (Nefesh), until G-d CREATED (Gen1:27) mankind. Now Creation is instantaneous, and this is what changed Adam 5755 years ago from an animal that appeared human in every aspect, but lacked the “Image”, into the first human being with the spirit of G-d, the NESHAMAH having been breathed into him. (Gen. 2:7).

    In Gen 1:26 the Bible states: “G-d will MAKE man” (Making requires time) at first man had the Soul of an animal (Nefesh) In Gen 1:27, the Bible states:
    “So G-d CREATED man in His
    own image, in the image of G-d He
    created him; male and female He
    created them.
    Exodus 20:11 states: “For six days the L–d made the heavens & the Earth, the sea & all that is in them”

  27. I for one stray away from beleifs . I know alot of humans problems would be solved if we had no beleifs . I do however manitain an open mind and I do seek the truth ( S ). I also know that we are all one ,like or not ! I always tell people that if an alien from another planet , another world were to land on earth right now , we would here on earth are related to that alien . Most people can’t phantom that reality . But an absolute truth ! It would be true that we are all one even the event there were 100 trillion billion Universe.s which is probably a very miniscule number.And can you bet someone somewhere did create all of what we can as well as can’t be seen . Love & Faith ! By the way you don’t need to be religious to have faith . You don’t need to be religious to pray to the higher beings like God /Jesus or whatever name you want to label these Entities . I don’t think we’ll be able to comprend the totality of it all, But this I do know , We’re One regardless of appearences !

    Scientist found a foot print of someone wearing sandles that dates back at least 300 million years . So much for the bible stories regarding their 6000 year human nonsense ! I think the bible is a compilation of other people stories . For instance ,the Moses and Abraham stories seem to be a compilation of Sargon the Great or King Sargon. who some 900 years before abraham the so called father of Israel . Sargon’s birth story precedes the birth story of moses . Look up Sargon the Great !

  28. The Hon. Elijah Muhammad talk this in the early 1930s, he said Adam and Eve was the making of the white race and not the Black Man and this is why white scientists say man and mankind and they also say pre-Adam and Adam. Adam & Eve supposed to be 6000 years ago and you can’t find a white bone that older then 6000 years and the older bone DNA says they are Black bone. The Bible also says that Adam is it people man and woman is in the book of Genesis. The story of Adam & Eve is the making of the white race and this is why Freemason talk about crossing the hot send of Arabia.

  29. Reblogged this on Operation Reach Out Ministries International and commented:
    This is another bold attempt to prove the Bible wrong and make our Faith a farce. Even if the timeline is a little different and even some of the details mentioned, it still doesn’t disprove the story of Adam and Eve. The language of the article is very ‘looking down the nose’ at Christians which already sets the stage for a major bias attitude. I personally believe that the continent of Africa is the center of origin for humanity….I may be wrong, but in theory, this is what I believe. I will not pick sides concerning how old the earth is or how old humanity is, but all in all nothing really disproves the story of there being a first man and woman or Adam and Eve. If anything our definition of their appearance may be somewhat distorted, but I think that’s about all.

  30. Hmmm… This IS interesting. I’m not so sure this “debunks” the whole Adam and Eve “thing”. From what I can tell, it actually gives credibility to what is written in the Book of Enoch, and The Book of Genesis, about the mixing of angelic and human DNA. This hybridization of these two different species is mentioned many other times throughout certain Apocryphal books as well is many of the ancient legends from many different civilizations. I.e.: Mesopotamian, Babylonian, Incan, and Mayan ( to name a few). Now, whether or not you believe the earth is 6k, 10k, or 200 million yrs old, biblical account doesn’t give a specific date of the creation of all or any specific type of angelic being by The Creator. Also, there is much debate on whether or not God commanded Adam and Eve to “populate” or “repopulate the earth. I’m glad these things come up. Hopefully it starts up intelligent dialogue between emotionally mature individuals who are interested in finding the truth.

  31. “‘The study has even further implications. It strengthens the belief that there is no “mitochondrial Eve” or “Y chromosome Adam.’ All of humankind, as a result, did not descend from exactly one pair of humans that lived at a certain point in human evolution.”

    The writer of the Discovery News article badly misunderstands the implications of the Mitochondrial Eve and Y Chromosome Adam theories. Those theories do NOT claim that every human is descended from “exactly” one particular pair of humans. First, Mitochondrial Eve and Y Chromosome Adam need not have lived at the same time/place, assuming they existed. Secondly, they are NOT claimed to have been the only female, or only male, of their own time with currently living descendants. What IS claimed is that M. Eve is the most recent woman from whom all living humans today descend, *on their mother’s side, and through the mothers of those mothers, and so on*, back until all lines converge on one person. There could be MANY other female descendants further back, or living at the same time, but the direct female-only lines for those women have been lost. Likewise for Y Chromosome Adam – all living males would be descended from him *in direct male line,* but that does not mean that living humans are not descended from other, even earlier males, or from other males living at the same time as Chromosome Adam.
    A similar misconception exists among some racing fans about the founding of the Thoroughbred breed of horse. It’s well known that the breed was “founded” by three Eastern
    (Barb/Turk/Arabian) stallions. What often isn’t understood is that there were quite a few Eastern stallions involved in establishing the Thoroughbred. The 3 famous “foundation” sires merely happen to be the only stallions whose lines still exist *in direct male* form. Current Thoroughbreds descend from the other Eastern stallions in some combination of male/female lines. A similar situation holds true for Y Chromosome Adam (and Mitochondrial Eve.)
    And Chromosome Y Adam (and also Mitochondrial Eve) could have had, like the 3 foundational sires of the Thoroughbred breed, more than 1 mate with currently living descendants. But because the line(s) from those mate(s) would not be direct-male or direct female, there is no easy way to trace the lineage, as there is with the Y chromosome (passed on solely father-to-son) or with mitochondrial DNA (passed on by mothers).
    Bottom line: the claim that all humans are descended from a particular individual is entirely different than saying they are descended exclusively from that individual (and one mate).

  32. The Bible was written by man who proclaimed to be inspired by God. My history with man has taught me that man lie. When you know better you do better. The Bible and religion is all propaganda. It was devise to construct power and control. Organize religion is the biggest hoax known to man. However the Bible, on the precept of compassion, can be used as a teaching tool for those who haven’t found purpose. I hate that the Bible and all religion created from it has been used to persecute, devalue and destroy human beings. I don’t prescribe to any ideologies that advocate such behavior. God gave us all the ability to think. I wish we did it more often than relying on other people to think on our behalf.

  33. Everyone including the writer: Religion is the problem. That is EXACTLY why Jesus came and that is one of the MAIN things he came against. Opression from the church and its religious leaders to people and groups of people. Relationship is where the freedom to all that anger is locked up. Faith and the belief in a scientific algorithim for time and date estimates both take the same amount of belief but in the end only one is right. Love, Freedom, safety, and peace has no color and to someone in true bondage and dispair could care less what there savior looks like or where they came from. Labels of being christian dont make you a christian your charecter and the fruit yiu bear does. Stop comparing garbadge with Christ. None of it matches his charecter. Everyone makes mistakes but there are some things like oppression and racism and judgment that are more than a mistake thats a broken heart and thought process. Real love would never present that to anyone. Thats the heart of God. If you ever gave HIM a chance and experienced it it will change everything you know. The same way a mothers pure love will change a child. He is real. You can carbon date and DNA test all you want. Math and science is a gift but it will not measure the truth of His nature.

  34. Its amazing at what scientist can do and why they pick science over religion…whatever can be proven or debunk science will do it…that’s why when you ask on what they believe i can assure you they will say let science prove it…if science was to touch a matter of religion i can see the Vatican or the Pope doing whatever they can to stop it from publishing or saying science is wrong…Science can debunk the Bible but choose not to hurt it…The struggle is real science is here to stay…

  35. I wish i paid more attention in science class so i could understand this article better but i get the basic gist of it..
    What kind of coincidence is it that this man submitted his DNA and we just coincidentally found this breakthrough? what where the circumstances that led him to submitting his DNA to this research facility? i feel like the article needs to thread the needle in that aspect so we can figure out what led him to submit his DNA to the research facility otherwise it comes across as an incredible amount of coincidence unless the research facility where publicly asking for people to submit their DNA.

  36. It’s sad to see the level of hate you have for Christians, 99.999% of whom are not white supremacist. Just because you had the misfortune of knowing some who were should not cloud your entire view of 2 billion humans who believe nothing of the sort.

    As mentioned by a few posts already, the Bible is not meant to be a history or science text book, and does not claim that the earth is 6000 years old. I’m a Christian, but I also believe in science. I can believe that the universe was created over millions of years, and it doesn’t conflict with my belief in the Bible in the slightest sense. The “6 days of creation” are only interpreted literally by the most close-minded Christians (primarily American evangelicals and young-earth proponents). This is not the standard teaching of most non-American Christian churches.

    Hope you are able to shatter the hatred and anger in your heart and allow yourself to see the world with new eyes – and not as an ideological battleground between Christians and atheists, or white and black, but as a broken world in need of love and understanding. Finally, I hope that you can learn to see through the closed-mindedness, hypocrisy, and wrong-doings of many who proclaim to be Christians and instead look at the one whom Christians aim (but fail) to imitate, Jesus.

  37. Why all the fuss over the beginning, your access into this knowledge is limited? The garden captures the same view, rather above the firmaments or beneath. While we’re scrambling over who was first, the world is on fire and our gardens are being destroyed, humankind and plant alike. I’m curious as to what difference will be made by whites or blacks if so? Why is the external more important than the internal?  Time is being wasted on a temporal and decaying matter. “How foolish of man.” If you’re concerned about who entered first, where is your concern about who died first. He created humankind as his garden, then He created a garden for humankind; all are dependents of this great gardner. I’m glad I don’t hear the creation tolling for it’s place in line, SILLY HUMANS

    June 10, 2014Leave a replyEdit

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  38. Lol. Great sarcastic response. But there are no words for liberal media who attempts to disprove the Word of God. So since the liberal media can send messages to the world that attempt to disprove that Adam and Eve existed….. the only words that can describe a world that has lost it’s way, relies upon “truth of liberal media to fuel their views…. lol “dumb”. Thanks. Also what person labels a post Black Man Proves…… and will not back it up with a real photo of the “Black MAN—–he didn’t prove anything but to the people who paid him his two cents for posting such ignorance.

  39. I believe in God and still found this interesting…. You can have faith and a functioning brain. Adam & Eve never made sense to me either, I just took it as a shorthand explanation of how quickly humans made things bad for themselves trying to know Everything.

  40. The editor’s note is not only insulting, but it’s hurtful too. I don’t think it’s kind to speak to people who believe in a different religion or “reality”, as he put it, that way. I am a Christian through and through and I would never call his findings science thumping, or whatever other people do to try and default findings in this world….. The editor’s note shows his class. That’s all I have to say about that……

  41. This is a very thought out article well written and well cited. Hard to argue with because of the very fine detail.

    On the other hand faith is the substance of things hoped for evidence of things not seen.
    Thanks for the “facts”
    Oh the homo sapiens part is funny

  42. Every human did not come from Adam and Eve. God created mankind and then created Adam and Eve. The reason why their story was exclusive in the bible is because their lineage is where Christ, in his human form, came from.

  43. You do come across as a bit hostile. There is def. truth in what you’re saying but why so condescending? I take it you’re highly informed. That’s great. I’m assuming you want to share your knowledge or you wouldn’t write about it. Take it easy… emotions can cloud the thought process; your approach illicit emotions such as anger and shame. There are many that want to “know” but if your message is surrounded by an inferno of aggression and “I’m enlightened and you lack intelligence” type of attitude. The people that need to hear what you’re saying the most are going to get choked out by the smoke.

    • Your ignorant attitude suggests to me that you’re probably an uneducated crack head meaning you cant afford a chain, much less 300 acres of land. Wake up buddy. Its 2014, not 1814. Nobody alive today did anything to you or your lazy ass ancestors. The world sure aint changed much in the last 200 years

  44. —————————————-The white race, is a genetic mutation of the original race, the black race. Google “White Baby Born to Black Couple in London, July, 2010. Whites, are black albinos. So, the next time you are hating on blacks, you are articulating self hatred.

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  46. This reminds me of a joke I heard about scienctists who told God they didn’t need HIM any more because they create life and GOD says ok but get your own dirt 🙂

  47. I think it is important to note that when properly reading the Book Of Genesis it says that Adam and Eve were created as Gods companions. As the first tillers of the land. From there we can ascertain that there were hunters and people who lived outside the Garden who were created and lived a more natural, wild sort of life. This is further supported by Canes statement that he would be killed if people saw him so Gad placed a mark on his head to protect him. AS Cane and Able were Eves only children at that time there would be no one to kill him if he went out into the world.

    • I think you’re on target . I ‘ve read genesis ( verbatim without interpreting ) . What I get and I’ve also researched as well as listening to a few Phd’s in theology say that if you read genesis as mentioned above , what you get is six human creations before Adam & Eve. Now here’s the Kicker. God rested on the seventh day ( there’s no Adam mentioned anytime prior to the seventh day ). After God rested the next day is the 8th, Day , the day that Adam and Eve were created . You’re better off reading the bible literally and not Interpretatively ! You can learn alot by listening to radio, because people will inform you and say things that they would not say in other forums , Including T.V. . Nuff Said !

  48. i want to know how u date back that far when they just found a skull in brazil that is 10 000 yrs old and it was a black aberiginal person but thats the oldest skull that is non mongaloid the rest of non mongalod skulls re 4000 or less yrs old

  49. still would like to know how u calculate your dna to 328 thousand years before earth was here this whole site is a load of crap yall just want to believe things that r not proven just to think u r better than someone else

    • Don’t mean to laugh ..LoL..The Earth itself is over 3 billions years Old . This Universe is over 13 1/2 Billions years Old . And Lord knows how many more there are ?

    • That skull is probably a loy older then the scientist are willing to admit to .At least now you know what I’ve known for sometime but you’ll have a hard time convincing most people the real truth and the real thruth is this . Black People have always inhabited both Nort & South America . The thruth is both North and South America was once part of the African Continent ( Alkebulan , Afroasiatic , Pangia ) before The Great Inundation and separation and breaking up of the one large continent . I’ve been telling people for years that the America’s was always inhabited by Black Aboriginal People . That’s why even Graham Hancock has stated that you can’t really trust European Scientist , Archaeologist because they have the tendency facilitate a ” Lie ” for the real thruth ! Nuff Said

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    • sorry for the typo…it should read : the skull is probably a lot older then mentioned.. Oh , By the Way , there is a 6 million year old fossilize foot print of a little girl . I think I’ve said this before , There’s also a fossilized foot print of someone wearing sandal’s that dates somewhere bettween 300 to 600 millions years old.. There’s also a Giant 5 to 7 ft. fossilized human foot print which is located in south Afrca… It just keeps getting better doesn’t it !

  51. Fascinating! Bloody fantastic! My dad was working on something like this, up until he passed away. I wish he could have seen this.

  52. So let get this correct, you believe that biological life came from none life? As if that wasn’t absurd enough that that life evolved from species to species (which has it’s own problems. In order for this to be true species would have to evolve in pairs so that they would be able to procreate and thus preserve the new species.) And all this on the hypothesis that this process (evolution) which has no imperialic evidence (meaning you have to have Blind Faith to accept it as true.)

    Side bar: Evolution is a paradigm that at its very core is racist against blacks and people of color. The subtitle to Charles Darwin Origin of Life was The Perseveration of Favored Races in The Struggle For Life.

    “At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.[8]” Charles Darwin The Descent of Man

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  54. Let me throw a stick in this mud . Genesis One is a creation story of Man & Woman with all birds , beast of the fields , fowl , tree’s and everything else completed . Genesis Two is a separate creation story of Man & Woman and a new creation of birds , beast of the fields ,Fowl and all other things created only in the garden of Eden . The problem here is , Minsters , Preachers and even some with PHD’s in theology will say that Genesis two is a recap of Genesis One ( which it is not ). If you read Genesis One without Interpretation, then you will come to the realization that you have two separate Creation Stories . There were a multitude of peole around long before Adam & Eve ( Hmm , Lillith ). Now, My Question is , Who really created Adam & Eve ? Why is there two creation stories ? The anwer is all right there for you to read . I know I am going to get feed back . LoL

    • God made MAN in his image..therefore God must be white…he did not make dogs,cats,cows,negroids or apes in his image. We futher note that God must be white as the bible states “God worked for 6 days then rested”. The Bible doesn’t say ” God mooched off the white man for seven days” if it did then God would have been a negroid.

      • LoL….. You’re too funny ! If white people have only been around for the last 6000 yrs . according to the bible , Then it would be numerically impossible for God to be any other color then Black ! Do your Own math. No where in genesis does God say when referring to Adam that he made Adam in his image ( Genesis 2 ). In Genesis 1 However, God does say that Man was made in His Image.. Adam was created on the , after God rested ,and not during the first 6 days was Adam created , Adam’s is never mentioned in the first 6 days of creation ! READ it verbatim and do not try to Interpretate !!!! READ ! READ ! READ ! ……. LoL 😉

      • I see , you don’t know shyt about math.. you’re just a first Cannibal Scythian maggot created by a Black Man( God ) from Decayed maggot Shyt ( white ) , That’s why you have a calcified non- active pineal gland ( No Soul ) !!!! 😉 Note * Your Inbreed lies won’t work in this forum, when go up against the Truth !

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  56. Mad man say there is no GOD and have you ever see ware heaven end, or the pillar that Carrie firmament it in the book of GENESIS 6vr 3 And the LORD said my spirit shall not always strive with man, for that is he also is flesh. NUMBERS 23vr19 GOD is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man,that he should repent : hath he said and shall he not do it. see mr pls read this ECCLESIASTES 11vr 10 therefore remove sorrow from thy heart, and put away evil from thy flesh, for childhood and youth are vanity, so u said sixth day work of GOD is a lie, man is 4m dust then no garden Eden then and seventh day generation of the heaven and of the earth when they were created. After which no order creation. read your BIBLE MAN.

  57. Thanks, You don’t need the Bible or Religion , To pray to God ( YaHaVah )/Yeshua Ben Yoseph ( Jesus ) . Your prayer’s are all you need ,Plus Faith. Religions have created more problems in this world then is has resolved ! The Bible is about 10 % truth ! I would explain how the Bible’s we read today have been so convoluted , You need to know or have the code, and there is a code which tell’s you whether the next word or paragraph is true or false . This is all I am to going to say . It matters not , because we are all One , from the One and with the One , And eventually , we will return to the One . The Law of “One “. Peace !

  58. It would be great if everyone can take facts for what thy are , proof . WE NEED UNITY AMONG OUR OWN KIND forget religion and politics now we need unity now more than ever and if we keep arguing over religion witch only exist in our own imagination we will soon loose total control of our lives

    • You won’t get an arguement from me on that one ! It’s a shame that there are too many Cowties still around . They make it bad for all !

  59. I have reading the comment from the top to bottom and the person and others seem to be really angry why is that because a lot of people are not agreeing with you, you guys go on about christians being hyperctites and all this other stuff but I don’t see them attacking you but you turn around and go on attack mode why is that. Its because you have no peace and you are trying to disprove something and its not working and guess what I beleive in yehawashi I don’t beleive he was white but that’s the way the mainstream portrays him out to be that’s why he said don’t have graiven images but I don’t go around try to prove he wasn’t white because that’s besides the point you talk about what he said and did and still doing. If you choose not to believe I’m not going to beat you over the head im going to move on, I did my job. One last thing nobody seems to want to even talk about the fact that everything he said was going to happen especially in these has happened and is happening right now, so how could the people that wrote the holy word have known and if you have a open mind and understanding you should know in the word he talks in parrabelles and he won’t tell you word for word and gives exact names of people and things that will happen because he want you to love and decide to love him because he love us not because he had to get in your face a prove facts like that. Just this article you are proving why he said lead not toyour own understanding and Is so many other things about the most high you do not understand but I pray you get it before its to late. I love you and You guys have blessed day.

    • I hear you , let me just say this about Yeshua ( Jesus ). 1st. , There are 4 known fresco’s (the art of painting on wet plaster ) of him and yes, he was Absolutey Black . I would tell you where you can find these fresco’s , But I won’t because there people who would slander these images / fresco’s of Christ with negative slants ! 2nd. Christ gave only one law , Love Each other ! In the bible ,which I really don’t like to discuss anymore because people will always come back with their version / interpretation when in fact , If you just read it verbatim ,then you’ll get to the truth ! Alot of the predictions in the bible are or where given by prophets of old ( if you think about it , they were what we call today, psychic’s ), who Jesus recited and made referrence to their predictions . You have people today who will challenge this information !

      That’s why, I stay away from conversations regarding the bible, most of the time The bible versions has too many fly’s in the oinment ( there are 2,500 versions of the bible )! Like I’ve said before , you don’t need the bible or eligions if you follow what was said by Jesus . Love One Another . You can also pray to same without quoting the Bible or, any other religous text or versus ! You are the Church within yourself ! Amen , Hotep , and etc. .
      I have a question , does anyone know the orginal name of God ( Other then the hebrew ) ?

    • Why don’t you take the leap..Better yet, find out what your Government and the 1 % know and do ? I don’t think you will have a high enough securiity clearence to be privy to that information . One thing I can predict with a 97 % certainly, The whole World will know sooner , rather then later . Keep you eyes peeled ! Good Luck !

  60. I would just like to say that “white Jesus” isnt a thing. Jesus probably looked like your average middle eastern man seeing as he was from the middle east. He was probably not white, and he was probably not black. I would also like to say that this article lost me at the part where the author sensored homosapiens because of the word homo, and also at the end when it completely bashes Christians. The second you put your biased opinions in a factual article it loses all credibility. Not that it had much of that either, seeing as there were no citations throughout and the author also acknowledged the fact that they were being sarcastic at one point. Just by reading this article, I lost all interest in the point that The American Journal of Human Genetics might have been trying to make because this article shit all over it before I even got that far. Way to go at being racist and a terrible writer.

    • Katie , Dayum , I just provided information that Indeed, he was black, there are 4 known freco’s of Jesus , which were done while he was alive ? He was not middle anything , He was a real Ethiopean Black Israelite. there’ one of him as a baby , one as a young chill ( 3 to 4 yrs. old ) ,One as a Young Man in his 20’s and one of him late 30’s. I almost forgot there 2 others plus another portrait just discovered in Egypt . painted on a boulder , same face as all the others. FYI ,
      The Black Ethiopean are the real / orginal hebrews/ israelites . By the way , Black people come in many colors in case you didn’t know ( Even White looking ) . Nuff Said !

  61. Man is so smart we have all the answers don’t we. 20 yrs ago cell phones were unknown, 10 yrs ago touch screen devices were in fictional movies, 20 years from now god know what technologies will be invented, man is truly smart yet we are getting cocky now, we think we know it all yet space is unknown, u can turn wood to ash but can’t turn ash to wood, we are straying away from god because now we started biting the hand that fed us. It’s like having children, god took mankind from the start and guided them through thick and thin through happiness and sorrow, anger and pain etc , love and care , just like we bring up our children. At first child thinks dad and mom are everything, they are heroes and are there always, as they grow up they start to know more, knowledge of surrounding and more demands but the parents will decide what’s best for them and give them their needs, feed them , entertain them, punish them as a part of teaching them survival of the world , one day they grow up move out,separate , learn more and one day they out smart and outthink the parents YET the parents will always love their baby, no matter what happens in life how rich how successful how old they grow , for their parents they will always be babies, their unconditional love will never be less or die . That’s how God feel and love us , no matter how smart and cocky we get, god will always adore us foolishly with his unconditional love because we are his children, we are his babies. God is proud of us no matter what. Jesus loves you.

    • I agree with your analogy almost competely . In the beginning we had pretty much the same powers as God (Nimrod & company ) . God changed that . The rest of what you said I do agree with . We seem to always be there for our Offsprings, no matter how much trouble they get themselves into . Where does all this technology today come from ? We think it’s Man , But it’s not ! So , where does it come from ?

      • If this is true, why did pope Nicholas the Fourth in 1452c.e. send a papal bull called Dum Diversas by the Spaniards and the Dutch to enslave all of Africa, the America’s, and any where else Christ was not worshipped and that they stay perpetual slaves! Now is this what white Christians call love? Is this what white Jesus calls salvation? Replacing salvation for extermination? Is this why white Christians taught their slaves to love their enemies do good to them that hate you, beat you, and plunder you and don’t ask for your shit back? Because God is kind to the unthankful and wicked? Whitee Jesus was and always will be a racist! No Thanks, I’m cool on that one. Black people this Bible has been used for our destruction and their salvation! We must listen when our own people our trying to set us free from Abominable Lies! Let us help each other by sharing truthful knowledge and passing it on. The white superiority movement has been crippled by Melanin! Yes the black light is killing them! This is their Judgement for Destroying Themselves! Our Solar System and the Galatics are Destroying the Tares(white mutants/lack of melanin) The Earth Never belonged to Whitee! Go back into History and Do your research and see if you find a Nation WHO has destroyed nations in seconds? Those Nations the Whiteman called Savages and Barbaric? Since the Black/Nagas Been under their rule, now we have become Savages, Lacking true knowledge of self while we allow our children to receive their Free Education! And Read about their Glorified Sadistic Wars! And making Nagas go to college to learn about True Science, While the uneducated keep on believing your UnTruths! My People Are Endlessly being Destroyed Because Of Lack Of Knowledge, But these are the Days Of the Ancients! Yes and Look How Their Knowledge is Catching Hold? By Fire! Sent from the Primordial via Electrical/Magnetic Waters! To Awaken Their Offspring!
        Love to all my people, keep up the good work WeMust For our offspring! OneLove! Thanks for your Site!

      • Don’t mean to be harsh here ,But there Lies that have been incorporated into the bible by the likes of that Pedophile , Bi-sexual , Psychopathy ” King James ” who modified bible verses like Black / Dark is a Bad thing when In Fact the Most , Sacred Color . He modified it ,to white being sacred . There others change the orginal teachings of the Bible . William Tyndale, sometimes called the Father of the English Bible. 90% of the King James Version of the Bible and 75% of the Revised Standard Version are from the translation of the Bible into English made by William Tyndale, yet Tyndale himself was burned at the stake for his work on this day, October 6, 1536. The English knew he perverse the bible . Yet , they let what he had changed remain in the king james bible .

        Ambiguity arose between the so – called English scholars because there were some cases in the so-called original text ( Bible ) where the translators admitted that they simply did not know what was meant by the original. So, they made transfigurations to fit there White Anglo English version .
        The Orginal version held Black as the Most Sacred Color . The English versions have transfigurated everything white as sacred ! It is a Big Mess to deal with ! I could go on and on , but , I am stopping here to let our white Brothers and Sisters do their counter attacks because I know it’s coming ! Hotep ! Peace !

      • sirchazzy, After Hearing You, Deliberate Came:

        to respond! I Luv you! I’m a Wombman and I would love to be on ya’s team of Council! Especially with MadCrazy, cause I too, Have Drunk From THE Wine of Insanity and passed it to my children, Hold on, Before I Learned their Wisdom, I was not known! I Come From Royal Life and I Refuse to Teach my grandchildren To Love Their Bible like I Did!
        How? The Fuck do we charge Them? GUILTY!!GUILTY! I speak from the Ancients, To These DAYS of the Modern World, I find your World Full of Lies! Keep Digging, The Gods of Me?Helped me! Kept me from Stepping in Those continual Ditches that you laid for Us! And NowFind Your WhiteChildren In!! Woe Unto Them Who Set Traps For The Innocent! Suck up your Last Breath Whiteman, For I Come From or was conceived in those days of Struggle! I Hate You! Destroyer of My Naga World! Yes I am a Naga! Children of the Truth! Science and Archaeology will give us proof! IAm a living Soul/Solar and the powers of the First/Zep Tepi And TheseOf TheAncientsOfDays WeHaveSurvied! Woe Unto You Where A Record Exist Of Your Crimes On Land, Sea, And in The Sky!!! From The Akashis Has It Been Revealed! You. can NoLonger Live Amongst Us False SaviorsOfMelanin/Nagas!! Leave Us Be Serve YourChrist! NoMoreMissionaires, NoMoreExpeditions, Carrying YOUR False Hopes In One Hand, (Bible) And YourGunPowderOfForce, In The Other Producing Multiple Slaves! Willie Lynch I Am Of The Awakened 2012 HasPassed, YouCouldNeverEnslaveThisTimeByeBye As I IaughYouAway! Ketch Me Dancing On Them Plagirists!! What A Beautiful Earth, Now That The Wicked Sperm HasCeasedToSurvive!

      • Amen to that ! I know the real name of God is “Naga ” . But there’s a multitute of “people who slur God’s name with terms like , Nigger /Nigga . What do not realize , they are committing ,” Blasphemy ” . Woe unto them ,when the books are open and their Blasphemies are revealed ! I know that out white brothers and sisters have done more harm then good on Earth , But blame others for their crimes against God, The Earth , the so-called non-white ( because they are also non- white ) people of the Earth ! They are the worst Projectionist . They are great at pointing ( blaming ) fingers at other people because think they can do No- Wrong , But the Rest of us can do No- Right ! All of this most and has to ,come to a Stop ! Hotep ! Peace to All !

    • Are you fucking serious? What are you? Christian? the fucking earth is 4.5 billion years old, we’ve BEEN through this. Pay attention in fucking science class. OR GOOGLE IT. Research your blurted ass comments.

      • Your a moron. You, nor anybody that you know or have ever heard of was around 4.5 billion years ago to prove it. Science is no different than religion. Somebody comes up with an idea and a handful of people believe it and spread the word so it eventually becomes truth. Scientists have no more proof of the age of the earth than i do saying the sky is blue because a radioactive pile of dog shit bounced of a comet and exploded. Ridiculous? Exactly.

  62. I always thought Adam and eve were black it just makes more since. I don’t get why u say It would be a horror to white ppl. I don’t give two fucks about the color of someone’s skin. As long as they respect me I will respect them.

  63. Pingback: Lies, Lies and More Lies | newageoftruth

  64. Perhaps they were it would explain a lot of things going on with prejudice but who made white people or was it done to make problems by God or someone else.

  65. This seems a lot more of a racist anti-Christian kinda thing than a scientific statement or what ever. White Jesus? White Christians? Creationists should ponder the fact that Adam and Eve were black? Thats funny. What it seems like to me is another butthurt black man from the south that wants to stick it to white people because of somethin that happened to his ancestor 150 years ago all for a little bit of attention. Im from the south and people down here, white AND black, believe in the constitution. The right to free speech, the right to free religion (or lack of if thats your choice) and the right to believe what they want. Your inability to respect the beliefs and decisions of literally millions of people by talkin trash about christians and white people doesnt say much about your personal character. As a Christian, i pray to “white Jesus” for foolish ignorant people like you. ‘Merica

  66. So what makes u right? Oh yea i forgot u where there to witness all of this. Since u dont belive in GOD n ur right, then when we die nothing happens….but if im right n GOD does exist then i go to heaven n u burn in hell. Looks like its a win win for me pal!!!!!!!

    • I don’t know if you’re talking to me or someone else ? I’ve never said that I didn’t believe in God, what I said is that I stay away from beliefs . God does exsist and I don’t have to have a beleif like you do , I have Faith and to a certain extent Knowledge of God . If you dig long and hard enough the truth has away of showing it’s self . Now, I have qestion for you . Just where is haven and where is hell since you seem to know where they are located ? Or ,is that just your belief surfacing again ?

  67. Hey there! Great article, I’m just for the life of me trying to figure out why you bleeped out homo in homo sapiens when it is not used as a sexual slur?

  68. Since we only have record of civilization dating back to about 5,000 years how can they know that? Guess people will make anything up nowadays.

    • LoL , Who feed you that stuff, euro scientist ? It dates back further then that . But their are certain people who know history thats much , much older . Since I don’t want to give the shop away as to who they are . Their are those who teach the oral history ,which goes back long before there was ever a written history . They know things that modern day scientist have only just discover since the late 1800’s . The oral historian have proven to be a lot more accurate then the so – called written historians. Rule of thumb these day’s is never trust what the euro -historians / scientist tell you i.e . Zecharia Sitchin , just to mention one with many orders to be included . Graham Hancock is a lot more accurate then most of them are . He doesn’t put too much faith in them either . Dig Deep , Dig Long to get to the truth !

      • Come on man really oral history give me a break we are humans you line up 50 people the guy on one end tells the person next to them something and it has changed by the time it reaches the other end and we are supposed to fall for oral history. Lmao dont be so gullible friend

      • You’re the gullible one because unlike today The speakers were trained to teach the oral history verbatim always using the same pitch ,same oration time after time ! You are of today where the meanings of words are constantly changing and subject to interpretation . The Oral Speakers / teachers were trained for 40 yrs before they were allowed to recite the oral histories . You Todd Cain you are of the new school ,which means you don’t have a clue about Old School ways.With that being said makes you more gullible today ! Sorry ! 😉

  69. The truth about Adam and eve are very true. Just because he thinks a test is telling him the truth and it’s not he think he can discredit the words of THE MOST HIGH. TMH say that the world only been here 14 to 15 thousand years. TMH say also in 2 Timothy to avoid vain babbling and philosophies of sience. So who is telling the truth man or TMH? Mind you it took TMH 6 days to create and on the 7th day he rested. Now TMH say 1 day is 1000 years to us. So I want to know what man born in flesh on this earth has done this and controlling everything? There are things that have never been shown or taught to us in the churches never blasphemy the name or the word of TMH. He shows who he wants this truth and people get mad because they have no truth and want to start talking down on the Lord. I rebuke this man and his mind

  70. Hello. I ama Christian that believes the bible as the living word of the living God so take this with whatever grain of salt you like.

    I applaud you sir for having a mind to find truth. I however disagree that just because a man exists with a provable genealogy that would allow us to view the world of that time ina more diverse perspective I fail to see how it discredits the bible so much as it gives light to the lies who’s have used to force Christianity down the throats of others.

    My rational mind that good gave me tells me that if life began where the vibbible and scientists predict then the skin tone of these people would naturally look more like me.

    And to the credit of other believers what jews and Israelis do you know that look white that have generic tired to such a time and place?
    My faith treks me it happened and was real my mind tells me the stories have been fudged.

    My faith isn’t shaken(nor should anyone’s be) because someone told me he’s not white. My issue will never be over the color of my saviors skin because even the Quran acknowledges the existence of jesus the jews admit his existence and those with the hereditary traits to be from that area are my proof that Jesus born a jew didn’t look like those images we’ve been propagated our whole lives so therefor I invite you to the thought process that is in me. Keep your thirst for knowledge but seek truth beyond truth and paint it like the ceilings of the sisstine chapel bring a very big fan of all things scifi and having faith that is built into my imagination and nurtured by a logical mindset I feel this is more proud of the truth than it is a discreditation of sorts.

    Again bravo sir for your efforts to expose truth
    Drop me a line sometime and we can discuss rational logical views on this and many other topics because you sir understand logical and reason stay in touch

    • Good commentary ! You mentioned the Sistine Chapel . Do you know that if you remove the painting of the white god in the ceiling , that you will find the original painting of a Black God ?

  71. Mike , what’s your source ( s ) and or referrence ( s ) ? There is a lot of Bogus information and rewrites with lots completely difference Interpretations ! Who was most accurate : Oral historians or the ones wrote ?

  72. Very very good article! I knew in my heart that this white Adam and Eve never existed. Thank you for sharing this Brother, hopefully we can wake up more of our people!

  73. Wow, this is very cool information. Although he has one thing wrong, many people have the misconception that every one came from adam and eve which is false because the bible talks about many other people appearing right after the creation of adam and eve whi were not family, so of course not all DNA originated from 2 people, it came from many people and along the way probably mutated. No God is not white, he was probably brown from where he was located. Also not all christians celebrate christmas or easter because thy are pagan holidays and arent found in the bible, of course santa and the easter bunny are mythical but God isnt. God can be experienced in a very real way. It appears at some point he was affected by either other christians or God in what he feels to be a negitave way. Its sad to know he is trying so hard to disprove christian beliefs. Overall great article, sometimes i wish i were smart enough to study genetics, they have always facinated me.

    • Anon, wrong.In Genisis1 ,There were 6 human creations long before Adam and Eve were even a thought ! Gensis 2 is when adam is created . he was the first man to be made/ created from the dirt of the earth. Hmmm, I ve never seen white dirt ,now that I think about it. God rested on the 7 th day , but there was no adam created in Genisis 1 . Read the bible, it’s not just me saying it ! The bible says that the day after God had rested ( I hope someone knows how to count days on here , which would be the or the day after God rested , I know i am repeating myself, but it seems that no one has figured that out yet ? The bible scholars also say Adam created on the 8th. day ) , God looked around and he saw there was no man to till the earth . So he created a man from the dust of the earth ( Adam ). Amen !

  74. This is funny! you can’t call something a lie by defining it another lie aka theory. People when we come into this world we are dependent we need support to survive. We don’t not come walking or speaking we taught it. If God is not real why is the humans race set up to be dependent? Your talking about God doesn’t heal neither does man. The bible say that from dirt God created man. So that means you would find a man’s DNA dated years ago because we came from the earth. Hold up let me stop because we believe in theories like the Big Bang and the monkey to man evolution as the design of you lives. Your quick to say God is not real or try prove His word is a lie by puting science as a god and taking theories as facts of truth. Again our train of thought is funny.

  75. Okay sooo a few things my response is Faith based and mostly rationally coherent

    Here we go

    1st thought…”All of humankind, as a result, did not descend from exactly one pair of humans that lived at a certain point in human evolution.”

    Despite what these Bible Scholars and Theologians are declaring they lack spiritual wisdom.
    Anyone that has learned to pay attention to detail would know that thought is indeed true.
    This is inevitable why because the bible never specified anywhere stating that mankind was the offspring of Adam and Eve alone preceding with their two sons Cain(murderer), Able(victim) and later Seth(bloodline replacement for Able).

    If they were the only ones….(Adam,Eve,Cain, and Seth)

    #1-That would mean they would have had to procreate with their own mother out female sibling…smh
    “silly scientist trix are for kids”
    You know better than I do what happens when those who share identical chromosomes of the human species have offspring…not such a great outcome.(this definitely didn’t happen)

    #2- Scripturally they were exiled from the garden and after Cain killed Able fueled by envy, anger and jealousy he was reprimanded by Adonai(God) Cain in turn grew fearful that if *ANYONE* were to find him they’d kill him.
    (Car breaks Tires screeching) ANYONE? Anyone like who.

    You have all these theologians preaching false doctrine despite biblical the claims of all text being (authoritative and inerrant) If God created Adam out of the dust of the Earth why then isn’t it acceptable to say he continued to create outside of the Garden the way He caused the Garden to be inhabited. The animals didn’t sin so why do we have them if they were all created in the Garden. There were obviously inhabitants outside of Eden whom Cain feared.

    I know many will disagree but I don’t look to debate. I’m just sharing…the Bible doesn’t give an account to every detail of life from start to finish man in present day don’t even keep account to every detail to incorporate into history…how many scales does a T-Rex have? How hot was it 1700 years ago on the sun? Was the third person that passed you today walking towards you or from behind you and what color were there socks? How many drips are in a drop?

    Don’t worry I’ll wait…………………………..

    “Mankind looks to find an explanation for everything but knows nothing.” By J.C.A.N

    (Which is why I don’t seek man for Wisdom instead I seek God) #Facts!!!

    If I made any mistakes maybe it’s because I’m missing one of those rare and awesomely vintaged chromosomes…(God Bless you all cyber scholars and grammar police alike)

    • HoldOn…Great , I like your approach , even if it doesn’ work . To be honest about Adam and Seth , you may or may not know that Seth was actually Adams first son, Not Cain Or Abel ! It’s easy to explain , but hard to figure out. Adam even says when Seth is born : At last ,Bone of my Bone , Blood of my Blood , meaning his first child. Now , can beat down if you like but Adam won’t agree with you ! Good Luck !

  76. Bunch of sad sad pathetic who’s better or who came first or who gives a fuck stupid ass bitches fighting like little girls. Trying to look smart like a kindergarten teacher. Your all fucking stupid narrow minded idoits. You want to go bash something go bash the stupid tribal religions. Which a lot are black people’s living with maggots eating the suit out of there passes cause they are so smart. Hey let’s pull out our women’s hair and beat them with sticks as a right of passage or hey let’s make a bungee cord that is to long so I can face plant into the ground every time. There are over 2 thousand religions for you fags to bash. Try out some different ones sometime.

    • Hey Fyg… It’s your Asswipe folks who killed millions with the Bible in one hand and a gun in the other . And you have the nerve to come here and bad mouth people. You better make a visit to W. Vir. , the Tenn . Mountains, Kentucky back country , The Wife beating alcoholic ‘s husbands in the mid -west ( all white ). Then lets talk about the back alleys and side streets of europe , not to mention all of the human devastation going on in eastern europe your people never talk about or report in the media .. The majority of people on welfare are white as well as being the biggest welfare cheaters . And want to come on here with your gross misinformation , b.s. bullshyt..LoL..Give yourself a reach around , that’s what people like you do best !

  77. What part of the bible tells you Adam and Eve weren’t black or even tells us what color they were and if they were black or weren’t black what makes the story untrue? You make no sense, furthermore you’re an idiot, plenty of Christian pastors have preached that they think the first human was African as we’ll scientists

  78. Satan is a deceiver also it is ones choice to believe what they want the end result is totally on them. Diversity in understanding, opinion, ideas, convictions the list goes on.We educate, share and converse with whom we choose to and it is on the person to believe or not.

    • Me , Since you mention satan ( who I abhor ) and you also say It’s ones choice to believe what they want . What day would you say is the Sabbath Day ? This will me if you really know what you’re saying , being deceive .

  79. This story is a complete crock of lies untruths and just plain fraud
    Their is no science in this and no facts
    And then of course these idiots don’t realize that adam was not the first man on earth
    Adam was created in God’s image and prior to that God created hunters and other men

    Dating is the biggest crock of poo they would have you believe

    Dating on many occasions have been ignored and completely falsifiedto fit what the liars want it to say

    The leakeys were proven to be liars and darwin was proven a lair

    Why do people wantto believe lies and run to those erroneous beliefs




    • Would someone besides myself reply to this person , who has now brought politic’s into this discussion ! Anon prove to me beyond a shadow doubt that Adam was created in the image of God ? I know the only people who were created in the image of God , were those in Genesis One ! There is absolutely NO Mention of Adam being created anywhere in Genesis One. Yet you have the nerve to write that this so ! That makes you the Biggest Liar on this Blog . So , the democrat’s get the blame for what the 1% has been doing , all in the name of profit to line their pockets and they can get a brainwashed Idiot like you to back them up. I am not a Demo. or Repub. But I know alot about the Plutocratic party then you do, because it’s evident by what you’ve wriiten here. Please refrain from your PissAnt political Rants on this blog , O.K. ? Now Show me in Genesis One where it says that Adam was created in the Image of God ? Or be the Liar that you are. ..I am not contesting the Bible , I just read it as it’s suppose to be read , verbatim & Without Interpretation , as you’ re doing now !!!!

  80. ok this is ust what I think there is holes in the bible no matter what way u look at it…..and how dose something like this change from talking about the bible to race the color of the skin I mean really who cares the color of the skin….we all bleed the same feel all the same as one another smh this is how kids act not grown ass man and woman….I am not about to bring my self down on this level cuz for one I am not a type of person who makes it a point to judge one by there color of skin…..cuz no matter what there is good and evil in us all the chose u make and the way u carry ur self and what u do with ur life is what makes u who u are not the skin we live in

  81. So much focus on ideology, theology, and race we forget simple things. Who said science is perfect? Who said that DNA was 100% accurate? Do you believe in science? Why do you believe in science? Do I count your belief nothing if I say I can prove fault in it? At the end of the day we are all entitled to our individual preference of belief and lifestyle.

    Consider this: If I believed that when I die my existence is no more and I just rest eternally and it came to past, and you believe in Jesus and you were going to heaven and it too came to past…….Who was wrong?

    Why do we thrive so much on contention, drama, and debates? Where has it gotten us thus far as a people? Maybe Christ is the way for someone who needs hope and a reason to continue life because they’re not as strong minded as others but let’s be honest, all of us lack in some area or another in our lives.

    So let’s just give each other grace

    • May i ask you this, Would you as a loving parent not provide a way for you child to make through this world. Wouldn’t want to do that because you love them, but most importantly because you created them?

    • I agree with you. Everyone just needs grace. No one is wrong for what they believe. A person’s belIef only comes from their exposure to variOus things that happen in their life. I believe in believing in whatever you want to believe in as long as it doesn’t harm another human being. The only way that belief would change is if we needed to eat each other just to live. But we don’t need to.

      This article is very intriguing. I have never been the one to believe anything ever told to me until i see it for myself. That being said, I’ve always done my own research on life and variOus existent poSsibilities. At the core my my belief is in God. Not the variOus religions. I do use parts of the bible to help formulate history. I also use scieNtiFic facts like this articles to align my belief syStem and i thank you for this research because it proves more and more of God’s ex resistance. It would take more than this comment section for me to connect all the dots so far. Proving His existence and power needs to start with the discussion and creation of dinosaurs. Everyone is limiting existencE and creation to human life when the thought process should simply start with LIFE period. No matter what you believe in, you have to be a person to believe in facts. Fact is dinosaurs roamed this same world for thousands of years million of years ago. Why? How? Start thinking along those lines and every thing else will make sense more clearly.

  82. If there is evil then there is good.Now to tell me nobody may have altered or touched the bible of thousands of years I can’t believe. We have learned through history men cannot be trusted. It’s always someone who wants power & control.

    • Men have altered the bible. One by taking God’s name out of it, Jehovah. Let me ask you does Jehovah have the power to keep his word 100% throughout time and provide a place to learn accurately about him?

    • Blair, U have that right ! There are so many transfugurations in the Bible , that unless you have the code , you won’t know if the next paragraph is true / false or if it’s been slightly altered to miss lead ??? I have researched the original ( S ) name ( S ) of God to : Ptah or Naga ! So even the original name of God has been transfigurated numerous time ‘s through out histories ??? Good & Bad ( Evil ) does exsist in all of us !

  83. So for all the religious…. Where does God come from? Back your answers up with proof please. Did he created all of the other galaxies that we are all neighbors to? Or do you think that we’re all just inhabitants of this “special” planet, hanging on a string in a black blox sitting inside of the Lords collection chest. I am not athiest. I absolutely believe in a higher power(s), but I refuse to believe anything coming from a land built off of greed, bloodshed, and hatred. Please refer back to my question.

    • Curious , You’re on target ! I shouldn’t say this , But Earth is considered an Ant hill ,And us occupants little more then Ants ! As Kids , we thought nothing of squishing ant hills and stepping on ants as they tried to get away ! This is how we are perceived , This is all I wiil say .

  84. I thought it had already long been thought that Africa was where the human race originated. That really shouldn’t make a difference regardless of your beliefs. All that this article says is that a single group of researchers came to this conclusion. It offers no real proof. And by the sound of the last few sentences I would say that this entire article is written to serve the writer’s agenda and nothing more. Let’s try writing agenda bout something that actually matters. This is agenda bout cut waste of time. It doesn’t matter where you came from…only where you go from here.

  85. People why are you wasting your time commenting on him than the article. This is the attention he wanted. Let’s go back to having an intelligent conversation about these findings. Now back to our regularly scheduled program…

  86. It never ceases to amaze me how people get so bent out shape with bloggers. They blog to present their point of view. I have yet to participate in any forum where an opposing views are welcomed, challenged or discussed without crass, unnecessary erosive, ethereal, erudite insults being thrown by it’s author.

    The only area I agree with said Mad Man, was his PSA rebuttal. Yes, I know you could care less , you are after all, a BLOGGER. The carnal man can NOT understand the mysteries of God. They’ve yet to revealed to us. Perhaps when man can understand the basic tenet of any religion is FAITH, I submit jaded neurotic responses void of any substance like yours, supposiively devoid of any emotion) will see it’s welcomed demise. We all know zealots idealogs read and interpret the Bible. I It’s subjective for those who do not understand the ramifications of “taking away or adding to Gods word”. Clearly others summed up your dig at “homo sapiens”. I’m not suggesting that’s you, but your response reflects as much. Now had you welcomed intelligent debate, the vitriol might have been an afterthought to those who chose to opine. The God of Abraham I serve commands me to know the Bible for yourself, to avoid this kind of mayhem.
    On a personal note, DNA and all things Genetics fuels my professional life. After reading your rants, I walked away thinking how irresponsible that you would filter and slant your findings.

    Are you quoting Evolutionists who believe all modern human beings can trace their ancestry back to a single woman who lived 200,000 years ago in Africa. Keeping in mind, if there is a theory, somebody somewhere will support. This one woman was nicknamed “Eve” (a.k.a., “mitochondrial Eve”? Or are you taking the scientific approach using new “autosomal DNA,” testing which can be used to figure out how much of your ancestry traces to each of the world’s ancestral populations, people who lived in a particular geographical region?

    • I’ll stick with the Oral historians ,speakers/ or as they may be called today ,preachers. They have proven to be the Most Accurate Historians. Their teachings are eons older then all written histories and far more complete . Their teaching’ s are only taught to a very select few who’ve spent no less then 40 yrs .learning to recite these histories verbatim using only precise diction so much so , there’s absolutely no interpretation or misundstanding !

  87. Nowhere in the bible does it say Adam was white or black or blue for that matter…and nowhere in the bible does it say It has to be either creation or evolution. So I’m kind of lost on how this disproves an entire religion? 500 years ago scientists said the Earth was flat and the sun orbited the earth. Just because we have come a long way from that doesn’t mean “science” is infallible. No one here was alive 330 thousand years ago so whether it’s putting your faith in God or science, you are believing in something. I also think it’s funny how this article was written as a clear jab towards Christianity but you don’t want any Christians to respond to it. What’s the point of voicing your opinion if you only want people to respond who agree with you. As a Christian I still read your article cause my faith isn’t so easily shaken. Sounds like the atheist is the ignorant one…

  88. Why quote a Bible scripture “I am that, I am” the turn around and talk down about Christians? Then, you have a problem writing homosapien??? I’m gonna need to review some citations because this is suspect writing.

  89. Lol god is of NO color so your all wrong ! Ha … Or now are we thinking some scientist has gods DNA? Lol wait now I’m sure of what’s coming next… What color is our soul when we die ? Pffft we are concerned with colors races etc etc not god ! Esp considering we can’t even look at him cause he is so mighty! What does that say … Jeez who cares we are all here! We all have two eyes a nose a mouth blue blood ! Who cares about the color of your skin that stays in your coffin when u die… Here is a little schooling too… My daughter half black looks white…I know a lot of black ppl with white skin blue eyes ! That’s how it all will be come a few more yrs everywhere! Cause god is sick of this racism. !

  90. Logical sense is of the devil because man has observed gods creation for years and years cut people open turn men into women give people all kind if science people twist what science is it is observation to undersrand a problem or find out how something works man have been creating it’s own problems for thousands if years with out god and the ones who know god are blessed with peace and the religous churches are fallacys from hell if a person still sins in church there not saved then you got these scientific spirits telling people god ain’t real by letting them indulge in there slavery to sin

  91. I don’t care what color Jesus what cause when we get to heaven there will be no color only spirit I know Jesus put me in my right mind

  92. There are many hypocrites in this comment section. If you are so excited that white people are descendants of black people, why are you still hating on white people? You just want to turn the tables which makes you just as bad as Jim Crow. MLKjr would be disgusted by you.

  93. If the creation story is read closely, it states that four races were created and then Adam and eve were created. It does not say how far apart this happened. Obviously if Seth, Adam and Eves 3rd son found a wife, then there were other humans roaming the earth at that time.

  94. I was actually enjoying your article until the end. You seem so full of hate and so judgmental….you want readers to trust you but you bash people who doesn’t believe in what you believe in,.. Crazy world.

  95. Adam and Eve is a fairytale, it would have to be in order to believe that everyone on this planet came from two people, it would also mean we are a products of insest. The only fact that we as humans know about our creation and where we came from is the fact that we don’t know. You can speculate all you want, trace back genetics to different tribes, but it does not prove anything. Other than this one individual who has ties to that tribe. One thing I can say, is if you ask any bible thumper how old our planet is, they will not say our planet is 338,000 years old. If it is, why did it take 336,000 for Jesus to come back? This article is very interesting and does prove a lot about the age of our human race, and that we go back a lot longer than some think. One thing I can say is, who cares what race we came from? I don’t see how Chinese people could have evolved from black people, but it doesn’t mean it can’t happen. How we have evolved over millions of years will never be known. So why waste time arguing about something you don’t know? This man is so lucky to be able to trace back his roots that far, I only wish I could know about my ancestors, they could be black for all I know….and thats fine.. This article really doesn’t prove anything about Adam and Eve, anyone with half a brain and some logic can make their own conclusions about that story.

  96. There is good science and bad, good religion and bad. Scientific fact is accepted as such until something or someone comes along and disproves it. I walk a fine line between religion and science. I accept that atoms exist. I have not personally seen an atom, but because I an “semi-intellegent”, I can accept that they do because science “says” they do. Science, to most of the bible zealots, is itself a religion in and of itself. My personal belief? Yes, we evolved as a species on this planet. Did we originate here? I don’t believe so. Genesis’s “Let there be light” moment was the Big Bang. The “Adam and Eve”, and biblical flood, and everything else that couldn’t possibly have happened here because the earth is “too old”, what if it did not happen here. Every culture on this planet shares similar stories, though widely separated by time, distance, and geography. I think that all humans have a “genetic memory”. How does an animal know to migrate, or build a nest, or mating rituals when there parents don’t “teach” them? Why can’t humans have a genetic memory? Just a thought. May be flawed as all get out, but it is still a thought.

    • Mark , I am gald you wrote this : Every culture on this planet shares similar stories, though widely separated by time, distance, and geography. I think that all humans have a “genetic memory”. What you’re saying is true . And everyone of their stories point right back to Africa ! Like I ‘ve said : The Oral Historians are not only the Oldest Histories , But , They also the most accurate as taught by the ” Speakers ” , there is an esoteric name for them ( which i will not use here for obvious reasons , Because they still teach today ), they are still a very small select group ! The probelm today is , they are referred by modern day evangelist as Pagan’s , Pantheist . Vodoo worshippers and alot of other negative things . Then , you have the cultist who have corrupted their True Teachings ! Reference : Read some of Joseph Campbell ‘s books regarding the above !

  97. Pretty interesting things I already suspected being fake impossible to be true or at least in my mind not convinced at an early age that it was and is a means as a way to control (shaking my head)

  98. Funny thing is; is that the bible never said Adam and Eve where the only people on earth and it surely doesn’t say they were the first people on earth. It simply depicts Adam and Eve and their story… Lol… To the author of this article and the people who believe the bible said they were the first people on earth. You will not find it in the bible. Read the bible. Don’t go by what you hear!
    🙂 Love in peace in Jesus Name! Amen!

    • Myron , Well said ! That’s exactly what I tell people , Don’t trust anything I say , and always dig for the truth ! Always cross reference sources , Written or otherwise . Stop being the Sheeple , they brainwash you to be !!!!

  99. I don’t know what’s worse, comments from “scientific” assholes or radical Christians pushing their belief in your face. Both pretty horrible and this article fails to reach the smarter group of people. No matter what the author tried to preach at the end of this article.

  100. This is what I’ve found to be true ! There’s a cure for everything ! There’s are those who keep this information from the general public , all because there’s no real financial gain for them ! They make their money by selling you Pharmaceuticals which keeps one on medication with many side effects ,which cause one to purchase additional meds. to cope with the side effects ! Which in turn ,make them Huge Profits !

  101. Yea lol this doesnt prove that Adam and Eve didnt exist, it proves that Adam and Eve were black. But science has already proven that blacks are a completely different species than whites and every other race already and the oldest of humans, so with that alone being said this shows that Adam and Eve easily was african

  102. So if all the races evolved from Africans, does that mean Africans never evolved? Hence they are the least educated and advance in the world today. It is a serious question.

  103. What amazes me about people is that they never seem to get that even with all this great and interesting knowledge, we still know absolutely nothing. That tree of knowledge…. Nothing is proven here, nor will it ever be.

    • P.s. to all the dummies out there..I have an advanced degree in genetics….the difference between black people and white people is skin color. I just taught you 8 years of book learnin! Now go git er done!

  104. Was there any need for the hostility at the end of the article? I feel straight disrespected. When the time comes I hope that I don’t have to see the author of this article cry out to my God like he says I do for mercy. God bless him and his beautiful brain. I hope he knows that only God has allowed him to breathe in and out and let him finish this article. May God continue to bless him with more years of experience and knowledge.

  105. I find this very strange as genetics show that the human race most likely came from one woman. Scientists call her Mitochondrial Eve. Go look it up on Google.

  106. You are not truth I am. You are full of hate and you use your hate to force people to see your logic. There exists a circle of hell for manipulators like you. God exists, it is neither black nor white. It had no sons or daughters. Homosapiens are not created in the image of God. You are infinitely more ignorant than the “bible thumping” “sleep walkers” for whom you bear so much hatred for.

  107. I see no reason why any right thinking Black man should feel bad about been called a Nigger. I am black and I am a Nigger. After all, it becomes a derogatory word when I perceive it as one.

    Moreover, the word Christian was a derogatory word from the people of Antioch in Pecidia, but now those called by that name has adopted it to themselves and have ride it of all it’s negative meanings.

    The white people chose this word, “Nigger” because we are Negros I believe; what then is the hard feelings about being called a Nigger? That’s your race and that’s who you are. Not until we accept it and see those white people who calls us Niggers, which is what we, are in a bid to ridicule us; as bunch of ignoramus.

    For me, I don ‘t quite go down well with all the teachings brought to my country by the British, in order to make us look inferior to them (White). I know who I am and I know that Blacks are more genetically evolved and more advanced in the course of life’s evolution.

    The British can to my country Biafra and merged it with two other different nations and called us Nigeria because they believe that they could do that with the help guns and go scot-free.

    90% of what the blacks enjoy today was invented or it’s invention completed by a Black Man. So, I am a Nigger and Proud!!

    • Naga is one of two orginal names for God : For anyone to use the word N–ger is to Slur the name of God and Blasphemy against God.. Words/names can be powerful , words/names can also bring forth self imprecations ( harm ) to the person who uses them ! Be carefull what you say and /or what names you bring forth !

    • Dear Ikechukwu, We are all one race, I hope the ignorance of some white men does not cause you to loose faith. You just have to look at what they have done to each other and see that Africans and all Negro’s, are not alone. I get a lot of joy listening to the song Thul’ Ulalele by Amaswazi Emvelo, although a mystery to me in translation it will always mean something special for me. God Bless those who try to make a difference. Black and proud what else could you be, God made you that way.Just don’t let your heart be hardened by those with evil in their hearts. And pray to God that he may forgive our sins.

  108. Everyone’s going to go crazy, posing their beliefs about a n!qqa saying he is old as dinosaurs? Lol. Many articles like this is just some bs spam to get the media started. It’s a shame that everyone has to fight and argue about it.

  109. It truly saddens me to read the racist comments!! As a white mother of three beautiful bi racial children I try to teach them to love the skin they are in! The world that we are living in today is a shame it doesn’t matter if God was black white purple green orange he is our creator we all down the line have different races in our blood! Wake up people love each other stop the hate and violence!!

  110. I agree that it is disgusting that their are still many racist people seeing as we are now living in the 21st century. If everyone was stripped of their skin you wouldn’t know who is black, white or asian. Racism is true ignorance. Moving on, I am a white girl who actually likes to do some research and what I have found to be true is that YES THE FIRST MAN WAS BLACK. Also, I believe that religion is just brainwashing bullshit, but I do believe in God/a higher being. You don’t need religion as long as you have faith in and believe in God, religion just seperates people when we should all see each other as family as God (our father) made us all.

  111. “It strengthens the belief that there is no “mitochondrial Eve” or “Y chromosome Adam.” All of humankind, as a result, did not descend from exactly one pair of humans that lived at a certain point in human evolution.”

    The above claim supports the RACIST “Multiregional Origins of Modern Humans” theory; furthermore, the following claims…

    “Our analysis indicates this lineage diverged from previously known Y chromosomes about 338,000 ago, a time when anatomically modern humans had not yet evolved…”

    and “Hammer added that still “It is likely that other divergent lineages will be found, whether in Africa or among African-Americans in the U.S. and that some of these may further increase the age of the Y chromosome tree.”

    …support the racist claims that black people are primitive archaic humans (not at all modern human beings), whereas the “Out of Africa” theory (accepted by real SCIENTISTS) points to the exact opposite, i.e. 100% Modern Humans (Homo Sapiens Sapiens) can be found ONLY in Sub Saharan Africa, while all others are burdened with from 2% to 4% NEANDERTHAL DNA! Anybody buying this crap is either uninformed, or quite simply lacks critical thinking skills.

    Critical thinking is a tool, use it…don’t use it, and it’s YOU that will be used!

    p.s. not that it should matter…I am black and atheist.

  112. Very interesting indeed.
    Fascinating is an understatement.
    It is also very sad that Europeans have to be so ignorant and sinical, they truly need to understand that everything began in Darkness and came into to the Light later.
    All of life came out of the Dark man, dominant genes, and recessed into what they are later.

    Not bragging or boasting or rubbing anything in, just stating the facts, that’s all.

    Live with that and recognize the Truth.

  113. Ok let me start out by saying there is no black or white is this world but yes there are niggers the word nigger isn’t meant for only one race cause anyone can be one even me. And as for this whole article who really cares what color god or jesus or adam and eve where. I mean really people need to get used to the damn fact that when we die color won’t mean shit we all will answer for our wrongs weather it be to a black God or a white god. That’s all I have to say have a nice day.

  114. Maybe I’m just a little to literal, but doesn’t the name Adam as mentioned in Genesis mean “to be red” or “red man”? Would this not insinuate that Adam by definition was a person of color, whether specifically of African decent or any other ethnic makeup exclusive of Caucasian? Whether the story was allegorical or literal, the Hebrew culture used names as literal descriptions and prophecies of the individual. All scientific and biblical evidence points to the fact that the first persons on earth were of color of some sort. MY OPINION: AFRICA DECENT.

    • You have to watch were your information is coming from ? King James and his transcribers did a lot of transfigurations when they rewrote the bible into english . And there are others as well ! There’s a laundry list of bible versions, too numerous to mention here . How do you know that his original was adam anyway ? By the way , There are redskinned African’s : Bushman , somalies ,south africans , Ethiopains who are very lighted skinned to really dark skinned /Sudanese and so forth ! African’s do not come in just one color ! Wake Up and smell the coffee !!!

      • My point was not to say that there was one color but to point out the fact that the Bible mentions a man of hue, not a pale man. English translations matter not, the original Hebrew as exposed to the world uses אדם: “to be red” by extention “red man.” Of course as with most historical religious writings, there will always be a cloud of skepticism regarding authenticity, age, and translation, but the accounts of the Hebrew text that we have use אדם for Adam.

    • Also , I hope you’re NOT using Strong’s Concordance to transliterate back to adam being ” Red ” ? There are couple of fact’s about Strong’s if I were you or anyone else I would hesitate to use a reference , the same people write the Kings James so – called english translation of the bible are the same who wrote / write the Strongs Concordance ,Encyclopedia Britannica , and other tetx’s.. The problem is, you ‘re only getting the english version of so-called Exhaustive study of the original languages of the Bible. Combining the text of the King James Bible with the power of the Greek and Hebrew Lexicons . They claim the greek and hebrew is the original text , It isn’t ! There’s transfiguration in Strong’s concordance and some Encyclopedia’s that were made to fit the writings in the kind james bible verison I hope you see the point ? .. If you’re going to lie ( Good Old king james ) , make sure you cover your Ass ! The Greek , the hebrew and Hendrickson Publishers use a few more langauges that are Not From the Original Text’s . That’s why I take the King James Verison , The Strong’s concordance and other made to fit so -called Exhaustive study’s and whatever else with a Grain Of Salt ! Also, watch those updated revisions they keep coming with . Get the Oldest bible you can find and cross reference with the revised bibles and I think see the patteren of change ???

      FYI : Their also Original Blond Haired , Blue Eyed Africans !
      no typo’s im hope 😉

      • I do not use Strong’s for the same reasons, as I do not use the King James. Again I am not referencing texts outside of the bible, and the original bible as we know it was written in various dialects of Hebrew and Aramaic. If אדם does not translate as I have afore mentioned, please translate for me. If in the passages of scripture אדם is not actually used, please supply a more accurate word. If the Hebrew dialect used is not the original language, please supply it. When making public statements, we must be ready to supply evidence for our beliefs, not blank statements. So please provide new findings, as I am always open to learn and grow. No biases here.

      • Hey Doug , I am not trying to give you a hardtime . I am just saying the Hebrew , Aramaic were also translated , translitereated and indeed transfigurated from much older text and some oral histories which i don’t care to talk about in this forum. however, the Library of Congress does have some of the older then Hebrew and Aramaic text . When and if you do decide to research much further back you be in for a surprise . For instant , You can read about King Sargon and compare his life versus the Moses and Abraham stories in the Bible !

  115. It’s like when the clan holds a rally why do we even show up to entertain them. They love the attention that’s shows they are still relevant . Why do we even respond to guys like the ones on here spewing hate. You guys are making his day.

    • If you sit back and say nothing / do nothing , It can be much worst then doing something ! It’s funny you say what you said, because peole like the clan are the biggest cry babies when things don’t go their way ! I see on social media , the One’s who are always crying to take back their country when it really isn’t their country. It still belongs to my People , the Aborginals , some of whom have always been in this land ! Let us take back our land back which was stolen from by So-Called Christian people who came to My Land with the bible in one and a sword/gun in the other ! I pray to Ptah -Naga – God – YaHaVah – Yeshua <—-All in One . But I don't and I will never belong to any religous groups because they're the cause of the world's problems , Not the cure ! I grew up Catholic ! If you knew what their planning to do with religions in the near future , you would run to the nearest exit !

  116. Interesting article. However the editorial note was extremely offensive. If your purpose is to spread knowledge or truth, as you call it, then it would be helpful to not provoke those you seek to “awaken”.
    I believe the God of the Christian bible. U believe that through Jesus i have salvation from hell. Being a child of the 20th century and a college student, i am able to realize that there are MANY MANY MANY things we can learn from science (especially in conjunction with the bible) I do, however, take offense to the term “bible thumper” . Don’t get me wrong, i love my bible but the tone that comes with it is very tasteless on the part of those who use it.
    I say all this to say, i appreciate this article and the attempt to spread knowledge but next time skip the distasteful editorial note.
    Written with the love of Christ that i pray you come to know by Erin Greene

  117. As a side note…i’m unsure why the genus “homo” for homo sapien is censored hahaha. It’s latin for “same”…it isn’t a slur. You wouldn’t censor milk for being a homogenized product or the words hear and here for being homonyms….

  118. The only thing he proved is that he knows less about the Bible than the misguided Creationists he thinks he is so much smarter than. So sorry your mommy lied to you about Santa Claus. Get over it, you’re a grown ass man. It’s not a lie it’s literature. Maybe you’d be less hateful and ignorant if you’d done some research into the Bible before you were so arrogant as to think anyone really needed their eyes opened by your “revelation.” The research and “proof” on this article wouldn’t be acceptable in a middle school.

  119. Brother Bull… Please stuff a sick penis in your mouth, and stop being ignorant… The true meaning of “nigger” is simply a dull, ignorant person… If an African American was labeled a “nigger” it is one who acts in such a way to ruin the name of th rest of the culture… Be educated

  120. Interesting but bogus. Scientist have the capability to tell the difference in DNA but at this point it is impossible for them to date it. These are the same group of people that also claim the Y chromosome is breaking down and there will soon only be women and no men. Even Darwin denounced his belief in evolution before he died and he’s the one that made it up. No Bible thumping here because we all have a right to believe what we believe. It’s just funny how closed minded some people can truly be. Lashing out in the editor’s note before any rebuttle is laughable at best.

  121. Question. Can anyone explain spiritually what’s going on today in the world or should it logical to what’s going on today? I ask this because if finally can’t ignore what’s happening with our ppl. What is moral no longer is. The respect of elder from child is dying. The respect for natural reproduction is being replaced with clones. Kids are killing their parents and vs. Why is all this being ignored?? These are just a few things that certain books in the bible like revelations talk about. So I ask, should this not be explained spiritually? Is this just a pattern that life has brought us to? I’m not saying that the author isn’t right in his research because I myself have doubt in some of the scriptures I’ve read in the bible but how does that answer the question why is this happening today? Hermaphrodites wanting to choose which side they is understandable but my ppl, men are surgically choosing to become women and women are cutting their breast off to become men. Why? We are so caught up in looking into our past that we are missing the present state of our ppl killing themselves mentally. And what the mind believes the body will follow. Men are killing their own brothers over $10! Marrige has become a joke so much that divorce court for reality TV is the highlight of our mornings. There are so many more things I want to address but I have to go to work but I ask you, should we not believe in this way of life spiritually? We find a bit myth in a word and then discredit the whole thing as if it’s bull. But if it then explain why what I just read in Romans ch.1 explaining all the conflicts of today listing problem for problem identifying the way we live today??

  122. “The discovery doesn’t necessarily mean that all humans descended from an ancestor living in western Cameroon. “It is a misconception that the genealogy of a single genetic region reflects population divergence” – quote from above article

    Just because it’s the oldest found; doesn’t mean there aren’t even older ones out there. This kind of proves nothing. It proves one guy found his ancestors. People just love controversy and bashing christians, as if every other religion doesn’t have the same story and ideas.

    How about we all just agree that no one was anywhere when anything happened and we can make all the best educated guesses and read all the 2,000 year old books we want; but will never know 100% how we got here. And how many times has science been wrong? You can’t agree pn a scientific study unless you conduct that study yourself.

    We are all here; we are all human beings. Lets just all be friends and work on making a better world to live in instead of making fences for everyone to stand behind

  123. Yeah, let’s just go and believe every “scientific article” that comes out on the internet. People will make up any bullshit to make others believe what they believe. Make your own findings and don’t believe everything you read!

  124. Why is homo sapien stared out? Homo refers to the human genus, included in this are the classes of many extinct hominids. Have we really gone that PR that we can’t use scientific terms at the risk of offending someone?

  125. If you look back into the biblical history and where these Bible characters lived, you would obviously know that Jesus would have been middle-eastern, thus not being Caucasian. It’s hysterical, you blaspheme something that you have no revelation about. I pray to The God Almighty that The Holy Spirit falls on whoever reads this.

  126. Also, do you all believe everything you read on the internet that supplies you with numbers and “facts.” Simple minded people nowadays. No discernment on those whatsoever.

  127. Sorry, but even scientists admit that carbon dating dna is flawed. There is no absolute in carbon dating and so you can’t reliably determine the age of someone’s dna. Carbon dating is based on guesswork just like the theory of evolution. These are things evolutionary scientists do NOT want you to know. What is a theory? Something that cannot be proven by reliable data to back it up. Scientists can’t have it both ways. Either something can be created from nothing (which both creationism and evolution claim, since there was nothing til a single cell organism came to be in evolution, and they still can’t explain where that single cell came from) or it cannot be created from nothing (which blows the theory of evolution since the single cell organism had to come from somewhere). You may cite all the studies done on dna and carbon dating that you would like, but if the original results were done on faulty information then all other results based on the original experiment would be wrong.

    • I believe in Jesus Christ, who cares what His skin color may have been on earth. Most of humanity seems as if they’ve lost what little faith they’ve had. I’ve had my experiences with God which lead me to believe and know that He exists, and no one can tell me otherwise.

  128. wow ppl r not only ignorant to what is a more than possible proven fact but blinded out in there own mind that they r not the only race to be here of course we were all here colour counTry race mean,s nothing maybe the white man made his tale, beeved it to be true still does ,jewi man his ect ect one thing is true and cant be change by any,,thats a proven fact,,., not seeing a lot of that in bible story,s live by faith not saying bible right wrong but these hard facts that clearly prove there own worth make me think adam and eve not true where does that leave other books acts ect within the gospel the word more confused than ever about finding the so called sort after and be lived, truth but one, thing is fact , world was. nt made bit by bit ,but as one hot sunshine cold winter so if white man was on earth so must the black man have been , FACT SUN COLD SO MUST HAVE BEEN ALIKE , side by side from start

  129. hey there, I’ve read this story before but talking about the two points the author specified, but his “a” talking about putting down the Judaism and almost putting Christianity to a myth, but I mean in what ways would it put it down? It a perplexed as a fictional story in the first place. As for Adam and Eve being black, hard to believe. But then again I don’t consider a black man different from
    Myself. In the end I’m a man, and anyone is just a man or lady. Color classification is an outdated system that’s useless and will only continue to segregate us. We’re all human beings. But in personal thought thinking of how or where Adam and Eve were to come from I would never the less pick them to look like the men and ladies from Israel. As a young man, I’ve always thought of my Jesus as of what he would of looked like from the country he lived the lore in. Thanks for reading this even though it was long

  130. I’ve always wondered how Adam & Eve could populate the world by having only one son. Who did he have sex with in order to have a child – and who did that child have sex with and on and on. Makes no sense whatsoever.

  131. This Black Man’s DNA goes back 338 thousands years!! Of course he had a mother. Were there other races yet. It is proven that all other races came from the black race, from the womb of the black woman. I’m just wondering had these races came into being yet. Lubos Motl, a Czech Theoretical Physicist said “Because the white genes are the mutation of the genes of the original men of color and males are the mutation of the original females, we can finally answer the question Is God Black? The answer is “Yes she Is! Truth is Truth, but Truth is not always reflected in reality.

    • I can’t argue with you because , All the world got for years upon years was His -Story and not the True HIstory of Mankind and the world at large ! So there’s Absolutely nothing wrong with telling the ” Plain Truth ” to the Masses ! And yes we are all from the same cloth / fabric ( Brothers & Sisters ) regardless , if we like it or not ! Amen – Hotep – Ya’at’eeh !

  132. Okay you don’t believe fine I’m not mad but I am going to say why are you making it about race?? I believe and quite frankly I don’t care if yashua was black white Orange yellow or brown?? And then why are you talking down on those who choose to believe that’s just mean whether you believe or not.. and lastly it’s one guy with one test that’s not shown on your article so I want to see the evidence if you don’t mind… and you dude that’s being racist toward people of color knock it off that’s ignorant and childish of you grow up

  133. I couldn’t take this article seriously after about the second paragraph when they essentially bleeped out the word homo in reference to the human species, Homo sapiens.

  134. Stop this shit with what race Jesus was or wasn’t! This will not matter when Jesus arrives during the end And, it shouldn’t matter now! He was not black nor white! Middle Eastern descendants looks nothing like the two, so get your facts correct!

  135. Stop this shit with what race Jesus was or wasn’t! This will not matter when Jesus arrives during the end times! And, it shouldn’t matter now! He was not black nor white! Middle Eastern descendants looks nothing like the two, so get your facts correct!

    • Indeed , Yeshua Ben Yoseph was Black or at least Dark skinned. There are 4 known frescos of Jesus Christ . I’ve seen them and I also have copies of the frescos ( Plaster Paintings ) of him. He was a medium dark skin Ethiopian Hebrew Boy, Man ! Oh, and there’s seems to be a recent discovery portrait of him, same face and complexion . Amen- Hotep ! I only share these copies with people I know !

  136. It clearly states in the Bible that the earth was whipped clean except for Noah. When looking at the lineage u suppose to start with Ham (one of Noah’s sons) which black people came from. Even in Ethiopian history they talk about Ham. When you do research how about do it right. T

  137. Adam was a race of beings and Eve was a race of beings. The Bible used to explain that. The Bible has been re-texted and edited so many times it’s a sin.
    Some beings were genetically created also. In fact, many of these genetic experiments are illegal now.

  138. Boy, White folks hate the truth.. Yes, you were cave dweller and you haven’t created nothing but how to lied, steal and more stealing.. It’s just funny when they find out they ain’t sh*t without benefiting from someone else. The chickens are coming home to roost….Lmao

  139. The last little snippet of this article ruined this for me. If you intend to “enlighten” others to the truth, then why would you try to incite a negative response in those who don’t agree with you by insult? If you don’t know what I am talking about, let me explain. By saying “if you don’t believe in reality” as a way of validating your article, you undermine the very intention (at least what seems to be). You present this article as ground-breaking new evidence that is supposed to change how we look at creation and the origin of humans, yet you only direct it towards people who currently share the same beliefs as you, as seen in your closing paragraphs. Why even write this if you don’t want people on the other side of the argument to take you seriously? I get it. You’ve read a few books and you know some big words, but that isn’t what gives merit to your writing. Presenting insightful information with objectivity and keeping an audience engaged gives merit. This might be some really good information that needs to be spread, but you decided to leave your nasty, close-minded, sacrilegious mark on it for all of those who might have been impacted by it. Please do us all a favor and quit tainting scientific progress with your shallow interpretations, and making a war out of something that should be approached with a more peaceful attitude.

  140. This is quite incredible. I’m looking forward to seeing more about this study and others like it. I also find it quite facinating that after all the chromosome studies on different DNA that they’re just now finding one of that age and decent. Did they implement something new recently that they havent had or used in years before? Seems like we’re missing a lot of details, I want to know more!!

  141. The end of the article it says if you truly believe in God than you would be out their doing charitable works. Why would someone say that. Are we still saved by works, by the good deeds we do, NO!!!!!!! we are saved by faith in Jesus Christ and that he died for our sins.

  142. Why do you all let fools take you off the path into foolishness? This is how they stay aheadwhy worry about that dude ththink about the facts and up lift the facts and not some dumb stuff one fool have to come to terms with. They kill their mommy and daddy because of their fear of us. They know our real power do we? Promote facts people and stop letting people side track you…Now how many years was that? I will say this any African person that is a Christain is out of their minds how many times do god have to keep showing you all the truth of who you are?

  143. The editor of this article should be more perfessional. It’s like the episode when you find out that Mr. Banks (yes from fresh Prince of Bel air) used to be a strong activist, but then he gave that up to fight for what he believed in, in the court room. Same basic idea.
    Yes this article is interesting and brings New Information to light…. But, to me, your editors note proves your lack of credibility. You say everyone has a right to what they believe but in a very sarcastic and condescending manner… Basically calling them stupid for what they believe.. now you definitely didn’t say stupid. But it’s obvious that’s what you think.. And just because you’re Christian doesn’t mean you’re the perfect person doing “charitable work.” I found the article interesting.. But your editors note rude and sarcastic. And whoops I forgot to keep my “short novels, and [my] epic fictions [I] call comments to [myself]”

    • The sad thing is that many years later scientists will prove that the methods used to make these calculations are ineffective and inaccurate. As science progresses, older methods are proven wrong and become obsolete, as well as the information they “discovered.” Such was the case dating all the way back to Aristotle’s time and even through Isaac Newton’s time. The universal constant here is that there is nothing new under the sun, and that this information is nothing groundbreaking nor does it change anything. It too will fall by the wayside as new scientific advances are made. In the end, we will only find that we always knew nothing while claiming to know all things, fools who are geniuses in their own feeble minds. If there is no GOD, we are in dire straits as life forms…

  144. Did everyone forget to read the whole thing out are you all that blinded by one ignorant comment? This article clearly states that no, we did not all come from one person or one race.
    My real comment though is, holy crap could you imagine being the guy who’s dna is that old! Awesome!

      • stir I don’t know what to think about you! You want to explain the truth about the bible, denigrate the believers, preach as if you know God, then attack white people? No bullshit now, what is your true purpose here? Is it to enlighten people or spread more racial hatred? You keep saying we are the same and in the next reply you prophetically threaten white people? Are you trying to help find a solution or continue adding to the problem? If someone makes a racial slur about blacks, you reply but I see no response and sometimes agreement with racial slurs against whites? Own this shit and tell me what you hope to accomplish with this posting and your responses!

      • Sergio, just telling like it was and still is: White People *( I’am 28 welsh so that includes me ) have done more harm then any other group of people, That’s a Historical Fact ! They/we have killed more people around the world in the name of God then any other group of people period. I would provide with the numbers but that would only you piss you and other white off. You this country from my People the Native Aboriginal ( Indians as u call us ) people and I ever hear whites saying. Let’s take back our country ? A Country that has never belonged to white people ! You destroyed the environment in every country you go into ( Fact ). You stolen the natural resources from other countries and call it progress ( A Lie ). You’ve killed unarmed women and children here in my country ( America ) when you invaded us and are still invading us using B.S. citizenship’s ( Fact ). Australia , India , Pakistan, Auckland,Tasmania , South America ( Again My People ) Has and still is ( The Amazon ) being laid to waste for oil and other natural resources that really belongs to the Aboriginal People who see and /or get absolutely none of the billions that are made off our natural resources , Instead we get put on reservations with treaties that made and every one of them have and still are being broken ( Fact ) ! Don’t take my word for it ? Study true pass european histories of the world and the effect that it’s had on people , environments, natural resources , Lies, con jobs , and a list to long to cover here. All I need to say to you is come information and not allegories to prove me wrong ? I’ll be waiting for your reply Brother ! The Bible was completely Transfigurated from the Original Text and yes By europeans to benefit only white people ( Fact ) .. I bet you even know the name of the real text , If you do then I want to tell me the answer in this forum ? What God would tell certain people it’s ok to kill ‘s in heathen’s name of God when in fact the ones doing the killings are the real heathen’s. Many have referred to those type people as the Children of Satan , Not God ! wating to hear your reply ! 🙂
        Forgive all typo’s thanks.. I’am multi tasking and it doesn’t \work for me..LoL

  145. All you bible thumping aristocrats…….
    Please read the very first two pages of the King James bible. It tells you exactly who the bibles were written for……….Idiots….

  146. This article is interesting, however it shows a serious lack of knowledge of the scriptures it’s desperately trying to disprove. Do an article about the first civilization before Adam and Eve, nephulum, the FIRST flood (Noah’s was number 2) and revisit the comments of his “rare mutation” and DNA dated long ago

  147. Out of many religious doctrines a lot of the stories they tell have amazing value that is still relevant in today’s society.
    When reading these bibles literally or with a closed mind, a person is unable to absorb the hidden knowledge.
    If you take the symbolism that is coded within the stories you will receive many revelations from God.
    Many of the worlds greatest religions believe in a common story of creation, “Adam & Eve” which is associated with the garden of Eden, the serpent, the tree of life and the tree of knowledge.
    Many revelations about humanity can be discovered in this story that is shared between so many people.
    People read this creation story daily and never critically analyze what the story’s meaning may coincide to their life Right Now.
    The symbolism behind the creation story was revealed to me as followed:

    God- God is the main character of this story. He created the world and then created human life. God is portrayed as pure love. God is an all knowing God. God gives Adam and Eve everything they need to live a perfect life but always gives them the choice to commit a wrong action. God is loving and puts forth the greatest effort to guide you to the path of the good. God tells Adam and Eve to eat freely from the tree of life, and never to eat of the tree of knowledge.

    Adam- God’s first human creation. Born as a hermaphrodite (half man/half woman). The symbolism of Adam represents purity and self actualization. Adam was created in the image of God with no gender, that accepted the beauty in all things. The symbol of a hermaphrodite is that a soul also has no gender and enjoys what is masculine and what is feminine. Adam was in sync with his divinity. Adam’s intellect, human intuition and spirit all worked as one. Something we all as humans can all accomplish.

    Eve- The 2nd Human creation of God. Separated from Adam the hermaphrodite to turn Adam into a man and Eve into a woman. The original creation of humanity (Adam) was separated into two parts male and female. The separation of Adam into two parts (male and female) represents God’s will for humans to understand our own divinity. Ever since the separation of Eve from Adams rib, humanity has been on a search for the person they have been separated from. By seeking true love we undergo a journey in which one realizes their own self. Through the beautiful journey of love we can understand the divine fundamentals of self sacrifice, self-actualization and many others. Eve and Adam are only separated in the human world but their souls are both of the same life force which is God. Adam and Eve truly represent an ordinary human being, we are all born of divinity.

    The Serpent- the serpent is literally perceived as the devil in this story who is tempting humanity to commit wrongful acts. Simply the serpent is a symbol for temptation. The serpent is not the Devil, the serpent is God giving humanity choice. God instills us with that which is good but ultimately tests our strength, with temptation. We are given the choice as humans to do what is bad or what is good. This is still relevant in today’s society. Deep down each human knows when they are doing something morally wrong. Often times it is much easier to give into temptation, what is hard is fighting our human urges. God tests the divine spirit through temptation, assuring the purity of God remains intact. God blessed us with divine powers but we can not run rampant with our powers, our spirits and faith must be tested before we may reach our full enlightenment.
    Once we control the serpent that is temptation we achieve divine power that manifests into the well being of the whole universe.

    The tree of life- God tells Adam and Eve to eat freely of the tree of life as it will provide them with all the necessity in life. The tree of life symbolizes the spiritual connection between humans and God. The fire inside each individual is God inside them.
    Eating the fruits of the tree of life symbolizes indulging in that connection with God. In life happiness, ever lasting life, love, and every other good thing comes from within as well as through God. The knowledge and connection of God is all humans need to maintain their well being. Once again this can be related to today’s society. In order to achieve nirvana/enlightenment we must eat from the tree of life and be blessed with the faith, knowledge and love of our creator. That connection with God is all humanity needs to be happy as Adam and Eve once were.

    The tree of knowledge- God says to Adam and Eve “This is the tree of knowledge, you mustn’t eat from it. For if you do, surely you shall die”. The symbolism of the tree of knowledge is revealed as humans control of choice. Mainly the control of sex. Before eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge humans only sexually interacted under the supervision of God. Humanity walked around blissfully naked, with no judgement. The serpent tempted humanity to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge. This is a symbol of humanity’s daily struggle to resist the temptations of that which we know is wrong. When Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge they became in control of sex between one another. Naturally the control of a powerful force such as sex became to much for a human to handle and caused us to be filled with greed, lust, laziness, jealousy, anger, pride and gluttony. Thus when God says surely we will die, he speaks the truth in the sense that we our conscious will be killed through all the negativity. Until we can eliminate those emotions and reclaim our purity and divinity may we enter back into the garden of Eden.

    The garden of Eden- the garden of Eden is the world God created for humanity. It is a world of purity, perfection and divinity. It can literally be viewed as heaven. The symbol of the garden of Eden is the next dimension of life. Humanity was cast out of the garden of Eden into the world we are in now. We are unable to return to the world of purity and bliss that is the garden of Eden until we purify the spirit as one. This is finding true love and abolishing all of the negative egotistical attributes that were obtained in the consumption of the fruit of the tree of knowledge (control of sex). In today’s society we must also strive to remove our egos, take control of temptation and reconnect with our other half that was separated from our spirit. This is the necessary step to continue to the next dimension or what many believe go to heaven.

    Ultimately the creation story of Adam and Eve may be considered far fetched but the symbolism of the story can still be applied to life today.

    • Whew, you’ure long winded. I had to put on my go fasters to catch up with you J .. Are u saying or telling us that Adam and eve where the first human creations made by the hand of God ? So the first Human’s ( God’s Original People ) who were created in the first six days , don’t count ? Are u saying that in essence , that there was never a Genisis One ? By the way , How tall was Adam ? I love your allegories . Just need for you to explain them in just plain easy to undestand lanuage ? There places on the earth which never had an Oral or written history of a flood of any kind, Can you name just one ? What can you tell us ,and /or do you know who the Elogyn’s are ? Thanks… I never try to change anyone’s belief’s , which I stay away from because of all the problems it has and still causing the world !

  148. Actually it is proven that the most racist race is the black race. They believe every white person owes them something. stfu and get a job and be a father to the 20 kids u have by 20 dif. WHITE GIRLS nigga. The odds of all of yall bein rappers is slim to none. If u don’t like it in America go the f*ck back to africa. They should have sent all yall back after they abolished slavery. We may have came from niggas but shit that don’t mean yall get all the welfare save some for people that need that shit worthless muthafuckas

    • MyMy…. Choice words from a first slave ,First cannibal scythian , The Majority on welfare , The first disease carriers in the world! FYI : The Aboriginal people of what you now call America were indeed Black and they have always been here, So maybe you better catch a plane back to your land ! No hard feeling here, Just telling it on the real !

  149. It’s disheartening to see how you feel inclined to insult religious people but outlaw anyone who dare disagree with your own belief system. Hypocritical much? That’s the extent of my criticism here. Even though I’m jewish, formerly christian – I know why/where your resentment stems from. I know how difficult some willfully ignorant and/or radical religious people can behave so I empathize with your sentiments, to an extent. I just wish you didn’t feel inclined to lump all devout people into the same pool is all. But I digress…

    I would love to know what your theory is on how the human race came to be (no honestly, again this is not an attack, I am eager to know) or what the research you uncovered theorizes how the human race came to be, if not from a single pair of male/female, i.e. “adam & eve”. Evolutionist theory, something else perhaps? And if it’s evolutionist theory you subscribe to, does that mean a series of tadpoles came out of the water and began to evolve, or did it start with just one, a pair, etc?

  150. The ONLY thing I saw was the name Yahweh…which is the TRUEe…Adam was both male and female…that’s why he had a rib and a womb taken from him to create eve…the forbidden fruit was NOT an Apple…I think you need to do a little more research…THIS creation is 6000 years old…don’t put yourself up so HIGH and cut the hand of the messiah short by thinking that you’re so special that THIS was the only creation during the dispensations and ages…oh I have a lot more…get at me if you REALLY want to know…

    • I know there are people on this page who love to qoute the bible, But the orginal book was named ,the book of Coming Forth from both Light & Dark which has a very simple meaning and that is , We’re All One ! No matter what’s read and what’s said , We are all from the cloth regardless of the Ages , Creation stories ,Our so called Interpretations . Color matters Not – Ipso Facto !

  151. Satans children are haters – Gods Children are ” Love “. There is place that’s a set aside for the ” Haters ” . I yes , They will spend an enternity in ” Unimaginable Pain ” and begging for forgivness which not be given them !

  152. I found your article interesting until the end…We Christians read more than our bibles and charitable works come easy to true believers. Y r u so angry?

  153. I cant believe you people give 2 fucks. Or that there are so many copy-and-pasters. Fuck all yall.
    For you “niggers” , ya we came from monkeys, and yall are the shortest step. Hoo-fuckin-raa.
    For the “crackers”, bravooo the gene pool got deeper past scratchin ass and slingin shit. Now you kiss ass and eat shit.
    The only thing this article proves is that im not racist. I just hate dumbasses in general. Fuck you, we should go back to being invertebrates.

    • said this before , We’re all One and color has absolutely nothing to do with it ! I’ve had white boys tell me to my face that they came from apes .They told that if you shave the hair off an ape ,monkey , and /or a goriila you ‘ll get / see only white skin ! that would also make you a ni_ _ er ! I never use that word because it’s a slur of the original name of God !.. Tracker just opened a can of worms / blew the lid off ! He has no clue as to what he just did ! Nuff Said !

    • Finn TheHu , Thanks for your Input ! I just want to say this , Use one his real names like Yeshua.. That’s more appropriate then the name jesus . I am not going to explain the reasons why on this site ! Yeshua Ben Yoseph , Amen !

  154. I wouldnt say its a lie, I would more say the story of Adam and Eve relates to the Isralite’s history of their geneology to as far back as its been recorded for them. But I believe there were people during and before that time.

  155. Wow, is it such a racial contempt to talk in this manner, who the heck cares, every human in history was born non racist and this is definatley spewing racial contempt to whoever is involved with this article, as good as science is many have claimed the same thing, does it matter , no, only the future matters now and trying to educate the ignorant so they may someday be colorblind like many of our species already is, I heard years ago that adam and eve were black, and no argument to that but also there is no solid factual proof, remember scientists are also of the human species and thus also flawed , but real loving humans dont enthrall themselves in such petty comments, only our creator of all of us knows and is probably disgusted with dumb shit like this, lets put this much effort in our childrens future and being better parents and just maybe MLKing and other truly good mens dream just might come through and possibly save this ignorantly channeled species of ours.Hate breeds hate, individuals must be judged as individuals not as tribes , colors or creeds.And yes we must judge individuals as such or we lose our society as we like it to be.Lose the hate or OUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDRENS FUTURES WILL SUFFER FROM HUMAN IGNORANCE OR LACK OF IINTELLIGENCE. PEACE AND LOVE EQUALS ETERNAL SOLSTICE.LOVE MY BLACK BROTHERS AND THIER PERSONALITIES, LOVE MY SPANISH AND WHITE BROTHERS

  156. That conclusion is based on a flawed dating methodology. The only thing this man has proven is that he doesn’t understand microbiology.

    Rest easy my friend, the world is undoubtably 6000 years old, and there is no such thing as a black OR white Adam and Eve because we are all of the race of Adam, black and white simply being gene expressions of the chemical level of melanin in our skin pigments.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  157. Adam and Eve had sons who went out and found wives. They did not marry their sisters. And it is common knowledge that Jesus wasn’t white.

  158. If it is so dumb, Why do you even care? Honestly, let people live their lives the way they want to, believing in what they want. Don’t be an active devil’s advocate because you’re doing the same thing “Bible thumpers” are doing. And if you are just presenting evidence, do that, and don’t state your argument with an underlying anger and dislike of anyone who does believe in God. If you really want to prove your point, don’t insult the people you are trying to persuade.

  159. “They” know the truth, and are continuously searching for more insight and answers that will open up the universe its called evolving. Most people are afraid of change black and white ,where we came from is no longer a question the bigger question is where are we going?

  160. Jesus wasn’t white or black. He looked like every other Jew from Jerusalem. People are different colors based on where they originated from on the planet. The closer you are to the equator, the more pigment you have in your skin to protect you from the elements. God is smart like that. So who really cares about any of this?

    • Cassie , i would agree with you but, The people in Jerusalem today looked nothing like the people llike the people of Yeshua ( jesus ) time … ! He was of Dark Complexion as his Portraits ( Proto Historic ) show him .But , you’re entitled to think what you like and /or assume ! Peace

  161. Even if this were true, I’ll consider my white ass to be the new and improved ..things adapt and improve with time..something in nature called for a change in appearance as we become closer to being God like

    • Excuse me Roman but the only god you and your people are is the god of evil!! Just go and look at your history. The white race has been the menace to the whole world and is nothing but a blood shedder! There is no people on this planet that the whites have not had war with and that includes yourselves. You had a 100 years war with yourselves that lasted 116 years, please!! .

      • The white race has not been a menace. Or haven’t always had blood shed. You’re more racist than knowledgable. If you weren’t so biased towards black, you’d understand that it would take at least HALF of the white people to want you to be free back in slavery. Not just blacks requesting it. And, if you want to get technical, blacks make up 13.2 % of this countries population. But created a rough 72% of the murders. So take that blood shed and shove it up your black ass. I’m tired of the racism. I can’t help I’m white. Like you didn’t have a choice if you’re black. Grow the fuck up and get over color.

      • As much as try to stay off this site I keep getting back to it ! James, europeans do have the worst history of human carnage the world has ever known , including the wholesale slaughter of other euro’s . They have also proven to be the most materialistic , stealing land , gold, oil , water, diamonds , I’ll stop here because the list will just keep growing longer ! Your comment \ :if you want to get technical, blacks make up 13.2 % of this countries population. But created a rough 72% of the murders <— This comment is not really accurate if you care to check out how they do Per Centages ( Statistic's ) , which can be and are misleading . Rather then do a complete illustration .I am said like is and you can prove me wrong if decide to get the real figures ? If f you check ratio's the numbers will reflect the truth , Ratio's base on a 86.3 % white population verses a 13.2 % black pop. the numbers will be for every 14 white's murdered last year only 1 black was murdered , The ratio thus becomes a 14 ( White ) to 1 ( Black ) . Total numbers of murders will show you a complely different ( a much Higher Rate for whites ) then Blacks . The smaller the group size ( 13 % ) the higher the per centage ( Misleading ) , The larger the group size ( 86 % ) the smaller the Per Centage ( Tricky stats ) right ? but , This is how it works in this case to make Black's bad, when in fact , the opposite are the real facts . They use the media to promote the lies ! Do your research ( Honest One ) , them show a" total numbers " list for each group . Also do the same for Ratio's . Make per centage last for each group!!!! The media and certain other groups are creating all this hate for one another and yes the major of them are white . Their coal is to Kill Off 7billion 300 million of US ALL by any means necessary . We would be batter served if we all band together and expose these Demonic Beings who look like us. The world become a much better place for us all. I hate no one , but I do know the past and I don't it repeated if I , you and everyone else can help it !!!!!

  162. I don’t believe in a white Jesus I believe he is the son of God I believe my ppl are beautiful and yes I was created in his image I don’t understand why people down talk a religion that you have never tried. I would never down talk what someone believe if it uplifts them and keep them doing good then by all means blessit be the name. And for the brick that likes to u that word Ni99er baby u have black it u the same way we have white in us we all are acord if u wanna say some dumb ish like that please do it while looko.g at yourself. U r not better then me because your white no hunnie your light skin

  163. You may be correct. Which I’m not arguing with. You’ve also showed intelligence and showed your reference. But you’ve also showed your childish mentality AFTER you’ve showed your mature knowledge. Scared of conflict, you’ve referred back to name calling at the end. And “Black Man Found…” If it were a white man that found it, he wouldn’t be throwing it in people’s face. Quit with the racism… You would be highly upset if people threw it in your face and other blacks if we say “White Man did this, or did that”. So why is it okay that you do it? Grow up and leave your belittling name calling and racial shots at the 3rd grade..

  164. I’ve known this for years who is dumb enough to believe that human came from 2 people come on/:/ All the other animals have been here for millions of years in some form or another we are just the last of many different types of human beings. Look at nature It tells the story just fine. Men are just to gullible.

  165. I am not sure how this article disproves Creation. Doesn’t the Bible say that Cain was cursed (the mark of Cain)? So, all this article says is that this man is a descendent of Cain.

  166. Why does it always have to be about color? Why couldn’t they just say a man proves…. Really what’s the color of his skin have to do with any of it.

  167. So I read the article, and I have a few questions, how do the know for sure that the DNA is traced back so far if they have no recorded data to pit it against? And why does it only show up in this man? Why not run the test on living members as well to see if their data matches? And if the scientists can make the argument that a white man evolved from a black man, then why couldn’t it be reversed? and why even say evolved at all, we should all be considered equal it’s just our bodies adapted to different regions and environments. If Adam and eve were anything like us today would they be middle eastern instead of white given the believed location of the garden of eden? Idk I’d probably have to see more of a sources and background on this article to believe it but until then, if the tests reported data, I think it’d more likely just be an anomaly in his genes. What’s your opinion?

    Also I clicked the link for the article, and it sent me to the journal page, but not to a specific article so I couldn’t find it. Also the author never gave the articles true name so I couldn’t properly search for it. I’d there more proper information on this because as of right now, it’s seeming like they pulled off some information, used possibly the names of some real scientists, and wrote an article to try and meet a certain agenda, and then all of us look at it so starry eyed and wanting to believe that we don’t fact check. It happens all the time.

  168. While the normal race crap amuses the hell outta me (the comments just indicate that there are people as childish as the person that wrote this article) i just want to point out the fact that homo in homo sapian was bleeped… Seriously it is a scientific name grow the fuck up

  169. This seem too far fetched to be true. It’s on a WordPress site and where are the references that point the so called facts in the article. I studied years ago that we all share an Asian gene. But this story doesn’t prove anything. Just a bunch of words. With a little digging I bet we can learn the truth.

    • back in days long ago when there was only land mass Africa ( Alkebulan )was known as the Great Asiatic. And Yes that means the Inhabitants of Africa spread to all corners of this Great land Mass . America ,Europe,Asia, India , Austrialia , and all of the other sub-continents and Islands were occupied by the Orginal Inhabitants of Alkebulan,,Africa, The Great Asiactic and Etc. . The euro’s kept all of this history out of schools , libraries, College’s and etc. . The Great Speakers , Those you would call Preachers,Minsters knew these Oral Histories teaching from a special stick .. Things got Screwed up, twisted ,tweak and distorted whenman started writting these histories and transfigurating the Oral histories ! Peace -Love – & Happyness !

  170. I’m no arguing either way but just because his DNS doesn’t dat back as far as another persons how does that disprove anything? There is species of animals, dogs being a good example that didn’t even exist a century ago. Yet science say they all share a common ancestor. In fact science says we all share a common ancestor. So I mean your kind of just jumping at the chance to make your own belief seem superior. Kind of rude. I think you should wake up and stop caring about what other people believe in. Honestly your whole argument is dumber than any bible thumpers lol

  171. His Dna doesn’t prove that Adam and Eve didn’t exist. We don’t do our math as christians. God has always existed, he was a mist upon the earth. And when he saw fit he called himself into being and created a beautiful earth where it was once dark and void. God was there when dinosaurs roamed the earth. Then he made us beautiful and complex. We are to complex for the big bang theory to have completed us. evolution is a myth. If not, why haven’t we been able to observe a monkey turning into a human? Things manifest all the time; mutations occur. There’s no power on earth that can even recreate dirt! Only God knows that formula.

  172. How does this show that it does not come from one male one female? I can see that it ties back to a certain group in history, but don’t see the “even further back” connection. Thank you for your time.

  173. This isn’t necessarily “groundbreaking news” as proclaimed. The Bible never stated that there were no other humans before Adam and Eve, it simply states that He created them in His image. Man has dated the Bible to be 6000 years, but we already know the human population to be older than that. If anything this article/study proves that God created a “special” people in His image (h**o sapiens) outside of the gene pool this man comes from, or the gigantors, or the neanderthal race, and other previous various forms of mankind (mutations). After all, in the Bible it states that Cain married a woman of a different nation, nowhere in the Bible does it state that Adam and Eve had daughters and God doesn’t promote incest relations. I don’t try to force the Bible on anyone, but some people formulate “factual OPINIONS” based off of science which changes its mind about every .0001 second.

    As far as believing in “white Jesus”, people who are awake do not believe Yeshua to be white, they know that the picture we see is of Caesar Borgias created by Leonardo who was ordered by the pope to make the Holy family look more “European”. Remember in school the Renaissance period? We know by definition it means “Rebirth” it was the rebirth of all art from “dark to light” meaning changing everything from black faces to white faces and taking other African paintings and re-imaging them (not exact replicas but pretty similar) in a European tone.

    You believe in this Human genetic study yet it is the same study that believes we evolved from apes and a recent study suggest we evolved from pigs. Usually, when things evolve don’t the previous models cease to exist? The same human genetics people refuses to acknowledge blacks to ever have lived in Egypt aside from the Nubian takeover or any other part of the world they also portrayed blacks to be sub-human at one point. It has also been proven that Jesus (Yehshua) had in fact actually existed, there are even some historical accounts outside of the Bible.

    Do you then believe in the “Big Bang theory” as the explanation for the solar system lol because THAT is the biggest joke on the world

    • I like this part of your analyzes :Rebirth” it was the rebirth of all art from “dark to light” meaning changing everything from black faces to white faces and taking other African paintings and re-imaging them (not exact replicas but pretty similar) in a European tone.

      Indeed, Most of the early potraits cleary show a Darker Skin People . later , these portraits were transfiguerated to a much lighter skin. However there still exsist at least six portraits of a much Darker Yeshua <–Proto Historic (jesus <– this name is also a transfiguration that I won't go into ) .
      Have you ever wondered why there were No Sins commited by the first Six human creations in Genesis One ? No Murders, No Incest , No blood Sacrifice , No Jelousy , No Greed .No Anger ,No Promiscuity , No Deceptions And all of the other seven deadly sins plus some ?
      But , Starting in Genisis Two.. All of the sins listed above plus some are commited almost from the Beginning in the Garden of Eden .? Since this started 6000 yrs . ago in Genisis Two and you say Cain married a woman outside of the Garden .What's your opion regarding who most likely created Adam & Eve ? I would like to hear your feed back ?
      Thanks 🙂

  174. Doesn’t prove anything. And of course, people must not read the Bible. It doesn’t state that Adam and Eve were the only people created, just the first. You even gain proof when Cain kills Able and leaves and starts his family. Where’d his family come from, cause it wasn’t his sister. All it proves is that this man came from this tribe from 338 thousand years ago. Nothing more.

  175. Their biggest problem, as they’ve proven themselves but tend to overlook is that two whites cannot create a black child, however, two blacks can create a white child. They by their own admission have proven, we are all from and of the black genome

  176. When i was a preteen i used the N word and was asked to look the meaning up. When i did, Bull Connor, there were 3 or 4 meanings and the one that stood out was this: ni66er; an ignorant person. So as a white woman i say you sir are the Ni66er. Racism is ignorant

  177. Pingback: Finding Common Ground | Sara Ann Lewis

  178. This doesn’t prove a thing. Only God knows all, man will never know all..but we do have a guide, the Bible. And I’ll stand by my God, and what the Bible tells me!God still loves you even though your being ignorant!!

  179. If you study the bible fully you will learn that there is a lot that goes on between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. One school of thought said that it is the original creation in verse one (which we have no time associated with) and then the reconstruction in verse 2 through day 7. If you look at the words used. Created (out of nothing) in verse one and then one day one through 6 he “made” things (suggesting things were already there to be made our remade). “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Period. There is a whole lot in that verse. What does that mean? How long did it take? What was roaming the earth? (I Oskaloosa don’t care.)

    I agree that the world is older than must assume. But i do believe that we all came from one. Probably most likely of dark complexion. To call people dumb for researching or to make racist comments because you’re angry are unfortunately human responses that we will unfortunately continue to make.

    The science in this is way off and will continue to be in my opinion. We always feel like we need to know our we need to be the smartest. But it’s not necessary. Just like intra-species evolution had been disproven and revamped. There will always be efforts to disprove creationism. For if don’t disprove it, we’ll have to admit to and then either accept or rejecta power greater than ourselves. We can’t even handle the likes of Putin… Let alone a God that we can’t confine.

    This does not shake my faith, it makes it stronger. You can call what you want… The universe or whatever. But I personally know what God had done for me. My relationship with God is strong. As is the peace that I am able to have in the midst of whatever may come.

    God Bless you all.

  180. All I’m really wondering here is whether or not the people in this article are aware that we did in fact all come from one ancestor, from an evolutionary standpoint. This is verified. We didn’t necessarily come from one set of humans, but most Christians don’t believe that anyway. Most Christians are evolutionary theists, but that point aside, the Adam and Eve story was thought since the time of Augustine to either be an aside or an analogy. Also this seems to be based on the Young Earth Creationist view which is not shared by the majority of Christians so I find this article kind of derogatory in it’s depiction of both Christians and Jews. I appreciate it is your opinion that all faiths are founded on myths that are not true, and that’s your right. But I would be respectful of your views and I wouldn’t call anyone else’s faiths a myth or superstition just because I don’t like or understand it. This is part of why we all can’t get along together. One side is always misrepresenting the other. This article won’t make any difference to believers anyway and it isn’t well written and the reasoning is based on a minority viewpoint. I wish you would live by the Atheist motto written on the statue infront of the Floridian Courthouse. “An Atheist believes a hospital should be built instead of a Church”, so stop with twisting real science to try to bash others with faulty reasoning that doesn’t apply to most of them anyway and get together, believers and non-believers and build something together that will benefit everyone.”An Atheist believes that a deed must be done instead of a prayer said”, then why not, in addition to the prayers religious people will say, the religious and irreligious get together and do deeds of charity instead of fighting. After all, it doesn’t look good on us that we say things like that and then how many Atheist hospitals are there to prove it? None. How many Catholic hospitals are there? Enough that one in six people in America get Catholic healthcare. It’s all about respect guys and until we start showing some and you start showing some, nothing will change. More than a few religious people want to accept us all as we are and work with us toward building a better world. Let’s give them the chance. Eventually the closed minded ones will open up, if we stop being closed minded ourselves.

    • There are a lot of misnomer’s to your words , But , I am not going to go over any of them! However , I completely agree with , We should all of us toward building a better world !
      Be Blessed -Yeshua – Hotep !

  181. “analysis indicates this lineage diverged from previously known Y chromosomes about 338,000 ago, a time when anatomically modern humans had not yet evolved,”

    …how does this argument refute the existence of a Creator, or any creation of man that had a point of origin? Because his chromosomes pre-date any fossils that had been previously recorded?

  182. People. Please focus. The world already provides you with too many distractions. Someone is using diversion tactics on you.

  183. Again….yes there was other people in the world at the time of Adam and eve story. There is no time line from the time adam and eve was created to the time they chose to partake of what they knew was wrong. There was a pre adam world as well. A lot of creationism preaches 6,000 years is all we have existed. This is not true..we have 6000 years of recoded history. And what color is God? Haha…look God created us all in his image eyes ears nose mouth his image…not his color God is Light energy multiple Colors we may be in his image but we was created from the dust of the ground. Look at all the different colors of dirt…now look at the different colors of skin tone. Creationist are not open minded and have set time lines…it like oh adam and eve was made then a week later sinned…where in the bible does it say when they sinned…If this world was perfect and without fault and there was no death they could have lived 70 million years. Stop looking at what you see today. Use a little faith. Even the bible says things change.

    • The Oral history is by the Oldest history of the world , Much , much older then written history ! Deception started with the tree of forbidden fruit , Call it by whatever name you want ? Sins : Cain was envious , jealous of his brother and then he murdered his brother . You dance around the word sin and when it started all you want ? It happened , that’s the point ! You can use all the allogories you want !

  184. This proves nothing. You forget or are unlearned that God created Man And Woman on the sixth day rested looked over all his creation in the 7th. An saw he had not created a Man to till the ground Then created Adom an fro his rib Eve. Therefore! There was man on the earth before the Adom of the Garden Also Adom means able to blush Rosie cheeks. There for all other races were created the sixth day. So all this prove is there were ppl on earth before Adom an Eve

    • Can you transliterate back the fact that Adam actually became blush in the face ? I would love to see you prove it ? The concordance is full of transfigurated information ? Can you tell me who transfigurated that information ?

  185. I’m actually curious, is this real or a hoax? No disrespect intended but the Internet makes everything seem credible, which makes me doubtful fairly often. Ps, as any of the smarter Christians could tell you, if Adam and eve existed (I being a Christian do), then they were at least closer to a middle eastern ethnicity. White Jesus is absolutely wrong, anyone of the faith ought to know that.

    • Awwwwwwwwww, middle easterners come in just about all colors , Black ,White and in bettween. Don’t you love the way the media hides that fact when showing faces of people ?

  186. This article is very intriguing. I have never been the one to believe anything ever told to me until i see it for myself. That being said, I’ve always done my own research on life and variOus existent poSsibilities. At the core my my belief is in God. Not the variOus religions. I do use parts of the bible to help formulate history. I also use scieNtiFic facts like this articles to align my belief syStem and i thank you for this research because it proves more and more of God’s ex resistance. It would take more than this comment section for me to connect all the dots so far. Proving His existence and power needs to start with the discussion and creation of dinosaurs. Everyone is limiting existencE and creation to human life when the thought process should simply start with LIFE period. No matter what you believe in, you have to be a person to believe in facts. Fact is dinosaurs roamed this same world for thousands of years million of years ago. Why? How? Start thinking along those lines and every thing else will make sense more clearly.

  187. If you had ever read the bible. you’d know that it already explains all this BS about dating and DNA dating. But of course you didn’t, not to mention you sound like a guy who needs to pull his pants up.

  188. I have read through the article some of these comments, and
    this article to me just points to more theories.
    scientists claim to know what happened thousands of years ago, but what you have to understand is that no one knows how old the earth is, or who was here first it’s just theories and opinions.
    science is constantly contradicting itself, with different scientists at logger heads, each trying to prove who knows what first.
    Darwin is a classic example.. he lied and manipulated ppl Into his beliefs and theories. he told ppl that he found a jaw bone that dates back so many years, but instructed the museum where it was held not to allow anyone to perform tests or examine his finding.
    some years later, a scientist was able to persuade the museum to allow them to perform tests.. And guess what?! The jaw bone was fake.
    this is an example of how scientists will do anything to be the first to find it.. Much like Russia and America at battle with who would be the first to walk the moons surface, and did that really happen? Did the Americans actually get to the moon? Who knows! There’s lots of conflict over that subject, and science in all it’s subjects is no different.
    I read a comment on here that I totally agree with.. I can’t remember who posted it, but I stand by the their belief when they say that science is just as conflicting as the bible.
    science is it’s own bible in itself.. scientists wrote text books that ppl follow and stand by.. How much of it is true? Science In my mind, is just another faith! just like the bible is a faith to others! …. much of what science days is theory and lots of it has been proved wrong.
    science is not that different from the bible.. It’s what you choose to believe.
    Truth is, no one knows how old the earth is, or where we started out from, or even what colour the first man/woman was, we will NEVER know, science can only assume.
    how the hell do they know for sure how old a human bone is that they find? sure they can run tests on it, but there’s no definitive way of making an accurate explanation of where the bone comes from, or how old it is.. it’s all assumption, and theory work! Theory is an opinion.. Is all !
    same with DNA! … Most of it is an attempt to beat other scientists to the answer first.. When really there is no answer, it’s just a theory!
    Science is not much different to the bible.

    • From All that you have said ,iIs the same reason I don’t put any faith in what euro scientist ,the kjv , concordance ,Britannica, some dictionaries word origins, because those people will lie to make anything fit , like Adam was the only man in the world who could become blush in face is also a farce ! The Oral Historians are far more accurate then any of them! Nuff Said ! Peace ! Hotep !

  189. Oh and just an add on to my previous comment … if science KNOWS for sure that we date back to 338,000 years ago, then why do we have other scientists believing that our creation was from The Lord? ..
    This article and the “scientist” behind this has proven absolutely nothing! .. it’s a THEORY! Nothing more and nothing less, he has only brought another theory to the many others that claim to prove all about where we come from.
    Stay open minded ppl.. Is all ..

  190. If you train an uncle Tom long enough he’ll believe anything you tell him. I guest next you’ll be saying that the rainbow after the flood is not real also. If I told you that you use to be a cat and brought in well known non believing scientist from all over the world saying the same thing then your ignorant a$$ will start to believe it too. Make no mistakes about it, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord.

  191. The End of the article was comical lol ..Great Read further proving Dr. Imphoteps works that Africans are the true indeginous people of America.

    • Good for you Ebony 🙂 I’ve known for sometime that Black/Blue/Red Africans were always in America and other lands first,foremost,and longer then any others people ! 😉

  192. I will never bash anyone’s beliefs, but I just want to say my piece. People who put their beliefs in God or creationism, or whatever you call it can also have faith in science as well. I know, for instance, that the solar system has 8 planets and a “rogue moon”that for my entire childhood and part of my adult life were the planet Pluto. But science doesn’t have all the answers any more than a religion did. Creation? Neither one is proven. Evolution is a THEORY. Same as gravity and relativity. Stephen Hawking (did I spell that right?) is a theoretical physicist. That’s apparently his job title(my source is Wikipedia, so take it with a grain off salt). I have seen idiocy in my religion that defys logic. I have also seen acts of healing that both medicine and science cannot explain. So, if your atheist, then God bless you(no pun or malice intended). Don’t bash me for my faith in God and Jesus Christ. I won’t try to pecker slap you with my faith, you don’t act holier than thou because you don’t. That’s how we coexist. Now let the trolling re commence.

  193. So…how does this prove the story of Adam and Eve is a lie again? Lets look at the facts of the article, a man submitted a tissue sample for a DNA study. The genetic markers in this man’s DNA don’t match any other genetic markers The writer, ASSUMES that this information disproves the story of Creation because there are no Genetic Markers to trace this lineage back to. So for one to assume that information you would also have to assume that the oldest human fossil we have would have to be the fossil of Adam. This article, if anything, proves the atheist that who insulted every Christian who would read this just because. If anything this article proves the scientific theories that people are basing their disbelief on is incorrect.

  194. So there’s gorillas that look just like black people. The companies that did the testing believe in evolution. So monkeys are gorillas and black people are just delayed in evolution.

  195. The tower of babel made us all different. Thus was after Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve were immortal so it’s obvious we did not come from them the world was destroyed.



    ++ gina

    • Exactly what I was thinking, Gina! Why do some people limit themselves by looking at someone’s skin color instead of looking more in-depth at more important issues! It’s just silly & some people honestly need to grow up!

  197. I don’t understand what race has to do with believing in Christ. Black, white, chinese; it doesn’t really make a difference.

  198. The world has advance more the stage of arguing our color. We all should grow up and start our assigned race. We should live in unity and put away the color issue. The important thing is that we all come from the same Creator and we will definitely return to the same Creator. Love you neighbor

  199. Funny thing is not being racist but their is a study that anglo-saxon Is a mutation in Africa for those who are still molasses slow in the brain that means white skin is a mutation like albinos.

  200. This means absolutely nothing other than proving the longstanding theology that Adam and Eve were NOT the first set of humans on earth. There something widely known and rarely talked about called the pre adamic people. A period way before Adam and included dinosaurs and other people. So nothing new people. Just the same old atheist trying to negate the bible.

  201. All these religouse people wtf…. look im agnostic I dont care if theres a god or not and I’m not going to devote my life to stories. Truth is science has proof while one again you have stories which by the way the bible is a collection of stories some even from OTHER religions converted. You all get mad because the proof says what you believe in is wrong so understandable that you get upset but to rant and rave and spout a bunch of useless quotes an stories from all these theories and ideas but they’re just that until you have solid evidence you aren’t credible

  202. We all came from the same place. So get a grip grow and stop acting stupid. As for the way you spell it. Is still wrong. And for those who have a problem with any race is not right in the head.

  203. I am extremely excited and happy that there are some people like myself who wish to be educated and aware. Thank u for this article. Peace

  204. This artical is complete ridiculous. The writer is obviously rasist againest Christianity. Jesus was a Israelite man not White or black, why is that so hard to understand? He was born in Israel. His parents were both hebrew, so guess what he was a Israelite! I know we in the US can only see people as black or white because of slavery and segregation but newsflash, not all parts of the world dealt with the same problems as us. You can tell the writer of this artical is just spiteful againest christianity so he posted this fake artical to try to debunk the faith of christians. This artical is writen by a person who is inspired by the devil. Amen.

  205. Your editors note was very offensive. If you can have your opinion Christians and any other religion can have theirs… You say keep your bible thumping opinions away.. I say keep your this beautiful world we see today came from a random bang theory away. At the end of the day we are entitled to our own opinions our own belief and faith.. Science is based on hypotheticals and possibilities.. Religion is based on faith.. It’s all the same thing ! BELieve what you want ! But don’t bash me for not agreein with your lil article . Good day

  206. This is obviously a very biased article. You did not disprove anything about Adam and Eve. We actually have much more evidence that God exists but we can sit here and talk science together and you will still choose to believe what you decide to believe out of your own bitterness towards the church. Either way your definitely a truth seeker so keep searching my brother and it will all lead back to showing God is real. God bless you and have a great day bro. Jesus loves you whether you believe Him or not.

  207. I find it interesting how someone can “debunk” an entire culture, way of life, and history because of 1 finding, from 1 man. Who just so happens to be conviently unidentified. Basically what happened was a black man’s Y chromosome was similar to people in Africa. Shocker. Ironically (not), according to evolution these people apparently have Y chromosomes that these same scientists say, are 338 thousand years old.Okay. It is impossible for Adam and Eve to have been the parents of mankind, but completely logical for fish to walk after millions and millions of years of evolving. For a hippo and a duck to come from the same line. Einstein, from apes. How about you live in peace, and let the rest of the world do the same. The point of the matter is no one has to believe in God, nor do they have to believe in evolution. Stop worrying about what others believe and judging people for what they chose. It (the Bible, Judaism, etc.) literally does not apply to you. Those who don’t want to hear you never will.

  208. What a rude intolerant article. Was almost informative until the bashing of believers of religion. People talk about bible thumper but then you have intolerance exercised in articles like this. Ridiculous.

  209. The Torah, The Bible and the Quran never state the age of the earth or Adam and Eve.

    In fact all 3 state adam and eve lived before the great flood which has already been scientifically proven to occur about 1.3 million years ago.

    So this says nothing but this man has abnotmally old roots.

  210. We don’t thump bibles, we live it.
    Scientists can’t make one drop of rain fall nor explain where more information due comes from, but people choose to put so much faith in mortality and calculations of bones and dust. God gave unto every man a measure of faith. Use yours to gas up on living how you want you. It doesn’t matter what skin color he chose to come as, because he died for the whole world. Even you people who find every excuse to live like a dog. Life is but a vapor, and when it’s over all shall be revealed. Since you got it all figured out, how’s life going so far? Surely you have it all going great as you want it to be. The day of the Lord is coming. Who shall be able to stand in that terrible day

    • Which people are you referring to when you say :Even you people who find every excuse to live like a dog . There is material Greed as see today and there is The Spiritual attainment ! By your remark it’s not too hard to figure which category you may belong to . Since I am not going to assume which , I am asking you which fits you ?

  211. I agree with the as far human exist ions before the bible. But however this doesn’t proves that god isn’t real, it proves he is even a awesome god then I thought he was. The bible is, I think is a myth of how humans were created. As the same myth of the big bang theory. So yes I’m sorry I choose not to believe i was made up sm cosmic blast of ergy. Humans were crafted perfection by an perfect creator. Not by a mistake that happen in the universe , a blast that cause so much havoc in the universe accidentally perfectly made the world formed. and formed humans on it.. now is that logic or myth. #reality

  212. First off I believe all life started in Africa and people are descendents of black people… My problem with you is… 1. You lash out at your readers who may disagree with you like a child so I do not take you seriously, If you cant take criticism then good luck with that… 2. Homo is a word that means man in latin especially when it is used to define a human!!! Why censor Homo Sapien??? 3. Science is based on laws and theories and unless it’s scientific law then it is not a fact!!! Ponder that!!!
    So what my comment was long!!!

  213. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of the Bible primarily based upon the misconceptions of individuals that had little comprehension of the book themselves.
    But I’m glad that this evidence disproves the wrong perception of the creation story as told in the Bible although it does not disprove the story itself.

  214. This “article” (read: opinion) is actually good for a laugh. I mean, it’s so obvious to everyone that ALL of mankind is related, right? So why does the story of Adam & Eve seem so “illogical” even to your (possibly, persistent) childish sensibilities?? And let’s get this straight for all who equate Christianity with “white people”: the early Hebrews were almost certainly BLACK. If not as dark-skinned as some, they were most definitely darker than your average European. So this “white Jesus” fluff is complete nonsense. Secondly, the “science” that this piece is based upon, is full of terms like “estimates”, “likelihood”, “assuming”, etc. etc. It’s NOT science. Period. And while I’m at it, I might as well get straight to the heart of the matter: none of you atheists want to accept that a supreme Creator exists because YOU DON’T WANT TO BE TOLD HOW BEST TO LIVE YOUR LIVES. You think y’all know better. You know where that’s got you? Wars, poverty, materialism, racism, sickness and death. If everyone learnt to live by the principles of the Bible, loving God AND neighbour, we’d be in a whole lot less trouble. And for the idjut who wrote “the people who wrote the Bible believed the the earth was flat”: for goodness sake, do your homework, fool; the book of Isaiah, written in the 8th century BC, reads “It is he who sits above the CIRCLE of the earth” (Isaiah 40:22).

    • I don’t have hate for anyone because I know for a Fact ,We’re All One ! I’ve been saying this years and yes i was critized for it ! The orignal Hebrews were and still are the Ethiopian who come in many colors, very dark to very light skinned people . A fact that is not conveyed for what ever reason . I don’t and will not practice any religions , but I know there is “ALL THAT IS “. If want to refer to this Entity as God, then please do so. I don’t need any religion to tell me that .Yeshua did away with all the Old testment 10 commandments and replace it with this one cmnt.,” Love One Another “.
      I have something you may want to listen to which was broadcast back in 1967 by Paul harvey that ” Rings True ‘ today ! The Link : ! Food for thought !

  215. To say that these type of people don’t believe in God, they sure are spending plenty time obtaining “evidence” on something so irrelevant – As much as you all know about God and His word ity00ou would be awesomse Ministers!!!

  216. “irrefutable proof that Adam and Eve were Black and created in God’s true image (a true horror to white Christian fundamentalists)”

    He tells people of faith not troll science, yet he is willing to troll religion. Besides, it is a sad but true mis-understanding of the phrase “God made man in His image.” Reverse engineering the implication that this meant God is bipedal of any ethnicity is such a pathetic interpretation that should I choose to believe their incompetence of Scripture is as much of a goal of theirs as promoting science.

    Two points in response. We are made in God’s image because we have an intellect and can make moral decisions. Also, the development of science reinforces my faith in one teaching by my religion. The teaching is that God made the universe in such a way that it can be studied and understood and that God gave us an intellect which is capable of doing that study.

  217. It was a very interesting article. Now everyone is fighting over blacks and whites and where they came from. Well then where did the Asians come from? Also, how can you say people came from Africa when earth at one time was one huge continent. Also it’s said that white people came down from the Caucasus mountains. so my question is; who’s to say the first man was black? Why can’t there be many different “first” men and women. If Adam and Eve were the first people where did the other people come from when they left their tree? No one will ever know exactly how and where we became. We are just lucky enough to find glimpses of the past and try to put it all together to make sense. It never will because we are always finding and learning new things.

    • The. Reply is simple the first people in the garden of eden were ethenicly of a dark skinned complextion due to the climate in that region of the world of the heat and the soil stayed moist because God allowed the springs in the earth to act if you will as sprinklers so that the fruit trees could bare food and so when God decided to mold an shape man in the image of him Almighty God the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and the Angels and all of the Heavenly Host they were created from a warm dark mass of clay which we call dirt from the earth and with the water from the springs of the earth the was darken and of a rich and fertile nature which means it was able to be fruitful to multiply to forfill Gods purpose and all of the Heavenly Host and Angels bowed down and gave praises to our father for the creation of mortal man and woman everyone honored God accept iblis the devil, Satan and this Satan said to our father the same thing that so many others are saying today that he would confuse and lead man away from God so when the end comes he show God easy it would be lead his sheep astray and then he Satan would claim victory over Gods purpose, but the devil fail too recognize is that God gave man free will to make his own decision as to where he would spend eternity with the Father /with Christ Jesus. Amen

  218. So if this disproves Adam and Eve, does this mean we dont have a creator? That all life on earth came from nothing? Seems logical that out of nothing became something! Yay!

  219. God will get us all, we should not worry with racist comments. Dont yall know that racist work for satan. How else can he implement his plan to seperate gods chosen. Im sad for us all. It’s only going to get worse, before it gets better. Only god can rid the world of people like that.







    • When i mention darkened black brass feet it was meant to be the verse that has been argued and argued in Revelation and in Daniel which mention that brass burnt skin color which of course it’s not black but Light Golden brown…it might look black but when the dark risen flakes off you see the light golden brown color. When brass is cooked it’s color is golden tint and I can’t even fathom where black ever came in to the argument unless it came from bigots.

      Typo Wooly=Woolly

      • There are three known portraits of Yeshua with medium Dark Skin / proto historic( transfigurated to Jesus by greeks -not real name ) in and around the Mediterranean . Your also have have many portraits of the Black Madona and Child ( Yeshua ) all over Africa , The Mediterranean and Europe ( as far north a Norway ) . Yeshua is also of Ethiopian Hebrew descent. There’s no argument abouth the fact indeed Yeshua was a Black person. If this information is known all over Africa, The Mediterranean and Europe ,Why is it an Argument it seems only in America ? Do we have an indenity problem (s ) here ? I know that in the movies they always protrait the Hebrews as white on screen , But in real Life that is just not the case ! Right now in Israel the Eurpeans are giving the Orginal Dark Skin/ Black Israelites ( Ethiopian ) a hard way to go because they knew that these that are indeed the Orginal Esraelites . Funny thing is , when the euopean jews want to know how to do a religious protocol they ask the ethiopians for the correct way ! Hmmm , Food for thought ! ;- )

    • Amen! So well put! This person lost my respect for his study and research ability when he closed with such narrow thoughts. To even think he would have the right to detain and arrest people’s right to express only displayed an over load of density within his collective. I immediately lost any respect for his filtering system and immediately knew his report was simply biased and riddle with A NEED TO BE RIGHT. People are killing themselves to be of God, to be apart of God but are so disconnected from God they have no concept that they are already amongst God for God is the light within ~ fighting to be free when the door been open. Go within.

      If he needs God to be black before he can submit, he won’t find God anyway. #DivideIsOfTheAntiLight

      • I hear you . But how do you explain portraits and Statues all around the Mediterranean ,Africa and as north as Norway of a Black Madona and Child ? I ve seen the portraits paintings done in ancient plaster which was used at the time of Yeshua . Proto Historic ! I’ve learned not to give locations because the images are white washed as I write here !

  221. No need to be so angry with people With a belief system. As a person who believes in a Higher power, Creator, I can also appreciate good science. The science you presented seems indisputable. I understand also your position of ReligiOus people with their hypocrisy, controlling issues and evil behavior. The guiding principles of morality of treating others the way we would like to be treated works as a law for human interaction. So how do you reconcile the two. I believe the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

    What you fail to factor in is people’s personal experiences with apparent, supernatural phenomena, miracles, paranormal activity, ghosts even, etc.

    I have NOT seen evolutionists or other scientists address this well documented occurrence. I would like to your thoughts.

  222. This does dismiss several myths… however it fails to support ANY theistic belief. This relatively new information does not support the existence of any god or of mankind being created at all.

  223. I’d like to start off by saying it does not matter to me at all what color Adam or Eve were. Nor Jesus for that matter. That being said I’d like to bring my point and OPINION to a few other statements. 1st being no one can disprove the existence of God whether you think of it as a theory or truth. Science was created by man which means it’s flawed because only God is perfect. So no science can be considered fact because it is all just theories created by man. 2nd My statement about not being able to disprove God also means we can’t exactly disprove your theories or beliefs. Each of us have a Response to each argument the other presents for example you say Big Bang theory we say it could be in result to God saying let there be light. This can go back and forth with no end. Which just proves that each of us will believe what we wish to believe and have our own “proof” for that belief. It’s all in what you want to believe. If you don’t want to believe in God your theories will be more credible than ours and vice versa. Maybe the best solution is to explore each and every theory to the fullest. Learn every perspective before saying yours is fact because what is my opinion to you is fact to me as what is your opinion to me is fact to you.

    Love and Peace to everyone both Christian and Athiest and everyone in between.

  224. I am not going to bash religion into a talk about science, to do so us pointless, I fight “science” with science. The fact of the matter is that this article says nothing of how they prove anything, this is a hypothesis. It is a very interesting article but people, please stop believing everything you read *ahem the bible too*. Many people who have analytical minds find fault in the bible because they can’t grasp the logic, but don’t blindly follow what is written, find your own answers…and know that DNA has a half life of less than 600 years so beyond that it is just best guesses, nowhere did they say what analysis they used in this article. Please people, wake up.

    • Just want to ask you how you came up with the conclusion that DNA has a half life of 600 yrs , based on what ? Iam interested to know ? I always say if you’re looking for answers to life ,bible and whatever , Do your own research , never accept some so called answers by those who give slick answers /allegories !

  225. The fact that Adam and eve is the basis for this article instead of scientific findings is only proof that the scientific community is more worried about proving the bible wrong than real breakthroughs. Also the bible does mention a race of humans that Adam and his family coexist with after leaving the garden. Your proving us wrong your just kicking dirt.

  226. This only proves that people really don’t understand the story of Adam & Eve… yes it s a myth, but it is a myth rooted in fact. For those in the know, their are 5 root races, all with their on Adam & Eve… & yes the start those races dates back over 500,000 years! So this doesn’t disprove Adam & Eve, it simply disproves a foolish concept that those who refuse to research & investigate seem to hold

  227. My ancestors originated from the same ancestors as the modern day San tribe of South Africa and so did yours(wyms). My ancestors decided to leave at least 60000 years ago into Asia and we mutated while some migrated to west Africa. Wyms I am glad you feel vindicated that “white lies” about Adam and Eve aren’t true if you believe in heaven that is. You seem to have a chip on your shoulder. I hope one day you meet God and he temporarily changes into a Hispanic and greets you with Buenos dias. I personally don’t concern myself with God’s appearance. I was made in his image he was not made in mine.

    • Your Color makes no difference . People can be more closely related to a person of a different Ethnic Group then their own . For instance There was a DNA test done on a 100% Native American (as per that person ) , The sample was run and to the Native American amazment , She have a cousin who is 100% Greek whom she is more closely related to then her Native American Ethnic Group . It seems the family had broken up into separate groups some 25,000 years ago and went their
      separate ways ! Cool story !

    • Glad you said that ! Most will never no this > That just because you’re Black Or White don’t think you don’t have closely related family members in a completely different skin color group . There Black people who have direct family members lets who are lets say a white group who are more closely related to their family then the people of their own ethnic group ! Most people have absolutely no clue regarding this Fact ! And it runs across the spectrum because One Chinese family can have closer relatives in a Black family Group , White family Group . Middle eastern family group and on and on and never realize that they even exist ! Like I’ve said before ,we’re all One Family , But ,there just way too many haters Bull and others and it’s far fetch for them to except this Fact !

  228. Where in the Bible does it say all of mankind descended from Adam and Eve? That’s just an assumption people have made. If you can find where the Bible says this, then you are correct, this discovery does disprove the Adam and Eve story.

    BUT since the Bible does not say all mankind descended from those two people, this discovery does not prove or Adisprove anything from the Bible.

  229. This blog is a scathing and brazen misrepresentation of the quoted study and the Bible. As the study does not prove that the Biblical Adam/Eve story is intentionally false (i.e. a lie) (or false at all).

    And to the author’s mutually exclusive A & B conundrum (actually not a conundrum at all)… We’ve known for decades that the first beings had higher levels of melanin in their skin and that life likely started in Africa and that lighter skin (and blue eyes) is a mutation in the human genome (which are common) that occurred years after the first humans. But… the author doesn’t take the scientific/true angle and say that this study provides more evidence to this proven, albeit oddly quiet, scientific fact (i.e.nod to option B), but nods to option A in his title stating that the biblical story is a lie…………. I would be astounded and perplexed by the author’s decision if I didn’t know that people are simply haters of God/Truth.

    And for you “5 percenters” and black spiritualists(?) or whatever the tag may be… The fact that the first beings had high levels of melanin does NOT make you a god or any higher in importance than a lighter man… no more wiser and no more connected to the source than another.

  230. May I simply just say what a comfort to discover someone who actually knows what they’re talking about online.
    You actually understand how to bring an issue to light and make it important.

    More and more people must check this out and understand this side of the story.
    I was surprised you’re not more popular since you definitely have the gift.

  231. Thanks for a marvelous posting! I certainly enjoyed reading it, you could be a
    great author.I will make sure to bookmarkk your blog and
    will often come back from now on. I wnt to encourage continue your great work,
    have a nice evening!

  232. The National Geographic Genographic Project is really important and, right now, the most extensive study of its kind. The project’s director, Spencer Wells, produced a documentary called “Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey.” Everyone should see it.

    What we know, so far, is that pretty much everyone on earth can be traced back to a single migration out of Africa 50-60 thousand years ago, except for a few pockets of populations in Africa that predate that migration – as evidenced in this gentleman from S.C. (Which also underscores the circumstances by which his ancestors “migrated” out of Africa.)

    People should see Journey of Man because of how Wells conducts his research and presents his findings to people all around the world, many who have deeply held beliefs based on ancient traditions – some much older than the biblical stories (in Australia, for example.) Wells, however, does not use science like a club to discredit others’ beliefs. He presents his evidence and respectfully listens to others. We can learn a lot from his example.

    Racists sadden me because they are in denial about their origins. We are family. Our blood tells us this. Race is a myth. Unfortunately, racism is not.

    Thanks for sharing the latest in this most important story!

  233. I discovered a couple of weeks ago that Jesus never existed. I discovered a day or two ago that the bible is false. I’m feeling FREE.

    • I’m sorry Shelley but Jesus was a historical figure and whoever is telling you he didn’t exist is misleading you. Up to interpretation and belief is the idea that he was the son of God but his existence is pretty well documented. If that belief is what it takes to achieve freedom, so be it and I hope you are happy!

  234. thank you with that being said and when I just read do Jewish people change to J in to an G now and I will send you wish take that out off genetically engineer workers take the G off put it with J . still wishin on shit

  235. It seems as though the author has a chip on their shoulder about the white race & seems to feel they have something to prove (#whoseyourdaddy ? <— what is that for?). Honestly…let's grow up here — why do some people continue to put "whites" against "blacks?" The study doesn't tell you Adam & Eve were black, or if they existed or didn't exist; & even if Jesus was black…who cares? This is not a competition. The study is an awesome read, but all the other nonsense that is added on to it is just silly.

  236. black , white who cares we are all humans and we all need to drop these childish behaviors and embrace the love.Don’t hate! correct with love ps not a hippie just want to move forward in life and see ” the People” move together ! One love

  237.  didn’t say how they dated some ancient dna over 100000 years old and compared it to his or a tribes dna … nothing over hundred thousand years has organic carbon in it to date it make the claim something is over that, scientists must make assumptions ..although it’s presented as fact…It also says something about evolution or some distant ape they have not produced ..yet make the claim…smh .. bs

  238. Funny….. “please keep your dissertations, short novels, and epic fictions you call comments to yourself……If you don’t believe in reality, that is your right,” last time i checked it’s also MY RIGHT to post whatever dissertations, short novels, and epic fictions I call comments, on your fucking page. So, ignorant douchebag, I leave you with that because your stupid fucking article is completely farfetched… you can’t trace DNA back 338 thousand years and if you could it would fucking be reported..

    White man who believes in a higher being.

    P.S Jesus is white.


  239. As tremendous a find as this may be for anthropology and for humanity’s improved understanding of its own history, your “proofs” fall short in logic. One of the two arguments has a double nested flaw in logic, so instead of picking on the logic, I’ll move onto the more important issue of your post.

    As a journalist that practices freedom of speech, you need to curb your abrasiveness to opinions that you do not share. You have given these people a place to share and therefore must recognize every person’s right to give their two cents. When you publish something publicly (that is how much of the internet works) you cannot strictly tailor its audience. Their are private networks for that (the forums that you referred to). You may write the article with a specific audience in mind, but you are no longer welcome to control who can see and respond to it.

    Your rude response you gave to the people who have given you far more attention than you deserve was unwarranted. Please adjust your attitude for the sake of everyone on your side of the pond.

    -Someone on your side of the debate.

  240. Jesus is not God but our savior. I’m so tired of these biased half studies that sound like a preschooler wrote them. How can you pass of personal need and an obsessive desire now has reached into blatant NEED for your God to be YOUR race???

    I’m glad at least more people are finally realizing that Atom & Evolution was a mythical story set for simple humans who were disconnected from makers spiritual gifts long ago. I’m glad this is being discussed.

    But The completely pathetic cry for help is all this this artical has displayed. No offense but to think YOU (mere human who’s been no where but a fraction of a 3D earth) have any answers more precise than anyone else out here guessing at theories which stick enough to call yourself AWOKE is so laughable that entertaining anything you said is null & void.
    I feel better letting you have it. You need it. So take it brudah.

    But your small narrow concepts reak loudly that you clearly have not studied cosmology, demonology, meta physics, quantum theories/mechanics, reiki light or the aspect of ion light. The simple fact that any race group is naïvely dence enough to think that the super nova concept of our heavenly creator could have ever been a “race” is what makes so many humans appear to not have extended their studies or their “discerning” beyond 5th grade. With my discerning I can pick up that you do not have this spiritual gift and that your pineal gland is calcified and you are not connected to God/source directly but the concept of God. You have cut yourself off from God to fight a battle you weren’t sent here to fight. So you are as lost as the white man.

    God has NEVER BEEN A RACE. Never has etheric substance been anything containing melatonin. To be a race you would have had to be be human and have lived in a dence 3D body. But humans were spiritually cast here in this realm to balance a wrong. There being a Adam and Eve is just about as silly as thinking Gid use to be a persons of color. So is he some huge giant black guy in the sky?? Really?

    God is not nor has ever been human or ever had shape in the features of human. If you clearly grasp cosmology, meta physics or even the study of our physical bodies you would grasp that God has never been of any dense substance which contained chromosomes nor atoms. No facial features, no hands, no feet, no hair. God is etheric and is of ion light. The very light that holds all the atoms of life together. The Partical science has stumbled across what they now coin the God Partical.

    If you’re simple enough to think that something so greater than the mere concept of race has a race than that is why mankind continues to self destroy themselves over and over. Most can’t even reach the level where they finally learn that Christ is not God but our Lord & Savior and if you grasped the (obviously) too big of a concept that God our creature is ALL LOVING and would never create one race just to abandon the others as if they are nothing of relevance. I understand blacks need to free themselves by obsessively trying convince the world that God or even Jesus was “BLACK”.
    But this point is mute and irrelevant when you are speaking about a etheric force of plasma decent. Sorry.

    Even if we all entertained the preschool notion that The most powerful force in the multiverse is a black man (😄😄😄) (sure) even that wouldn’t be enough to get blacks off their keesters and create a legacy rather a circus of their DNA. Study a bit more with your black history and maybe you won’t sound so foolish referring to the osmosis as something of race. Aliens and every living entity of any other dimension aren’t a race either while we’re on topic. Humans are. Period.

    • Well said and I do agree with most of it . Which people on earth have a non active calcified pineal gland ? There is no such animal as a race , that became a media word back in the 1960’s . We’re All One weather from this world or the next ! If there are indeed billions of Universes , We are still One ! People can’t wrap their minds around this exsistence ?

    • This will be my last comment on this site : I’ve said before and i’ll say it . We are ” All One “. I don’t bash anyone for their belief’s and /or religions , But now we have Dictators on this site telling us what we can and can not say ? B.S. I suspect these are the same people will go to another site and bad mouth Muslims for their beliefs and reglions ! I seen these types all over the internet ( Do as I say , Not as I do ). Everyone is Entitled to their opions regardless and if they offend someone religion and then be an open discussion so everyone can give their points of view even if it doesn’t make sense to YOU, They are still entitled to their opion , Get That ??? History is being contantly updated to provide you with a different perspective on everything. For you who constantly update your Cell phone, Rooms in your house, your computer and etc.. Have to nerve on here and dictate what can say and should say are more then Hypocites . This world is constantly evolving with New Information and If you don’t evolve with it You’ll be lost . And their is Absolutely no need for name calling (<– Just a suggestion ). When i read the bible i use a common sense approach , Not what a pastor , minister anf whom ever else who stands up on a pedestal and dictates to you what this means and what that means based soley on their beliefs and OPINIONS I grew up Catholic . I had a Catholic Bishop who educated me behind about things about religion that I never new before and if people knew the real truth they could handle it . This why I stopped being religous and holdering to false beliefs . He made me promise to tell no one, So I don't because it would completely change your perspectative and it be Shock to the system !
      This is the last time I will say this ,, I do my best to stay away from Beliefs and Religions, But I don't anyone for Religion and or Beliefs ! Nuff Said !

    • This will be my last comment on this site : I’ve said before and i’ll say it . We are ” All One “. I don’t bash anyone for their belief’s and /or religions , But now we have Dictators on this site telling us what we can and can not say ? B.S. I suspect these are the same people will go to another site and bad mouth Muslims for their beliefs and reglions ! I seen these types all ver the internet ( Do as I say , Not as I do ). Everyone is Entitled to their opions regardless and if they offend someone religion and then be an open discussion so everyone can give their points of view even if it doesn’t make sense to YOU, They are still entitled to their opion , Get That ??? History is being contantly updated to provide you with a different perspective on everything. For you who constantly update your Cell phone, Rooms in your house, your computer and etc.. Have to nerve on here and dictate what can say and should say are more then Hypocites . This world is constantly evolving with New Information and If you don’t evolve with it You’ll be lost . And their is Absolutely no need for name calling (<– Just a suggestion ). When i read the bible i use a common sense approach , Not what a pastor , minister anf whom ever else who stands up on a pedestal and dictates to you what this means and what that means based soley on their beliefs and OPINIONS I grew up Catholic . I had a Catholic Bishop who educated me behind about things about religion that I never new before and if people knew the real truth they could handle it . This why I stopped being religous and holdering to false beliefs . He made me promise to tell no one, So I don't because it would completely change your perspectative and it be Shock to the system !
      This is the last time I will say this ,, I do my best to stay away from Beliefs and Religions, But I don't anyone for Religion and or Beliefs ! Nuff Said ! If i made any typo's , please forgive me ! Nuff Said

  241. I didn’t even scroll all the way to Bulls comment but I was enjoying seeing everyone united against some ignorant racist prick. Sadly there are still some back woods ass redneck inbred hillbillies like Bull that still exist. If he traces back his DNA it’s mostly gonna be a straight line. Do I believe we all came from africa? Probly not. But do I believe we all came from 2 people? No way. Good read.

  242. How quickly everyone forgets the article commenting off mediocre phrases……:By defending your participating.
    This artical is very interesting and scientifically wows me! If this research is verifiable, this opens open a whole new world of discovery on Human beings, conciousness, history, evolution, etc….

  243. So evolutionists and scientists who already believe the bible is false did this study. I saw the word estimate which can be interpreted as a guess. Your basis for truth is no more concrete than the figure you point at God.

  244. Smdh. All those comments about race. All they proved was that ADAM AND EVE were not the only first two. Such pettyness. I told people that years before that article was even wrote. Every race started from somewhere. And clearly our physical and genetic differences show that.

  245. I just had to do this because i read your article with an open mind and respected your opinion even though i don’t agree with it. However, the only thing you said that bothered me is you saying anyone who doesn’t agree is stupid and you do not want to hear what they had to say. You should know that as soon as i read that smart xxx comment you lost that respect. If you don’t want to hear anyone else’s opinion than don’t leave your own you self righteous jerk. And by the way, i couldn’t care less about what race Jesus’s is, just the fact that he is my savior, and i will never understand why anyone else does either.

  246. Thaks for the entertainment! How do you know that the person doing the reading , readings was right ? (Festus off gun smoke) They (scientists ) have it wrong but at least they are living you in turn are just a disciple of there truth. All science is based on a creation one that was here beforean understanding was established (establishment ) what a joke… language is the vehicle of thoughts. Faith in turn happens without any understanding that is what troubles academics! I have it i cant expain it but i wont live with out it.No tumping just something to THINK about it . Traits matter man is either good or bad!! color ,size and all other matter only in conversation . #Be dispassionate

  247. Let’s all slow down for a second and take a moment to analyze this. I am a Christian and I have always believed that Adam and Eve were the 1st created more so in the likeness of God and their story was written in Genesis. But I also believe there was life that existed before their creation. Take for instance the story of Cain and Abel. After Cain murdered his brother able and was band from his home land Cain said this to God Genesis 4 verse 13- 17 “And Cain said unto the LORD, My punishment is greater than I can bear. Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me. And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him. And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch. If Adam and Eve were the 1st and Cain and Abel were the 1st Children of Adam and Eve, who was Cain afraid of that might want to kill him after he was band from his home land? Their was other life outside the Garden of Eden that existed. Dont be so quick to through the words of the bible out with the dirty water just because it isn’t explained in a way that most can’t comprehend!

  248. You don’t have to bleep out the “homo” in homo-sapien. Its actually the scientific nomenclature of “human”.

  249. This is not a very well thought out argument. For one thing, nearly all europeans have both neanderthal DNA that obviously pre-dates writing much less he bible, and south-Asian DNA from long long ago when asiatic people migrated to Europe (thus forming the indo-european language family). For another thing, it becomes hard when you go thatback farther than 20,000 years to differentiate between who are homo sapiens and who are another kind of simian life form. Anyway, the Bible story is a metaphor. You could have gotten your point across better by saying “I have a great disdain for whites and christians” without pulling your psuedo-science to back up a spurious argument.

  250. Crazy how everyone is letting this bull person get to you. Im black and white…. and its safe to say everyone can be called out and disrespected but the bigger person will not entertain this foolishness. I personally dont care if the first person was black or white. We are all here now so how can we make the life we are given the best life living? Here’s one. does anyone know who the first murder was I’ll give you a hint he killed his brother because he was jealous……….Cain killed abel. The first man born and the first man killed. i guess us as ppl will never change, always fighting over something smh

  251. 1. they already proved through dna that all people are descended from the same 2 BLACK people like 20 years ago when it was still news and 2. if your so sure you believe in reality why would you need to defend yourself by requesting that people with opposing view points not respond? that sounds like somebody who knows they’ re full of shit and hiding from the truth to me

  252. I don’t get how this proves that Adam and Eve was black, Jesus was black, or disproves Christianity or Judaism.

    No one knows for sure how old the Earth is, we can’t take what is speculated and assume that to be true. We simply do not know. Is it possible that there are genes that are people today with other rare mutations? The NG Genome Project has a small sample size when compared to the number of people in this world. If everyone could afford to pay for the kit and then have their genes added to the sample I am sure there will be lots of surprises.

    And to those Christians agruing to say Jesus was black or white or whatever…I think u are missing the whole point of Christianity. It does not really matter what His race was. He was created in God’s image. We don’t know what God looks like or what Jesus looks like. The pictures of Jesus we all see, are pictures of Him created in the way certain people imagine him to be.

    • You were handed a bill of goods because some AssWipe Pastor tells you that no one knows what Yeshua looked like .. Only in America LoL..I ‘ve seen Proto Historic Portraits of him and statues of The Black Madonna and Child ..I’v also seen the Vatican portraits & statues., People walk right by them all day long without knowledge and / or completely absend minded and partly because they are led pass them without even a mention by guides . Probably on purpose. I guess it really doesn’t matter , but it doesn’y know either ! Really People , if they have Portraits and statues of Alexander the Great who lived some 300 plus before Yehsua, Oops , when Yeshua came along all of a sudden they ran out of Paint ? Oops , The printer out of Ink , I better run out and get ink !

  253. Well while this is mind blowing king James is or is not a profound black African male true or false? Now how many times have his words been re writing in our ancestor’s life time? If Jesus Christ is in deed black how is it that his hair is of wool and now silky ? Adam n eve pronouce dis obeyed God before time and was giving another chance at life the same as us so ? If God is not real he wouldn’t allow Christ to prevail his image amoung our generation’s the same image were blocking out daily threw our spirit. Its crazy to me how if we as black males speak and live threw Christ we get judge and slaughtered like the pigs we love to eat but we get more respect for killing and gang banging threw our streets that we own. What’s real who lying? (I am LMB)

    • OK Brother , You’re like me , your Brain is much faster then your typing . I have to slowdown my brain to type.. do understand what you’re getting at though ! Peace !

  254. No matter what DNA you find that you think disproves God, remember that you will be judged in the end. There are far more reasons to believe, than there are to disbelieve.

    Bible Thumper

    • I don’t have Beliefs or at least do my best to stay away from that weapon.( Too Many Die because of it ). I also do not belong too any religion .However, I do know the Oneness you call ” God ” . I bet you can’t grasp that Knowledge / Concept ????????

  255. This is so very misleading; I can fairly conclude that most people think critically, but can’t surely have all the right considerations in mind to make a statement that can vitally alter a persons perspective. I always see science fight religion, vise versa, etc. How about using both to pick out to, carefully, pick out false information; yet, even this could result misleading because we can’t even be certain how much information was fed to us as we grow old is all false, for whatever reason it was used; white lies for example and many more scams, etc. We also tend to “think out of the box.” There’s a “box” for sake. Why not get rid of that box instead.

  256. You are all adults right? Cause to me it sounds like a bunch of middle schoolers arguing like little ass kids. You all have your opinions, no need to get defensive and butt hurt cause others don’t agree with you, and does it really fucking matter why we are all here today or how!? Is it gonna change the future if God (if there is a god) or Adam and Eve are white or black!? No! Just go live your life and worry about your own life and not other people not agreeing with your or doing things the way you think is right or want them to do. If not be stuck with the childish attitudes and maturity levels all your grown adults have, that you should have grown out of a long time ago. Black or white, I don’t give a fuck, don’t change anything about today, and I’m gonna have the same exact life no matter what. Now have fun arguing over some pretty pointless

  257. These comments on this post are exactly what he/she was referring to when said person used the term Bible thumping. There a whole lot of intellectuals commenting with various arguments with a mix of facts and opinions. There are also a whole lot of ignorant people offering their opinions and what they see as facts. My point in even commenting on this, is just to enlighten. If you are on this post bashing others for their beliefs, find something else to do. Nobody asked for you to comment just to start an argument for entertainment. If you want to argue your point of view, then do it. If you want to bash someone, find another place. As a matter of fact, look in the mirror. If you believe in God, why bash your fellow? If not, why stoop to that level of immaturity? I wish nothing, but good things to all. Have a good day everyone.

  258. Umm…okay so I’m sure I am going to piss both sides off. First yes we are all from African origin, from roughly 1.3 to 2 is when some started to migrate away from Africa, and yes we were all most likely black then because our melatonin in our skin would have made us dark and save us from skin cancer. However being black (having a lot of melatonin in our skin) was an evolutionary trait. Prior to that we were white and hairy. So… yeah.

  259. We were made in the likeness of God. If you read his description, it sounds like a bit of all races. Look it up. It doesn’t matter to me. I’ll praise and believe no matter.

  260. Joshua 24 :15
    But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household we will serve the LORD.

  261. So why cant Adam and eve be that old? And also Adam and eve weren’t the 1st life just the 1st people in the garden of Eden so this proves nothing

  262. If you, I AM that I AM, do not repent and turn away from this lie you are spewing and spreading, and also turn to GOD, you my friend will eat those words you wrote in the editors notes. I pray that you will come to the LORD, who is THE WAY, THE TRUTH , AND THE LIFE, THE ONLY I AM, so that you don’t endure eternal suffering.

    • How can you “preach” about god, bash people, then say you’ll pray for them? No. Pray for acceptance of the things you can not change, like people’s opinions, and who/what they choose to believe in.

  263. Why is GOD hated so much? Why does the bible predict that in the last days that what is wrong shall be right and what is right shall be wrong? The bible also predicts that people will be hated for his name sake, and this is so true. Why doesn’t anyone ever hate Buddha or Allah or Sheba, or any other well known gods in other religions? There is a reason. GOD IS THE ONE WHO GAVE US ALL LIFE AND EVERYTHING THAT HAS THE BREATH OF LIFE. There is a lot more evidence that supports a creator, rather than, we all came from an accident and evolved over millions of years. If we evolved, then why aren’t we or animals still evolving today? There is only one GOD AND HE CREATED EVERYTHING! HE CREATED MAN IN HIS OWN IMAGE! I pray that GOD WILL TOUCH YOUR HEARTS AND YOU WILL KNOW THAT HE IS THE CREATOR AND LOVES YOU, SO MUCH THAT HE SENT HIS ONLY SON TO DIE FOR YOU, SO YOU WILL NOT PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE.

    • Religion divides people. Do you think “god” would want you ranting and bashing people for what they believe? No. I believe that bible you read speaks of judging others, approaching someone in a christian way, and “Forgive them, for they know not what they do”. So if you combine all you know from the bible, you would have never posted this to begin with.

  264. Honestly, a lot of “Caucasian ” americans, should get their DNA tested. When they first started doing census, and even during slavery, there were African American women so light that they passed for white (This happened due to slaves being rapped). They went on to marry white men, who bore light children, who in turn, married white men or women. So… all who think you are completely (Caucasian) or bashing African american people, you might want to test your DNA. Recently, a white supremesist found that he had some African American ancestry.

  265. Lol that was good until the end and this proves very little cause if this guy payed attention in biology humans are homosapeien but not all man was homosapeien there were the neanderthal and other versions of “man” which would explain and it’s been proven that Jesus is not white along with the others he stated a long time ago. The only thing he’s done is spout a little science in which he is not adept in and mock believers .

  266. I have no issue with the science, but I call b.s. on your editors note at the end. You know damn well that you intended to stir up a hornets nest, otherwise you would have left that part out. Also you’d be surprised at how many of us who have an interest in and put our faith in science also believe in a supreme creator (call him by whatever name you wish) because science still can’t answer the question who created whatever the universe came from. You can go all the way back to the big bang, but the material and the space it now occupies had to come from somewhere – or someone.

  267. Now the most controversial truth is that we all come from fungus.
    The story is about atom and elektra. And human DNA Helix. How humans got their conscious by eating of the knowledge tree. Meaning humanity was like an ape until a sudden change out of nowhere. They started to trip on psychoactif. About 50 000 years ago.
    As Jesus was never a man. Jesus was the spirit that brought you closer to God. They draw faces on the sun and moon. Still nobody living there.
    1 Corinthians 11:24 “This is my soma,” says Jesus. Now check on google what Soma (mushroom) is. You have to dry it and then it gets braun like a small round bread. Who want’s half of it?
    With that person in the bible they mean the son of Cleopatra and Julius Ceasar. (In Egypt King of kings) who had to flee as his half brother got the throne after Caesar’s death. Ceasar was considered a God. That was normal in Roman Empire making Cesarean Son of God.. It’s what they call aYHuWHasca in the Amazon. YHWH. Cesarean as previous Pharao created the first drug free religion. With only one reason to control the mass and cut of their third eye. To become King by religion and rule over it’s people like god promised Abraham. Pretty racist idea imho anyway.
    Egyptians used blue lotus for its trips. It is a shamanic ritual to experience death and rebirth while they go on a spirit trip. You find this all over the cave paintings as the wounded man figure. Google keywords DMT hormone,The Pineal Gland Eye of Horus. Amanita Muscaria. Forbidden caves. Earth frequencies 7.83Hz. Brainwaves 1-70Hz.

  268. Stfu with this stupid bullshit. All this proves is that the kid came from that lineage of people. Wtf that has to do with adam and eve….if you don’t believe in a white god, what makes you think there’s even an adam and eve…..yeah cause the human race started from fucking TWO INDIVIDUALS……..yeah that makes sense.

  269. why is there so much racism and hate in the responses? I think that this discovery is groundbreaking, and I am fascinated by it.
    Seriously, never mind his skin color for a minute, we were fucking able to trace someone’s lineage 338,000 years! Fuck yeah, science!

  270. your findings make sense to me. but the only way we can prove that is if we exp several groups of people whose origins are historically diff. find if a single group have similar characteristics which are diff from the rest of groups. use tribes to form a group.

  271. The Bible supports this. If you read where Cain was being kicked out of the Garden of Eden; the Lord but a mark on Cain’s forehead and told the people outside the gate not to harm Cain. You will have to go back and read that because I can not tell you exactly where it is.

  272. I can prove you wrong through Christ! God himself is my defender. He is Christ and The very word. You lie Satan. You lie! But it won’t last long. You can’t persuade everyone.

  273. Dam we really need the media to for fill there purpose, to exploit ever inch of ant type of controversy an allow the truth to globaly go viral! BC that is what is needed in the world not just in the states

  274. I often found myself wondering about the truth of this world and its origins but I also find myself wondering what’s the point of it all? Us knowing the truth won’t solve a thing and yes I am a christian..BUT not how you think I am. You see I worship God because the name itself keeps a slight sense of peace in this world… I mean can you truly imagine if no one believed in God? It would be chaotic and this earth would be destroyed at a much faster rate then what it already is…. With that being said I’m putting myself in a scientific standpoint and It really opens my mind when I smoke a little weed from time to time lol which leads me to believe that the reason the government wants it illegal is to keep us from knowing the truth… Weed seems to enhance the brain’s thought productivity and I’ve come up with these conculsions… The government Is hiding things and they’ve kept us in a box for soooooo long that whatever they say, we just say fuck it and go along with it. Everything is always whatever to us and we don’t even really care what our future holds…. I myself currently don’t even know the reason why the truth is so important but I do know we are a long long long long long long long way from finding it…. There’s so much we don’t know and that’s only here on earth!…. Hey did you know there is full undiscovered universe out there? Someone or something had to start it all 🙂

  275. I often found myself wondering about the truth of this world and its origins but I also find myself wondering what’s the point of it all? Us knowing the truth won’t solve a thing and yes I am a christian..BUT not how you think I am. You see I worship God because the name itself keeps a slight sense of peace in this world… I mean can you truly imagine if no one believed in God? It would be chaotic and this earth would be destroyed at a much faster rate then what it already is…. With that being said I’m putting myself in a scientific standpoint and It really opens my mind when I smoke a little weed from time to time lol which leads me to believe that the reason the government wants it illegal is to keep us from knowing the truth… Weed seems to enhance the brain’s thought productivity and I’ve come up with these conculsions… The government Is hiding things and they’ve kept us in a box for soooooo long that whatever they say, we just say fuck it and go along with it. Everything is always whatever to us and we don’t even really care what our future holds…. I myself currently don’t even know the reason why the truth is so important but I do know we are a long long long long long long long way from finding it…. There’s so much we don’t know and that’s only here on earth!…. Hey did you know there is full undiscovered universe out there? Someone or something had to start it all 🙂

  276. I really enjoyed this article and the way you presented it, until you went on the personal rant about what is “reality” and what is not. Even if you don’t believe in it doesn’t make it okay to degrade others beliefs. That makes you no better than the bible thumping Christians you look down upon.

  277. Really, who cares what SHADE Adam and Eve was? Who cares what SHADE God is, or what SHADE Jesus is?? Who cares what SHADE you are…or what SHADE I am?? There is only ONE race…and that is the HUMAN race.

    Let’s not make the shade of ones skin be that big of a deal. We have advanced so far by this year of 2015. Let’s not back track! Big whoop-d-doo! Some peoples tint of skin is darker…and some are lighter. I’m bored with this subject. 😌 💤Everyone acts like their shade is better than the next. Guess what, your not. It’s a color Lol that is all. Grow up. Love people in general. Don’t worry about if their skin matches yours.
    Look at their heart. You’ll be surprised how many good friends youll make out there when you look past that.

    Everyone wants equal rights when it comes to themselves getting the shitty end of the stick. But then they all want the upper hand and be the Almighty on a High horse.

    And another thing…..yeah white ancestors might have treated black incestors like crap…but Guess what…that has nothing to do with me! So I don’t owe anyone sh#t!!

    I’ve been treated wrong by quite a few black people….but I Also have been treated badly by a lot of white people as well! Their shade of skin didn’t make them do it. It was simply the person themselves!! So why categorize one color BC of history? Or even to-date news.

    If that was the case…I’d have to hate every shade of skin.. Including my OWN shade..

    Invest your time in better things than worrying about a color.

    Sincerely, annoyed girl who’s sick of hearing/seeing BULLSHIT

  278. Could it be that the Adam and Eve story is still true. Let’s say God did create Adam and Eve for His unique purpose and plan. Yet when one of Adam and Eve’s descendents (Cain) procreated with other human forms, it created a mixed bag of human species, many not having God-breath in them. Thus, we have many humans with no conscienceness of God, nor are capable of such. Hello Atheist. Sounds far-fetched?…. Well so does the story that percipated this one.

  279. Stop all the hate damn this world will never change I’m nor white nor of color but I see everyone for who they are live the present fuck the past learn to better our self for o our next generation

  280. I have entertained the thought that both sides are right. With the Bible being a parable of evolution as well as man’s inhabitance on earth in its entirety. In my thoughts about the rhythm of the Universe I have even entertained the thought that the Universe destroys itself and recreates itself over and over again. We just don’t know this because the slate is wiped clean each time but lends itself to the Bible’s words… And there was a new heaven and a new earth. I can go on and on but these are the thoughts I’ve entertained. No need to beat down believers. I think the intent of the Bible is for us to show Love and Compassion for one another with a will to even sacrifice ones own life to do so.

  281. The bible says there were others outside the garden when Adam and eve left. So if this is a scientific argument it has to look at both sides not an opinion of one over the other. To me it sounds as if the science supports the bible

  282. I am a Christian… I believe in God….. And sometimes we read these articles to see what people say…. I’ll keep this short….I’m going to believe in God so I can spend eternity with him. Y’all can think what you want but you can’t change the mind of a true Christian because we love him no earthly thing can change it Anyways God loves yall and God Bless!

  283. Oh dear God have mercy. Firstly no Scientist on Earth, dead or alive can trace genealogy that far back, so that’s a lie. I have read so much crap here my heads spinning. The Arabs are not black, Adam and even looked like Arabs, like Jesus for the love of Jesus. Move on, I am a South African and I feel nauseous reading Americans racist hate s peach, I’m white but am mixed blooded. I couldn’t give sh** what colour they were, who care they’re dead, Just move on, get along with each other, my God, you people talk about us? You Americans white and black are much, much, much worse than us, you are a disgrace.

  284. Absolutely no sources proving anything. Complete bias article. Is this satire? It seems like you were attacking religion more than you were stating “facts.” Learn how to write an article. And no I’m not even bible thumping, just tellin you how distasteful your article is.

  285. Editor’s Note : please keep your dissertations, short novels, and epic fictions you call comments to yourself. You have an enormous wealth of forums you can Bible thump in… This is not it. If you don’t believe in reality, that is your right, as it is mine NOT to believe in white Jesus, Yahweh or whatever you choose to name the superstition that prevents you from understanding the human genome.

    This article is for the people who are awake. I AM that I AM … And that is the person who won’t waste our readers time with your diatribes.

    If you truly believed in this god you cry about, you would be out doing charitable works, not trolling scientific articles. Now go in Peace sleepwalker.

    I call this hatred! That’s what the world needs now…more hatred. By posting this you have negated your own article. Scientific evidence doesn’t need to follow up with this kind of ridiculous and hateful commentary from the editor. Good luck with your theory!

  286. I know this is a big deal to many. But to me, I don’t care what color God is?!? As long as he is coming back to get me. So what, if I am a white man. Red ,white, black or yellow don’t separate you from me. If you’re reading and studying your Bible, you’ll notice were nearing the end times.. and if we don’t come together and kick this racist thing in the ass! Were never gonna stand a chance. We can’t change yesterday or history. But we can tomorrow. Y’all need to be saying ‘all lives’ matter and I hear the N word used all the time. By my darker brothers and racist red necks and just high society pricks. I’ve been called nigga, cracker and red neck.. do I prefer it? No not really. But it takes a lil more than name calling to ignite my fuse. I admit my niece has mixed kids and at first it bothered me. But as long as that man is good to her and their babies. I love him too. So I guess, we all need to overcome our differences our let it destroy many in what will become a racial war… and the higher ups will love that. We’ll be doing their dirty deeds for em then. Nothing but love for the good people. And I know y’all are out there. Different colors and these colors all bleed the, ‘one’ color. I see hate in many men’s eyes. Let the past go people.. that wasn’t us.. and it damn sure wasn’t our fault.. be nice if we could put all the racist people on a island. What a pleasant world we would live in then. I hope its not to late. Peace

  287. I honestly don’t think this article was about race.hahahaha because of one stupid comment that guy Made the whole communications between everyone in the comment section just red faced after reading the article I was saying to myself I bet the comments have more interesting facts about this but boy was I wrong I came to the comments an got ambushed by racism by one guy cause he so closed minded…here is what I have to say since were all “niggers” here (FYI I’m black) to all the close minded people in the world do you every just sit back in think hmmmm why is it so many mixed people in the world today? Now to answer your question… Mixing is nothing new to the world its new to you cause your closed minded let’s step way back into slavery HOUSE MAIDS what are they? House maids in the eyes of slave owners are pretty faced some what educated enough women n men to be in the big house to impress other visitors now they cook,clean,raise the white children etc…..The slave owner “master n ma’am” would also have sex with house maids n sometimes the field slaves as well now call me a nigger,coon,porch monkey or whatever else you call me I don’t care but while you’re doing that take closer fucking look at you’re family tree cause honey you got nigger in you I wouldn’t give a damn if its one percent its in you so open you’re minded n think about that a little while I sip this here tea🍵

    • While you’re setting there, sipping on your tea. Get over yourself. It doesnt matter what color God is. No one has ever laid eyes on him, his power is more than you or I can stand to look directly at. And even if you say, you’re article is nothing about racism. I feel it in your choice of words. AND I hear of a group of black man, arguing with a lady. Over this scientific find. About how Black men were kings and they was gonna kill all white men and rape our women and take back their throne. Well the only throne they will get remotely close to is Gods. On judgement day. Let it go friend, I’m almost certain. God chose me to give you direction. I don’t care nothing about talking to you or anybody so there for, I say he is trying to tell you something through me. I ain’t no saint. And I never called you a porch monkey or bigger. I have a set of choice word’s than that for ignorant dumb asses . But I’ll keep my door shut on those. The solution to youre problem lies in you. Get over this subject and write fairy tells or comics. And stop trying to give Gods people some reason to fight and argue. And I’m about done with this conversation. Goodbye

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  289. I find this article interesting but as always perplexed by the predictable outcomes of the scientists religious or evolutionist views, and they will always discredit any other means by which man could have gotten here. I was raised religious and never could agree with the teachings in the Bible, beggining with how we all got here by means of incest. I have never been able to get my head around evolution for the same idiotic premiss, that it all happened and we came from one source. Even science would have to agree that the possibility of life force just happening from a single cell, the odds are against the possibility that a male form would have a female form around the same time. So this article or finding says we all came from Africa. And that would be an easy assumption since most apes and chimpanzees are from Africa, and according to evolution, this is where we all came from. So if you keep your minds closed to any other possibilities, then science is lost. So for me the perplexing issue is why the white races have always dominated or lead the industrialization of the world? Had we continued and never went to Africa, Asia, North America, would these places have done any more than they had for years, just living simple lives, no changes because of strict society rules of how to live which they would have adhered to because of the religious, or pagan beliefs? Could it at all be possible that a higher being created all mankind as an experiment, each embedded with a specific religious mold to live by, placed in various parts of the world, just to see how each race progresses or not? For me science is definately wasting too much time and resources, trying to prove theories that could maybe be put on the back burner for a while and redirect to other possibilities, like Alien intelligence, or a all powerful being that created all the planets and galaxies and has them as an experiment to see how each creation is turning out.

    • Your premise of : So for me the perplexing issue is why the white races have always dominated or lead the industrialization of the world? Is completely wrong .. Africans rule the world for Millions of years without conflict and were more advanced then any other ethnic group ever . Fact : Even up until today the Africans technology is still unmatched by any modern technology. They had running water and flushing toilets while Whites were still living in caves and beating each other with clubs and committing the worst form of cannibalism . All whites have done since they have been on Earth is Steal from other peoples and claim it as theirs to began with ( liars ). Whites have the worlds worst history of violence.
      the world have ever seen. Murder , Greed , Debauchery Incest, Pedophilia , Animal ism , Mass Murder,Porn and other Savagery ! It was Black Africans who went into Europe brought the white savages out caves and taught them how to live ( civilize them ). Look up any European country Family Name Crest ( Not just family Crest ) and you find that it was always a Black Person who was the Head of the family Name Crest household ! Whites have brought nothing less then total destruction in every country in which they have entered ,i.e air pollution, water pollution ( why is that u can’t drink water in Europe ? ) , complete environmental pollution , ethnic devastation .Whites call what they destroy ” Progress ) , What a Lie !!! Whites suffer from the worst forms of Psychopathic Projectionism and are the worst Sociopath ‘s on this planet ! And You have the nerve to make a statement that is a complete ” Lie ” .

      Your Dumb Allegory ——> So for me the perplexing issue is why the white races have always dominated or lead the industrialization of the world <—- What a Crock of Shit !!! Lie to yourself and among yourselves , But not to the rest of the World .,You Scythian !!!!

    • I also need to say this to a person like you ! Everything I’ve written in response to your comment can be validated by past history ! Check out your own real history ( Not the fabricated bullshit ) before you write another Dumb Ass comment !

  290. Ok so you say keep my cmments about my god to myself huh so tell me how you can show some proof that his dna is that old who do you know of that was around at that time you have none you scientist dont have one piece of proof how old this planet is or how long ago dinosaurs or anything else was here all you have is a theory

    • Todd ,you’re a funny person ! I bet you’re one of those people who needs to know things in detail , But can’t do a dam thing about it when the facts are dumped in your lap.. I’ve been around people like you for some time now , …You have 10 million questions but indecisive as to what do once you have the answer…LoL.. My question to you is this ? Can you explain here in this forum and in detail how Gravity works ?…..LoL…. Can’t wait to here this …LoL

  291. i have been waiting for a proof like this. Mhm i wonder what scince has for us next on this biblical lies

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  293. this is freaking nonsense, this is kabbalistic lies with the fake numbers you put in and agree with in the mainstream media. kabbalistic Jews run the media. stop raping children.
    338, 33, 83, 911, 37, 137, whatever…

  294. a buncha b.s. Carbon Dating is b.s, there is no such thing as a “black” man (go look in the mirror lost Negros), The Most High is not “black” and never stated to be black in ANY Biblical text or extra Biblical text (hes actually a burning golden color), the “African” man is not the first man (the brown man in the Middle East is), and any of u lost Negros using white mans science to verify Negro history are doomed. u are a fool if u believe this mound of garbage

  295. Then God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit after their kind, with seed in them, on the earth”; and it was so. And the earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed after their kind, and trees bearing fruit, with seed in them, after their kind; and God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:11-12) Trees don’t sprout and bear fruit in a 24 hour period. There are those who try to apply the term Day literally however if you were to say day of the dinosaur etc as to indicate a period of time that would be logical. There is plenty of ways and many Christians who do not agree with the literal interpretation of a day to try to date the creation of the earth. Here is another study from the same time period with much different results and different assumptions. So for those of you who rely on this for what you think you know, scientist do not even agree among their own studied and findings. Real solid evidence there.

  296. Actually, the bible doesnt say exactly how long ago humans lived to be, if anything the DNA has proved the bible right. Evolutionist believe that humans and dinosaurs couldnt co exist so what about his website.

    Its proved that humans have lived so long ago and were not apes. I would say alot more but i dont feel lik it.

    • It is Indeed the truth that people back then looked pretty much as we do today . But , You’ll hard pressed to find to this to be the true because of lies that have been told !

  297. What you’re saying is partly true but life did not begin in east India or any part of India( Fact ) . Life began in Akebulan ( Africa ) as it’s called today , Are you a Light Skin Indian or dark skin Indian , who doesn’t know that you’re actually black ? There is no , nor have their ever been a jesus christ( son of God ) except for the one Emperor,Constantine ( A Liar ) made up from a mortal man name Serapis who he renamed jesus christ. Their is the One who is the Son of God , but I will not mention his name in this comment ( I May have already done that in a past comment which I’ve made here ) . All writings and teachings did start in/ from Africa and spread through out the world which includes India via the ones who were called The Speakers Like Buddha , MaBondo ( The Greatest speaker of them all) I could provide a list of these Men of Renown , But this is all you need for now ! therefore you can’t put India ahead of Africa regarding ancient text / writings ! You can try but it just won’t fly. You’re right about the europeans stealing the truth and changing words and the real meaning of words and original stories through transfiguration’s ( Lies ) from the rest of the world so that people would never know the Real Truth. The fact is most of the text they stole were from Africa long before they invaded and stole the ancient Indian text / Writing’s . The Oldest Book /. text in the world is still in Africa written in stone. The Oldest name for God is the African God Ptah( Black ), The europeans invaded India almost a thousand years after Africa , The first people to settle in India, Black . The first people to settle in europe Black , the first people in Asia Black, The First people to settle in what is now is called America ( Mu-:Lan ) Black . The first people to journey all over the earth, Black. The artifacts found in all these lands proves that , The europeans stole ,raped , murdered, Lied and brought hideous diseases to every land they invaded . The bible was completely rewritten and filled with lies by these viral people. .King James was a pedophile who had his scribes rewrite the bible making white people superior when the opposite is the Real Truth ! The scribes even make up stories because they had no clue what the real text written in languages they could not comprehend was really saying . When they did kinda understood the meaning of a word they change it to suit them ( Lies ) . I’ve told people for years that the KJV is full of transfiguration’s and packed with lies. One of the Greatest Lie was that Ham was cursed by Noah , The truth is It was the son of Japheth ( the europeans ) Noah’s Grandson who was Cursed and Not Ham ( Fact ).

  298. Pingback: I don’t ‘Adam & Eve” it | Ancestry Adventures

  299. such racism, is still lurking around every corner in todays society. Even the dumbest of the trailer park trash knows that Jesus was a black man, because white peoples skin could not survive the blistering weather in Africa and other places that are wrote in the Bible.

    • the first man aint black, no man on Earth is black. look in the mirror and tell me if ur skin is black like a crayon. the original man is from the Middle east and hes a brown man from the Garden of Eden. Africas history is a lie to keep people like u in a slave mind state to keep u from the truth. wake up or die a slave in slumber

      • LoL….. I need to wear tall boots for this site as the Shet gets waist deep here . The first people to habit the earth came in two colors i.e. Black and Red African’s ( Akebulan ).Most people are so Brainwashed until they don’t realize that African’s come in many colors but are still considered and called Black ( Ipso Facto ) . The garden of Eden ( although still being debated by lying ass euro scientist who are to be trrusted under any circumstance have passed down so much transfigured Bull ” S “.until the truth has been lost because of them ) located in and near The Mountains of the Moon located in Kenya ,Africa . also ,what you called the middle east was and for intents and purpose was Africa before the Riff . euro histories are biggest liars who ever inhabited the earth and will stoop lower then whale Shet on the bottom of the ocean to discredited any Accomplishments made African’s in history when in Fact the majority of Royal Families in Europe where Indeed Black Kings & Queens who’s portraits have been altered and white wash to make them appear as White Royalties , Another One of the euro historian’s polluted Lies . One day the Real Truth will be Shown and explained . But , as per normal for Psychopaths they will try to come up Bull Shet Allegories < —( New Lies ) to try to misguide people . It will work anyone because of the Ones
        who will be Stating The Real Facts !!!!!! THE TRUTH IS COMING SOON !

  300. So maybe slavery happened for a reason. I was told (not sure how true it is) that slavery started when Ana African man sold one of his own to a white man. Excuse the fact that I need to brush up on my history. But maybe the Caucasians knew that we were descendants of god, so they brought us here to, not only make us feel inferior but also , breed with us so that they to can call their families direct descendants. P.S it’s just a theory so if it’s incredibly stupid then excuse me for being ignorant.

    • I want to clear up some things regarding slavery : The first slaves the european wicked demons enslaved were American Native Aborigines ( My People ) , Alot of them died just from the nasty european diseases including the common cold, They commited the worst unimaginable atrocites against Women, Children ,men . without going into more details ,i think I’ve enough here . The next slaves who brought to so-called America were their own people from all over europe : The Irish <—- the irish were treated the absolute worst of all slave brought to america, English. Portuguese , people from eastern europeans countries and others from europe <– the problem with the europens slaves they were not strong enough to handle the heavy everyday labor and died off at a rapid rate .This went on for a very longtime before the 1st. African's Slaves <—- Also my People ) were brought to america . The African held up and faired far better to the heavy labor then any of the others who were brought to america as slaves . Now , you the true story of slavery in america and aome lying ass white washed bullshit european LIES ! The wicked demons invaded this with their evil bible in one hand and the sword in the other ! They are not , nor were they ever Christians <— ( Which is another story in and of it's self ) !!!!!!!!!

  301. Yes I reliezed many years ago. That Jesus is a black. Egypt is in africa. Ethopian is in africa. When Jesus described his self. Skin like bronse. Hair like Lambs wool. Who is this.

    • I have some shocking news for you although it’s very old news but here it goes .Jesus Christ is indeed White but he was Not the son of God instead he was a mortal man by the name of Serapis , a Greek Ptolemy 3rd. century BC who lived his life as a Greek Egyptian , In 325 AD Emperor Constantine ( who was a great trickster / transfigurator ) at the First Council of Nicaea took upon his self to renamed Serapis Jesus Christ ( Not the son of God ) , So today we have a mis-perception as to the real name of the son of God ! The Good News is there was a Son of God and his name is Yeshua Ben Yoseph , Yeshua the Messiah Son of God. The other news is yes there are at least 4 plus known Proto Historic Portraits of him and he is Black Ethiopian Yew ( Jew or Jewish ) . The Vatican has some of these real life Portraits pf Yeshua ,but of course they play it down. There are statues as well as portraits of Yeshua Messiah posted inside the Vatican which are never mentioned to visitors ( Shameful ) and down right underhanded of the Vatican ! I had as a Teacher who is a Very Well known Catholic Bishop who educated a class of 17 of us about things / information that are held back from the General Public ! There are so many lies that have been portrayed and told to people over the Millennials there’s no wonder why people are so mislead and taught so much misinformation that almost no one knows the Truth , just someone’s perceptions and false teachings ! Amen *** Hint *or rather Armun Ra 😉

  302. Genesis 5 says God created Adam(s). He called “their” name Adam. That means he created more than 2 people. You can’t disprove the bible without reading it first!!

  303. Does anyone else notice that the name of this person is never stated yet the article can tell you the exact path that this man’s DNA traveled. 😂😂😂😂 That’s all I wanted to know! Good try though to whomever wrote this “FICTION”. Lol. Almost had me.

  304. People these days. Home boy makes this spiteful azz article and then people are surprised that folks show up and troll it. You catch more flies with honey, and people tend to listen more when you don’t come off as close-minded yourself. When the world has transcended and unified, the people won’t be ignorant religious wingnuts, but they won’t be anti-theists with sticks up their cracks either.

  305. Jesus wasn’t white stop with ignorant comments and if he came from this so called line 338k years ago there has to b more than him…. ppl take any bs and call it facts this proves nothing but ignorance

  306. This would make since if the bible stated that Adam and eve were the first 2 people to live in earth but Gid told them In scripture to replenish the earth. To fill it up again. So before Adam and Eve life had to exist.
    And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

  307. It said that they found a ‘SIMILAR’ chromosome, not an EXACT one. This only proves that you have a problem with God….nothing else

  308. Why did you star out the “om” in Homo sapiens? You do realize that is a scientific term, and not being derogatory, or you just more worried about hurt feelings than the science? If you really think that word should be starred out, maybe you should stop writing about science, and go to something simpler that doesn’t require actual thought.

  309. This is an interesting article. Does it change my mind or my beliefs in God – no. Adam and Eve could have been black. No problem there. But they only went back 336,000 years. The earth is a lot older than that. And by the way, no where in the Bible does it tell us how old the earth is. My favorite part of this article is at the end where the author states “please keep your dissertations, short novels, and epic fictions you call comments to yourself. You have an enormous wealth of forums you can Bible thump in… This is not it. If you don’t believe in reality, that is your right, as it is mine NOT to believe in white Jesus, Yahweh or whatever you choose to name the superstition that prevents you from understanding the human genome.

    This article is for the people who are awake. I AM that I AM … And that is the person who won’t waste our readers time with your diatribes.

    If you truly believed in this god you cry about, you would be out doing charitable works, not trolling scientific articles. Now go in Peace sleepwalker”

    Not open for discussion are you? Talk about being closed minded.

  310. I would like to see the full study because things like this I am very skeptical about. I don’t know a lot about human genetics but I know enough to say this… no one alive was around 300 years ago nor do we know exactly what happened to the genome past current records. Most of this is assumption. Logic based on an assumption. Not science… science is observed data experimental evidence. Genetically we can know very little unless we have a known source to trace it back to. The only way we can have a known source to base it on is verifiable evidence which I don’t think we have. For example the moon is moving away a certain amount every year you can estrapulate backwards assuming the rate stays the same then you have the moon whipping around the earth just above the ground less then 10k years ago… many other things limit the earth if you assume the rate of things growing and changing have always been the same… it probably hasn’t. What you have here is a conclusion based on faulty pretend science. You cannot know what has happened in the past through science you can only assume based on what’s going on now…. not FACT. But that ok I am good with you if yoy believe in this. I could care less weather God is black white green blue… in fact I know this he isn’t races enough to talk about what color he is…because it doesn’t matter

  311. I’m just curious about which circular reasoning tool was used to gauge the age of the dna. Many scientists (including the yes network) have proven the earth to have a life bearing age of less than 10,000 years. The only way to disagree with their science (repeatable and verifiable) without using evolution as a religion has yet to be demonstrated. As for the color of Adam and Eve, only guesses are available, and your guess is as good as mine. The human race is full of color. Calling different skin colors different races is beyond ridiculous.

  312. I just read the article,Iit is so embarrassing reading some of these comments as a US citizen and a human I am not racist and I am of multi racial decent. We as a US citizen have the write as said in the constitution to voice our options and as a Christians we are not to judge.whether It is a fact scientific, written or by story teller, that History has been based off of white culture and there view of.It. It was written by the Caucasians (Caucasians what is that is anyway)No disrespect, but history was written by Caucasians that there were/are British,Russians, Germans, Jews, Italians,in regards to white skin color and I can go on, but were do I see Caucasians or as we call it white, (So I ask what is Caucasians, history defined or scientifically proven) I don’t claim to know the bible front to end nor have I learned everything about history, BUT common since is there are so many contradictions with in the bible and history books of what white or Caucasians have written, that it would only make since that, all that are called a minority would investigate (which we are the majority) and who made everyone other then white a minority (well we know that answer)
    All these
    harsh words over an article, a view of ones own opinion is most ridiculous non christian and un called for, you should be embarrassed to just call yourselves human just to judge is racism, just to criticize one for there beliefs is racism discrimination.Which common since say you are no way a man or women of GOD or any sacred vessel.

  313. Decent story, I believe in a higher power, but think it’s ridiculous to think the bible is totally accurate.

    I don’t understand the comment regarding “White Jesus”. Why not just say Jesus? The use of color in that sentence doesn’t mean anything other than a slander towards people who believe in a “White Jesus”. Statements like that perpetuate division (the use of color in this case makes no sense to the (appearance of) the writers goal to discredit religon. Also, the folks (in the comments) that use this story as a statement that everyone has black heritage didn’t read the article. I believe it says that it doesn’t prove one location only that there were pockets of locations. ….

    • I think you missed the point in what people are writing here : All you ever see here in America is paintings of a white and that in and of it’s self is completely In Accurate . If you go to Europe and all over the Mediterranean , Vatican included you’ll the the Most Sacred Portraits and the Proto Historic Portraits are of a Dark Brown ( Black ) Mary , Joseph and Baby Yeshua . I omit the name Jesus because that was a make up name for a white mortal human being who was never the son of God ,But rather a human man of the Ptolemaic Dynasty !

  314. Anybody with understanding knows that Jesus wasn’t white. Yes, He is portrayed as white many places but, I also have seen him portrayed as all the rest of skin pigments. And by the way, for a nonbeliever you are quoting God, God said He is the “Great I AM”. I also have a hard time believing this was actually publicly printed with the spelling and grammatical mistakes it has.

  315. Thank you for sharing this. I’m going to share it right now on my fb page. It’s we all Wake Up and Stay Woke!

  316. So please tell me they did his DNA but does his DNA tell you exactly what color his ancestors were? Or does it say it dates back to 338k years?

  317. This article neither proves nor disproves anything. I’m sure that scientists do believe what is posted here, but what does that prove? Nothing. See, science was invented by humans. The scales used and the time frames were all set up on someone’s theories. The theories were widely accepted for what ever reason, and those are the standards that are practiced today. Take carbon dating for instance. Did you know that carbon dating is only accurate to 50000 years? Everything beyond that is an estimate. So do you really believe they can trace genes that far back? There are probably a lot of people that are going to jump on the band wagon on this one…but…it neither proves nor disproves anything.

    • “Black Man PROVES Adam and Eve Biblical Story is a lie.”
      From White Man that says Black Man is too lazy to read.1st is simple. Bible reads from Genesis a history beginning from a “dateless past.” God commanded Moses to write a book. He did what ever God told him to do (except for a few times; he was scolded). God created the heavens and earth, the sun and moon and everything we have today in 7 days. Another verse states that “a day to the Lord is as a thousand yrs.” So God created all that we see w/our eyes in 7000 yrs. Then he created man and woman and animals probably thousands of yrs later it’s not dated. Then after He saw how intelligent they were, He scattered them out to other land masses and they began to multiple and that is where we got other colors and languages and Yes He created blacks and yellows, and browns and white people. It’s not hard to figure out but you do have to use your brain too. The world and people were created by faith and His spoken words. And that’s the way He wants us to be and faith is what He wants us to obtain. Use it, build on it, perfect it, walk in it 24/7. That’s where you will hear His voice and there in faith, you will obtain all the promises of God here on earth and after you die. Jesus came here to Preach the Kingdom of God here on earth, where He will be King.

      • Interesting, Perhaps you know and can tell us about the six creations of humans and all that God created long before Adam & Eve ? What specific day was Adam & Eve created on because there was Absolutely No Mention of them during the first 7 days of creation ? There is a true story that only very few know ! I love the comments which are made about this post which seems to never really agree’s with the So-Called Bible Version of Creation ? Next , please explain and have definitive proof that So- Called Jesus is the Son of God ? I know that he isn’t and that fact can be proved ? I’ve answered this Question in a prior comment , But as per normal , most are set in there ways and also have been so Indoctrinated by the Church that they will Not Accept the Real truth about who made and named a mortal human Jesus ? There is there is the real son of God , Do you know his real name ???? And Yes I pray to God without the need for Religion or the Bible ! God has never given us a religion or the bible to pray to God ( Please remember that )! Peace be with you ! 🙂

  318. As a Christian I find this interesting but fail to see how it disproves Adam and Eve. It shows that our dna goes back further than previously thought perhaps. I do think it’s plausible that Adam and eve may have been black. At the very least, tan. You can tell also through DNA. For example, Asians tend to produce more ear wax from what I understand. It was to make up for sweating less. And then we have people around the world with different skin types suited to the amount of sun.

    No problem if they were black. I do have a small issue with shouting in caps about proof with data that does not support that particular theory majorily. And prancing around like a happy little atheist in a bubble. If you can’t listen to other opinions, you admit to being irrational because if your beliefs hold up there’s no reason hearing opposing opinions should hurt you and your beliefs. That goes for a lot of things, not just religious debate. It’s like riding a reverse bicycle. You know how to ride, it’s a simple concept, but your brain is bias and refuses to immediately accept there is another way to ride a bike. Be careful what filters you view the world through, we really are programmed to be bias.

    Anyway, interesting read! Been a nice distraction from politicians in the news.

  319. I dont have a problem with this article. I believe the biblical account. But hear me: l always wondered where the wife came from ‘in the land of Nod’. There is a large gap between Genesis 1 & Genesis 2. In the beginning, God created male & female. Then he created Adam & Eve.
    Obviously, God has tried more than once to create a perfect people. There were people outside of the Garden when He created it. No, l dont believe Lucy is a fraud. There were dinosaurs. Its not a fairytale. Its all scientifuc and logical.

  320. Most of our DNA dates back to that point because we had a “genetic choke point” which is just a funny way of saying that humans nearly went extinct. We were down to about a thousand breeding pairs back then.

    Having said that, of us are related. Chinamen, Englishmen, Aborigines, African all descend from these people.

  321. First of Editors, When you say bible thumpers I feel like you’re talking about anyone who goes to church. And I’m not just any Christian w an opinion. I go to church on Sunday, Bible Studies on Wednesday and I try to help any way I can. Would you consider me a ” Bible Thumper “? Well you shouldn’t. I go to church for myself. BUT, I believe in gay marriage, sex before, kids before, FUN before marriage. I believe in evolution and Adam and Eve. Long story. His story is amazing to read and I wld love to do that for myself and my sons family one day. To learn about your lineage that far back has to be the most amazing thing in the world. Thanks for sharing the story. And please keep in mind that not all people that carry a bible, are bible thumpers. 🙂 thx

  322. 1 in 7 billion world population, wow, wait, could it be that he is just demon possessed and it showed up in the test?

  323. The face that you have to throw out the “if you really believed, you’d be out there doing charitable works” insult as a closing statement to stave off any debate really says a lot about your mentality. Why are charitable works so important to you? Where did you even get such a concept that there is even any such thing as a charitable work from? Don’t accuse me of trying to bring “religion” into a scientific article….you’re the one who brought it up. Peace, dreamwalker….

  324. I just read a comment that said we are all descents of African Blood. Which isn’t a problem, but then it still makes me question why some races are more susceptible to diseases, and why are there some disease that races can have that others cannot? —-like sickle cell and stuff? I wonder? It is all crazy, but we were all made and came from some where right. It makes me wonder of my own lineage. Since my husband is half Cherokkee Indian.

  325. Thanks for the Info. I’ve known for along time that there were Black & Red Native Aboriginals who were Always in this land we now call america. I do know two of the Original names for this land , But that information I’ll Keep Sacred for now and until the Speakers are to give out the information . We were Both Black & Red Aboriginal people always in this land long before slavery and so called crossing the bering straits distorted histories , Even before The Great Rift !

  326. It would make sense that Adam and Eve were white…forged HERE on earth mere thousands of years ago. Black people were FIRST in EVERYTHING and EVERYWHERE! No, the American Indians were NOT the first people in America…damn sure not an Italian or Nordic man! Look up the Folsom people…the Olmecs….BLACK PEOPLE! But you (especially non-thinking black folk/negroes who DON’T WANT TO KNOW) just accept the LIES of white supremacist America…as easily as you spend ALL of your money OUTSIDE of your own community…the ONLY race in America that DOES NOT participate in group economics!! EVERYTHING previous generations of blacks fought and/or died for…simple-minded black people ALLOWED to be taken from them in the next (i.e. ALL the relatively-few rights that we DID gain…was USURPED by all the other immigrants who came here afterwards…as those immigrants are now “minorities”…THAT term, as far as the constitution is concerned, was ONLY supposed to be YOU, black man and woman, to ATTEMPT, ostensibly as it was, to make up for slavery…something NO OTHER “minority” experienced here in America! Yet the passive negroes…just gave it ALL away to the immigrants…who COME HERE to take from black people…and then USE them…as the Asians do…as the Latinos do! So…as a result…black people are NOW 3rd class citizens in this country as far as wealth…whites have 20 times(at least) what blacks do…they have 18 times what Latinos do. You don’t have to be a lunar mathematician to SEE that that makes black people 3RD CLASS citizens in a country BUILT by black people…who WERE HERE before anyone else! But that’s not the HALF! NOW the Asians and Arabs are gaining ground…TAKING all the rights black people were SUPPOSED to have,…BASED UPON the inequities stemming from slavery! Blacks go to THEIR gas stations…THEIR nail salons…in THEIR (BLACK PEOPLE’S) own communities! Not only is that pathetic…but it is DISGUSTING! WORST of all!? Black people own NOTHING!!! After ALL this damn time in America (approaching 150 years since the end of slavery) black people STILL have NOTHING…about the same as 150 years ago! TRUTH!! Don’t be fooled by Oprah and MJ and Dr. Dre. THOSE are entertainers who made their money appeasing and dancing and performing for WHITE PEOPLE! And black people EXPECT the white supremacists (basically ALL white people because they will NEVER relinquish their privilege from slavery days…NEVER…and WHY would they…or SHOULD they in this world based on MONEY!!)…and EXPECT the vulture immigrant races (AGAIN…here to TAKE what is yours, black people!) to have ANY respect for you?? WHY?? “Black Lives Matter”. Really?? To whom? Black lives DON’T matter to whites..beyond entertaining and serving and reminding them of their VAST economic superiority. Black lives don’t matter to immigrants (Mexicans/Latinos, East Indians, Asians, Arabs…TAKING everything from blacks)…who NOT ONLY take from black people…but FURTHER take from them by setting up their businesses in YOUR communities…and you HAPPILY buy from them…THEY think you’re fucking idiots…which we ARE acting like!! WE OWN NOTHING….WE OWN NOTHING…WE OWN NOTHING (I have to repeat that three times like a rap song because that is the only thing black people seem to rally around…this IGNORANT rap music!). When you own nothing…you have ZERO power…ZERO representation politically…because you have NOTHING to give…NOTHING to bargain with! ANSWER? ONLY answer at this point? Black people NEED to start taking part in collective, group ECONOMICS! Is that likely to happen? Has it happened so far (yes, but, again, GIVEN away because of this RUSE of integration)…pervasively…NO. So we can’t COUNT on this happening. Blacks NEED one thing that CAN/COULD finally get us OUT of this mess…and that is our OWN political party! Just doing this, SYMBOLICALLY, and agreeing to ONLY support candidates that are DECIDEDLY and DEMONSTRATIVELY Anti-white supremacy…WILL change the face of Amerikkka! Elected officials will HAVE to deal with our issues…black people unemployed at rates FAR worse than whites or Latinos! Asian unemployment in America? ZERO! Arab, East Indian unemployment in America? ZERO! And they don’t even NEED political protection…they’ve achieved all this simply TAKING from black people! BLACK POLITICAL PARTY!! We, black people, NEED this! Otherwise…they ARE building the jails FOR YOU! They will continue to beat you, shoot you in the street…denigrate our women…CONTINUE to think and LIVE the fact that there is NO law made for black people WORTH respecting! ALL because you own…NOTHING!!! Why would ANYONE respect those…who appear NOT to respect themselves???? 150 years (yes I realize that Jim Crow EXISTS…and that blacks have been in some form of slavery or bondage ever since our CURRENT presence in Amerikkka from Africa 400 years ago)…and STILL NOTHING!! THAT is why black people are marginalized and TOTALLY disrespected…though we have BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars at our disposal (may as well be throwing it in the waste bin)…WASTING it with people who ALREADY have limitless money…and those who came here to TAKE everything from us. SO sad! I LOVE you, black people…I AM black!! NOT black MIXED with anything. Black people are the FIRST to claim “I’m half American Indian”. Well…half-black, half-Indian man…the Indians SOLD YOU OUT as well…killing MORE black people than whites did!! THAT’S how they got their lands and (eventually) casinos…by AGREEING to hunt and kill black slaves!! Fucking lands and casinos should be damn near ALL be OURS…as most of FLORIDA should…before Andrew Jackson came along (study ‘Fort Negro’ and the ‘Adams Onis Treaty’)!!! My GOD WAKE UP black people!!! ANY pride???? ANYTHING left of the STAR people we once were and STILL have in our DNA…diluting it by mixing with other races??? BLACK POLITICAL PARTY!!! I don’t see anything else saving us!

    • Nice write up ! Yes the Original People ( Black although they came in many colors from Blue Skin to Very Light Skin ) covered the Entire Earth, There’s no place on this that you can go where they not there first , Because they were ! They ruled the Earth longer then any other group has ! They also had the Highest Technology that is still unmatched even by todays high technologies ! So what happened ? I can tell a few things that happened but just like the roman empire which was far far far shorter then the Original People , But like rome ( Which by the way founded by two African Aboriginal brothers ) It came to an end because of they had powers which they started to Abuse and that was the beginning of the Fall of Both the Highest Technological and Non Tech. Thought Creations Society which this world has ever Known ! If they had just half that Power today No other people on the face of the Earth could out do or get above them. They were and still ( Even they don’t know or remember their Power ) are the ” Trismegistus ” Thrice /Three times Greatest of all People ! But they have been so Dumb Down and Brain Washed , they forgotten who they really are ! Without going into more details ,this all that I am going to say ! Plus the fact , The Naysayers will jump all the above facts with the Dumbest Allegories you will ever hear to try to circumvent this True information about the Original People !

    • I need to make a correction regarding the following : But like rome ( Which by the way founded by two African Aboriginal brothers ) It should said Two African Albino Brothers ( Not Aboriginal Brothers ) , Thanks !

  327. Editor’s Note : please keep your dissertations, short novels, and epic fictions you call comments to yourself. You have an enormous wealth of forums you can Bible thump in… This is not it. If you don’t believe in reality, that is your right, as it is mine NOT to believe in white Jesus, Yahweh or whatever you choose to name the superstition that prevents you from understanding the human genome.

    This should have said, editors note: please don’t argue with me, my ego is so big, no one is smart enough to debate me.

    Now for the comment that the ego manic won’t want to answer, exactly how are you dating thing at 338,000 years old? Carbon dating isn’t capable of dating something beyond 50,000 years based on the scientific facts of Carbon 14 and it’s half life.
    This is just another attempt to shove your make believe stories about the earth is 50 million years old and we evolved from a single cell fairy tales down our throats.


  328. All this means is that humans evolved from Africans… Get that? EVOLVED. That’s right, got better… Just look around you, some blacks are level headed and sophisticated but many still carry there native animal ways. Just look at Africa today compared to 300,000 years ago… Case closed.

    • You have your information completely Ass Backwards ! Those who evolved got worst . History will prove me Completely Right and you Completely Wrong ! Try Me ? The first people on Earth had technology that is still Unmatched even up until today ! They had the Greatest Thought Creation Abilities and hold bunch of other skills that today’s modern society still can’t explain or match ! Fact : Now tell me how you surmise your uniformed facts ???? The Garden Of Eden was the beginning of the Down Fall of man ( People ) and not the higher development of man ( People ) as you may have been taught or think !!! Fact :

  329. Everyone who even replied to bull Connors post is a retard. Or would you have me say “mentally disabled?” Bull Connor posted that to invoke a response from every one and it just shows who had more intelligence. I’m not going to give my personal views on races or racism. But I can tell you that anyone who says white people are racist towards blacks aren’t wrong. But it doesn’t mean that all white people are racist. It also doesn’t mean that all racists wave the Confederate flag, but as usual no one cares about common logic. I guess what my.main point should be is that you shouldn’t judge a whole race by one man or a group of men. And you should definitely not judge one man just because he calls a race of people a name that they like to call themselves.

    • I think most the comments were directed at Bull and not an entire group ( Not Race ) of people ! In spite of your use of the word retard ! People have a right to voice their opinion ( s ) to whomever they wish ,so that makes you the retard uncle tom ! It’s people like you who like to complain about other people only when you’re in the company of people of your group because you’re too chicken shit to respond unless you have other members of your group to back you up ! I’ve been around too many like you during my lifetime and your kind make me want to puke because you don’t have the backbone to stand on your own and or reply back to someone like Bull who thinks he can say whatever he wants and get away with it ! Those days are over because you can’t ignore ignorance and think it will go away because as i’ve found out , if don’t address it , It just gets worst ! Fact ! But you are entitled to your opinion ( s ) just like everyone else here !

  330. How about you take your own advice and keep your opinions to yourself. You will never know truth if you are so blind as to think you know everything and only your opinion is right. Adam was black, as he came from the earth. Eve was white coming from the rib. What other racial characteristics each had is speculation, but as they had kids and migrated throughout the earth different races emerged with some characteristics becoming dominant and others watered down to non existence. You are but a man who’s time on earth is but dust. In comparison to the universe you know nothing and neither do I. You are racist and hateful and until you recognize that you are lost. Your belief makes you as bad as hurler if you think that only your opinion goes and no one else can think differently. I hope you find some help for all that hate. Good day

    • Your Comment : Adam was black, as he came from the earth. Eve was white coming from the rib , Has validity because Split Apart’ s come in with Black/ Night the Other White / Day . It’s right in front people faces but they can’t see it because the fact is hiding ( Not Really ) in plain sight !!!!!

  331. Hi khim myers , I didn’t read thru all of your comment ? I do want to respond to the one about Jesus Christ only ! Indeed their was a Jesus Christ and there are portraits ( portraits are not pictures , they are however paintings , so lets get that corrected ) of him and even bust / sculptures of him which you can see online . The problem is this Jesus was Not The Son of God ! He was a Greek Ptolemy who lived in Egypt in and around 300 something B.C. , He lived like an Egyptian ,but he was Not ! His name was Serapis if you care to check him out ? In 325 A.D. Emperor Constantine in his transfigurations wisdom ( False / lie ) decided to rename Serapis ( a mortal human ) Jesus Christ . This is how come with the name ,It was a made up name , Jesus Christ. Serapis was a deviant pedophile and some not nice other things ! However there was Yeshua who is the real Son of the One’s back in the day . I just want to clear up that misinterpretation )him ,which I challenge you to research on your own ! Hola back and let me know what you ‘ve found ?..Good Hunting ! 😉


  333. You all read one article and then comment on one guys post, believe everything you hear? So we have 1 bigot and yet i heard nothing positive out of the rest. First off quit believing in fairytales, their is no god, im the easter bunny telling you this

    • As much as you may not want to know this : There’s always someone in charge , Higher authority ! Do u have a boss ? A father ? A Mother ? A Bigger Brother, Sister ? … Etc . ? or do you answer to no One ? I doubt that ! I stay away from beliefs But the facts are unless u can tell me that you have no one to answer to i.e Judge , cop, anyone in any kind of authority ? Then there is that one who was first and still foremost whether u like it or not !!! There is the very first name that was given to this entity . I will keep that information to myself and until someone besides myself who can write the first / Oldest known name here on this site / post ???

  334. Ok so i used the link provided to try to read the actual peer reviewed article/articles, but i was not able to find them. Maybe i am using insufficient search terms, but nevertheless i would like to see the exact methods used. So, if you could provide a direct link to the article, that would be great. Thanks!

  335. Bull Conner just proved how racist blacks are to, loom at the responses back at him… hahahhah. He is proving the point that even ni66ers are racists and talk shit too. All races are sinners no matter what skin color was first.

  336. There’s no such thing as a racist ! However , you can be a bigot and / or prejudiced . racist id a media hype word ! Also, as Bull can use the N word , people have a right to reciprocate and not cow tie to people like him , Period ! What’s that word , Stand Your Ground ? So they have a right to redress a person like and you for that matter ! Who the hell do you think you are Butt Wipe ??? People should always challenge people like him and you ! Be careful what you say because it will come back to haunt you ! Bull was actually showing his inferiority complex which came right back to him ! Do you UNDERSTAND That ????

  337. Of course we are out doing ‘charitable works’ as much as we can, alongside our daily activities. But this does not mean that Christians don’t listen to other peoples views. Life is a centre of debate and as you say, you are entitled to your views. But how far does science go? When will science prove its arguments and tell us the clear truth and proven facts about the creation of man and the beginning of humanities’, Earths’ and the entire universes’ existence? It looks like a long wait but through belief in God all our questions are answered

  338. Now what kind of Christian apologist would I be if I didnt make a defense of my beloved Christianity? 🙂 first off I would like to give honor to God and Pastor Bolden praise the Lord. I just would like to say that God loves you all and I love you too and I am praying for your faith in God as well as God’s mercy on everyone who doesn’t believe in Christ.

    • This is not a put down on your faith because I have faith also. By question to you is , Do you know the real name of the christ and the portraits of the person you pray to ??? Also, I do have a major problem with belief systems , so I stay away from it and I never use that word because of all the worlds problems it has caused !!!

  339. This article discussed findings that are at best invalid. Let alone the fact that these findings are based on dating techniques that have been proven unreliable. Aside from that is the lack of substantial evidence( data use in this article uses to make points which are irrelevant to the presumed scientific findings). Perhaps the author of this article along with the professors who conducted the study or studies quoted in this article would find it useful to respond to the documented and objective analyses and debunking of the validity of the testing techniques used to measure the age of artifacts, genomes, fossils, and their relatives. In other words according to the most basic level of logic at its concrete and of course most objective state. You must know that before interpreting any ” scientific “findings you need to have instruments of measurement that is reliable and which internal validity allows for a level of confidence that reduces any trace of error. You’re entitled to not believing in any religion or an all knowing, omnipotent, and omnipresent being without any excuse. But to use loose data to back your claim, when the dating methods used to reach age, or dates mentioned in those studies are invalid, is absurd. Try to think harder next time, if that will even help you. Lol.


  341. All white people come from areas of the planet near known sunken islands that were once inhabited by extra terrestrials if you don’t believe me go read anything about Akasha. And if you only talk about the n word I believe you would be inbred enough to be descendants of Adam and Eve and need God and a half human King.

    • It’s a known fact that european / white scientist /historian ./ archaeologist are Not To Be Trusted .. Graham Hancock will tell you that . He’s well known in those fields ! The hyperboreans were not not white or material humans Dummy , They were mere thought forms and had an Asiatic ( light African skin ) appearance . You are the inbreed ones ! Check the cave histories of people who lived in europe , the Ozark’s , back alleys of europe for starters . let me know if you need other research sources ! One thing i’ve learned about finger pointers /name callers is that in the end the finger always point right back to them !

  342. In further research they did not match the Y to the Mbo people. So in other words African Americans are Africans they been here in the Americas.

  343. I believe that original humans were black. Adam & Eve were created in Gods image. His chosen people. But I also ponder, who were The inferior people. Genesis 4:15 … Who was God talking about?

    • There were people before adam And eve. People are older than the bible. *Adam – is word #120 in The Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible

      Word #120 is defined as “ruddy” i.e. a human being; an individual, or the species mankind, a low man, a mean person, of low degree! It is from word #119 in the same book. Word #119 says that the word Adam means to show blood in the face, to get flush, or turn rosy red, to be made red, or ruddy! When I read this it becomes very clear to me that melanated and copper colored people are NOT human beings, because the phrase “human being“ means ruddy! Copper colored races of people do NOT get flush, or turn rosy, because we are NOT ruddy! Therefore, we CANNOT possibly be from Adam, human beings, nor the species mankind. Adam is a species of persons that is totally different from us.

      The bible is based off astrology,

      • that’s pedophile king James tricknology , he rewrote certain phases and transfigured the original meanings in his version of the bible , Get It ? His version of the bible !. So , that should tell you just the opposite is the truth ! He was a Super Low Life Prevaricator ! I wouldn’t trust anything written in the K.J.V and /or The Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance !!!

    • You are correct , A lot of Blacks do not realized that they are the First people in this land now known as america ( I’ll keep the original name ( s ) to myself for now ! You have Black people in america with no African DNA markers . They have always been here long before and after The Great Rift . They are the Original Native Aboriginals ! There were only 500,000 Black African’s who brought to america by slave ships but the total black population was over 8 millions , So ask yourself , How can that be ? The answer is simple , because there already over 8 million here before the slave trade !!! There were of mixtures of Black, Red and Tan ( Yellowish Light skin people ) .

  344. Genesis chapter 2 tells you the exact location where God place the Garden and where the first man lived it’s all of Ethiopia and Iran so all the studies in the world is not need unless your trying to convince yourself it’s in plan site right under your nose and believe what’s in front of your face Genesis 2 Africa

  345. So an egocentric materialistic afrocentric person chose to believe the lie of macro evolution over the truth oof the bible, it’s a thing to be sad about, not celebrate.

  346. The reason that hasn’t been published is because there is no Foundation to that lie Scientists have tested the Earth’s oil and have concluded scientifically that the earth is closer to the Bible says the age Is of the earth. The sad thing is what will you be saying to your Creator when you meet him that final day

  347. Lol, now this is rediculous. First of all Adam and Eve would have had all the Chromosomes of every race. Their skin color would have been related to their environment. Second, the age of this mans chromosomes is theoretical. Based on unproven theories being stated as fact.

  348. Lmao, wut a pussified editor. Keep ur comments 2 urself he says😂😂😂 whyd u write ths article if u dnt wnt it discussed or commented on? I thnk you’re in the wrong business. The guy tht called the guy in the article a nigger you’re an idiot. The guy tht called tht guy a cracker bc he called tht guy a nigger is an idiot aswell. U jus stooped 2 his lvl tryna look good. Wut u thnk callin a white guy a cracker is any different from callin sum1 a nigger? U both are the growing problem in america. U both are like a disease wit no cure. U spread ur hate and ur racism around on these sites thnkin ur better somehow and thnkin ur somehow making a difference nd somehow making ths growing problem go away. Good luck wit tht

  349. Discussion is based on several presuppositions that cause a major fudge factor. Can you pick them out? Needless to say, presuppositions cannot lead to irrefutable proof.

  350. I don’t see why the existence of true humans 338 thousand years ago poses any problem for the biblical first parents, unless you happen to be a young earth creationist. In fact, based on the finding of symmetrically congruent Acheulean stone hand axes dating back to the early Middle Pleistocene period, I would infer that true human beings with intellectual abilities must date back at least that far: about three-quarters of a million years ago. Signs of controlled use of fire date back that far as well. Nonetheless, I just published a peer-reviewed article in a Spanish philosophical journal entitled, “The Rational Credibility of a Literal Adam and Eve.” Here is the link: Yes, it is in English! If you download this scholarly article, you will find the most comprehensive analysis of this topic. I defend their literal existence, but without recourse to the faulty science of young earth creationism.

  351. Im amazed Don Zusya…all the info you provided, respectfully I might add, and ALL anyone noticed/paid attention to was Bull Connors comment.

    And we claim to want others to wake up.

    If comments like nigger fuel you to respond it says alot about how easily distracted & influenced you are.

    If im sleep thnn I would desire a woke indiidual to wake me not someone who still name calling or is offended by such terms. We first and formost ALL human. So if my color puts me higher or lower by others standards or opinion or if my race boxes me in due to anothers outlook. I can overcome them because proving my point with arguments and childish banter has no weight and is like a leaf in the wind.

    My point is made when I see you not comforted in yourself therefore you must exalt your ideals & self in order to feel a sense of achievement or accomplishment.

    Sadly you determine who you REALLY are by what others perceive of you. Those who know themselves don’t have to argue points, not easily offended, and love those foolish individuals who can’t put pride and self down enough to see how lost they really are.

    It rains on the just as well as the unjust. We all would do good to remember that.

  352. Galatians3:27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

  353. Adam and Eve had kids, then those kids had kids, etc etc which populates the planet….= inbred

    Noah collects two of every species Noah has kids that have kids that have kids…,= inbreeding again, those animals Noah grabbed have litters that have litters which = inbreeding for all life

    I like the sound of this article better because I dont like thinking we just a bunch of inbred idiots running around being idiots and repeatedly repeating history bringing about our own demise…🤔 or are we?

  354. AA-BB = Black, Aa-Bb = Rosy Brown, aa-bb = White. Pure black male and pure black female cannot produce white. Pure white male and pure white female cannot produce black. Only the Aa-Bb has the ability to create both. I’m aa-bb (white) male and i don’t think Adam and Eve were black or white, but a bronze color which is suitable for the region for which they were created for. I think Jesus was bronze as well. But, if the blacks want to believe Adam and Eve were black then they need to accept the fact that black people are responsible for all the misery that has been put on the human race because of the sins of Adam and Eve. That’s not something to brag about.

  355. ” irrefutable proof that Adam and Eve were Black and created in God’s true image (a true horror to white Christian fundamentalists)”

    Hidden racial overgeneralization.

    I’m white. I’m Christian. I could be considered a Fundamentalist. And I’m perfectly capable of honoring God’s ability to create mankind however he chooses. I am a student of history. It doesn’t bother me that Adam and Eve were perhaps darker toned than any person living today. Please stop applying racial divisions to the whole of specific groups in Christendom. It solves nothing.

  356. Yes Lilith was Adams first wife but she wouldn’t lay with him did you know she was G-D’s .daughter.Jesus speaks of her in Songs of Solomon.The queen of Sheba who was very black being from Ethiopia is supposed to be Lilith reincarnated.,And there were all lighter skin people in different parts of the earth.there were neanderthals, ape like, people that didn’t walk up right 500,000 years before.And don’t forget 70 million years ago we had dinosaurs.So man came later.There was a woman once wrote a long time ago, if we didn’t revolutionize from apes why do we look so much like them.G-D laughs at all you racists black and whites, Chinese, etc. It doesn’t matter what color one is you all will be judged by your sins, me included.And you wonder why he says in Revelations the end is coming i am going to destroy you, your not keeping all my commandments, and he doesn’t put the head of his church a woman in pants.

  357. STOP the Disinformation ; African’s have always come in every color under the sun from the beginning ! I hear some far fetched Bull on here and I think it’s coming those who think they are european ( color origins and etc . , Hell ,they don’t know who the first Europeans ,Including Royalty really where !

  358. It never cease to amaze me how people think Africans only came in one color yet they were all Africans from the same place ! And if your information is taken from the KJV ? The KJV is replete with transfiguration’s ! The KJV was somewhere around the 300th version of the book you now call the bible !

  359. If I am understanding this article correctly. It has been long known that Adam and Eve were not the first inhabitants of the earth. The not yet evolved. Were here quite sometime before. If Adam and Eve existed it was around 5 or 6 thousands years ago somewhere around Iraq. The only understanding of that particular biblical story is when God or so called God let morals be taught to human beings, a teaching of right from wrong. That was the purpose of those specific characters at that time in the world and that is one of the points where we learn that from. So I am completely sure myself that other beings were here before Adam and Eve. Whether or not that completely eliminates God’s existence I wouldn’t know. Whether the Adam and Eve means God exists I wouldn’t know that either. But the fact that there were inhabitants on earth somewhere in Africa is not completely new news the story of this particular person may be new. Adam and Eve existence, if they existed was for a purpose different from the not yet evolved inhabitants before them. So clearly all life did not specifically come from those two. So nothing in this article confirms or eliminates any biblical story. Ty.

    • You’re on target, There were lots of other people before Adam and Eve… Adam & Eve . Eve and her two son’s were the first of any human kind to commit the first of a series of Sins ! I need to this , Black were everywhere on earth First. Even today you can not go to any countries without discovering they were the Original Inhabitants of that land . They also were a variety of colors but still Black i.e African !

    • whats so great about original though? I never understood that. if black people are always the original in any land.. and whites and others come later and only then it becomes industrialized or whatever, I just never there ANY MERIT in being somewhere “first”? just curious I see none at all… anyone can breed…. you can breed first anywhere..nothing to do with quality or God or covenants with God or anything at all…. I don’t even think anyone ever argued about black people being just kinda “there” on any given continent. but they are all “regulated” wherever a non black race comes.. but in no way will simply breeding be any excuse or power or anything of any sort in itself…. we all got over that by now and just quietly tolerate. some of us too nice to say what we really know about it. not nice to hurt feelings. anyway id never get any pride feeling on simply being somewhere. all pride is based on accomplishments after being somewhere. ancient annauki stories say monkey like beings were cross bred with a sandy haired blonde they called her against the wishes of the council… because she always becomes “all one” again and then the monkey like beings get hurt and complain…. that’s why the council said its wrong (it also hurt her soul and spirit to be with them/they were slaves at first and had no souls..its all hers) they THINK they have one for feeling it and that’s why it says she “deceives all nations” and it is indeed very sad. I also protest this only hurts feelings.

      • You’re not to bright.. you are the evil that came upon the Earth Dummy..Materialistic savages… These people had power and could see from end of the universe to other end with just the naked eye. Even today’s high tech can’t match what they created ! They were the Spiritual People not the greedy super material murdering savages who cam e later ! They were and still are in tune with the Universe , Not into your god Satan ! Do some research then you will learn who the Spiritual people are and then loom around and see who are the scourge of the Earth is today ? Ruining the Earth with pollution , devastating , Porn filth, pedophilia, Sex, drugs , Incest, Greed , head lice, Scum , material gain all in the name of your god ! You’re dragging Mother Earth straight to hell and you think you’re high and mighty with your low life selves ! Shave the hair off a monkey and you get white skin. Prove wrong on any point that i have made ????

      • the only experience I had with porn was a black man I knew that I was begging to be holy and stop and he to this day says I am better than him.. many blacks are he loves sodomy…. I read today blacls are 14% of population yet 44% of aids and mainly due to homo behavior..(abominations) so for people who see the end of the universe lol they better keep that to themselves… they may have seen their end… I see it now and so does everyone.. a sodomoite homo aids race… that keeps calling themselves holy is an abominable lie… yuck.. ill be happy when they cant speak English anymore and start talking about some great thing they saw in their brains….. too bad they cant take their bodies with them!!! I know better… its so much more than just knowledge…. what you lack is why you make up majority of aids everywhere you go even in America!!! maybe once was but now failed….. I just want to get over it.. blacks failure hurt..but we cant fester in it… the holy gift was removed… from Solomon for example..for always sinning… blacks just NEVER listen or OBEY. I would never give them anything to obey again. I give up.

      • Ok… I will just ask you to do this. Instead of giving me percentages. Show me true total numbers ? Percentages are and can be misleading by the fact it depends on the size ,etc. of a group in this instance . Rule of numb , The larger the group the smaller the percentage and conversely the smaller the Group the higher the percentage ! So when you do total numbers the Larger group for example can have 700,\thousand people and 45,000 people with this or that problem . But the smaller group can have 75,thousand people and 5000 people with this or that problem.. The larger group will have a lower percentage but the total is 40,000 more with the same problem yet the percentage is lower … Does that make sense to you ? Hmmmm, I want to laugh at you ,but I won’t ! 🙂 The above is much closer to the truer figures then yours !!

      • youre the one responding but anyway no one will ever respect black people until they stop hogging up the majority of aids and pedophilia and homosexuality all the time. end of story.get yourselves straight first before you dare to praise yourselves, everyone sees it as a joke knowing the stats. most people are highly offended by blacks on a daily basis due to homo/overtly sexual etc mannerisms……. until that changes they are seen as a plague as a fact of life. we will all be happy when you all stop being so immoral and nasty .damage is already done. you all already did all that nasty stuff and still do on a daily basis…. never even responded to the majority of aids due to homosexual blacks etc… never ever do respond means you are a “buffer black” and those are just as hated. they defend the awful blacks by being the “good: blacks which means its only a BUFFER black. its so sick.
        its why you will never change and get worse all the time.
        from 14% of population to 44% of aids due to homos and all we hear are “buffer blacks” never addressing it.
        what demented folk.
        we don’t need you. and we don’t want to know anything until you get fixed.
        the more you talk as a buffer that never addresses or acknowledges facts the more we will see ALL blacks as a problem for doing that.
        I wish your maker would take you home
        he clearly never knew how others lived.

      • The Whole World Deep Down Despises White people in case you don’t know it ????? I may e the only one responding < That's because I stand up to Evil in it's ugly form . Forget percentages , Show me total Numbers for Blacks ( Homo, Aids ) and then show me Total Numbers for Whites ( Homo ,Aids )? With me talk is cheap .put the proof in the pudding or Shut Up ! My People Both Native Aboriginal Red & Native Aboriginal Black ( Indians u call us ) want your people of this land , you have the Absolute worst human rights history on the face of the Earth ! As addressing as say homo and aids issues , you hide your dirt inside Trash, Garbage cans and dumpsters because most of are Psychopaths and try to live like you never do wrong ,Epso Facto ! I have two video's for all hear to watch . Lets how innocent you are ????? I've always looked at everyone as human and being the same , but ever since President Obama the Ugly Hate in white peopl is at an all time high and there seems to be no end to your Hate Mongering, Fear Mongering, War Mongering !

        Here are two True Video's to watch : Come back and tell the rest of us on this site just how pure you after watching these video's !

        ANTICHRIST SIGNS LEAD TO PRINCE WILL-I-AM ? – Youtube ….watch entire video .it has a lot of information then just about prince william !

        THE VIDEO the VATICAN DOESN'T WANT YOU TO SEE! Enthronement of Satan (9/26/2015) -Youtube !

        Re sending this one about who and whats going on in the hearlands and the rst of america: Missing Children Are BEING Sacrificed By The Shadow Government! – YouTube <– please explain this ???

      • You’re not to bright.. you are the evil that came upon the Earth Dummy..Materialistic savages… These people had power and could see from end of the universe to other end with just the naked eye. Even today’s high tech can’t match what they created ! They were the Spiritual People not the greedy super material murdering savages who cam e later ! They were and still are in tune with the Universe , Not into your god Satan ! Do some research then you will learn who the Spiritual people are and then loom around and see who are the scourge of the Earth is today ? Ruining the Earth with pollution , devastating , Porn filth, pedophilia, Sex, drugs , Incest, Greed , head lice, Scum , material gain all in the name of your god ! You’re dragging Mother Earth straight to hell and you think you’re high and mighty with your low life selves ! Shave the hair off a monkey and you get white skin. Prove wrong on any point that i have made ???…… I think you better quit with your dumb comments before you get real history lesson. I could less about what a bunch of lying euro scientist have to say about the Annunakior or any other lies they make up ! ,Zecharia Sitchin was a Liar and nothing he said or wrote was true , you dummy !

  360. So I was just going to amuse myself and read the comments. But no. I’m finding that I must comment, myself. First off, I was mildly offended by the end of this article. I’m rarely offended… but this struck a cord.
    And I quote.
    “This article is for the people who are awake. I AM that I AM … And that is the person who won’t waste our readers time with your diatribes. If you truly believed in this god you cry about, you would be out doing charitable works, not trolling scientific articles. Now go in Peace sleepwalker.”
    I am religious. I believe in God. Yet science is in my heart. Whether you’re a realist, or religious, gives you absolutely NO RIGHT to belittle one of another belief. I believe in creationism and the theory of evolution. So let’s bring that down a notch. Also, feeling the need to point out that anyone who uses racial slurs freely and seriously has an IQ level lower than that of a shovel. We live in 2016. I understand that since the comment was posted, it’s been two years and hopefully this disrespectful roach has begun to open his mind more since. Though I doubt it. It litterally puts a bad taste in my mouth to even label myself as “white/caucasian” because of small-minded losers like him. So much racism comes from whites and it’s so sickening. At the end of the day, we all bleed the same way. So do a little thinking and grow up. It’s what we need the most these says.

  361. ummm lol genesis says two different creation stories and one we are trying to get OUT OF (duh) that was the point ahahaha.. having old dna didn’t mean you have intelligence.. you may be the creation we are escaping… (or just ignoring and not living with because we don’t like it) chapter 1 says all was GOOD..chapter 2 has a serpent and lies and conniving and a “bad tree” so it was NOT all good….. chapter 1 has a Sabbath of rest BECAUSE “all was good” chapter 2 does not and that one didn’t even have a woman .. to create with (chapter 1 male and female in Gods image….chapter 2 NO FEMALE and he had issues making one (unlike chapter 1) so anyway its obvious…. what we don’t want to be like and if we share an element between the two creations it was always a burden and one creation PITYING the other and carrying it along….. “the woman who DID NOT BREED and DID NOT GIVE BIRTH, has MORE children says your God” the one who BREEDS and gives birth physically is not favored there…………breeding is now seen as …. a problem… so…. yuck. (those who breed and pass on their mindsets too and give the rest of the superior world a problem to deal with) I haven’t even seen any black man yet rest on Sabbath let alone know what it is… spiritually he doesn’t know.. its a day to eat bacon and sit on the couch ………… abomination. learning to read doesn’t mean you should try to follow what you read….the pity might run out. no wonder the whole bible says covenants are cancelled and broken etc… humans ! when it hit them they were cancelled they sure did make up their own ways of survival real quick! and its nasty!

  362. I could go on and on about their Great accomplishments, > They built the fist cities with running water and flushing toilets , The first castles with motes , Most of your Roman and Greek Architects were theirs until the euro’s lied about i being theirs, Flash lights , The Greatest Sea Fairing Ships which incidentally sailed all over the world thousands of year before the Viking and /or that Low Life Scumbag Columbus who murdered over 80,million of my people in my Land Turtle Island now known as america ( we don’t like that name ) and want the invaders OUT NOW ! This land is also Africa ( Was once a part of Africa ) So this land legally still belongs to to Both Black and Red People ( The sooner the euro’s leave the better ) Go into any country and you will find Black Architect . Your people are the biggest thieves to ever inhabit the Earth , You steal from from other Civilizations and then tell the eiknow what they show you and tell you when it comes to Black People ( Dis -Information ), like the poor shanty;s of Africa . Africa have cities today that Rival any modern cities anywhere on earth, but they never show you them or tell you aebout them. You’re so misguided and dumb down. What If I told you that Black People invented a Vehicle that go underwater , On the water , drive on land and fly in the sky thousands of year ago ? You would cal me a Liar when in fact it’s your own people who are the real liars ! I think this more then enough for you to know !!! Nuff Said !!!!

    • why the most aids then? and homos? that intellect is channeled from elsewhere into the human brain.. even into a homo self given aids black person he CAN build a rocket…
      the knowledge doesn’t SEE skin color.
      the knowledge to build great things doesn’t even SEE its in a body that’s gay/HIV etc abusive immoral etc
      they are not related!!!
      its all borrowed and has now been proven even sodomites and low lifes can be smart and build things.. they still die like an animal 6 feet under. that’s been known forever.
      means nothing because its channeled and cannot be passed on through black skin at all.
      not by breeding.
      maybe by reading. Jews say nimrod (where we get nimcompoop from) was a black man who learned to use the names of god and uses them.. but he is evil
      belial (means worthless) is also though to be black…
      Africa has cities now? lol
      I know I saw them I thought wow that took a long time coming
      but the dummies still breed at high rates
      Nigeria is set to pass 400,000 shortly but are dying of poverty
      what good is a nice big city if you are so stupid you breed too much.white people have literally flown over Africa in planes dropping condoms to try and save you from yourselves.
      the dumbest thing ive seen with blacks/Africans is the breeding thing. the way you have kids you cant feed and a wife(WIVES) skin and bones and still have sex… 6 kids on the dirt floor behind you starving and still have sex with a woman who looks like she will break in two if you barely touch her
      this phenomenon hasn’t been seen in other races!!!!! wanting to survive so badly that MOST of you starve to death just so you can SEE a tall building that you made is an ABOMINATION.its CRUEL…just so you can say hey look we did it too
      very pathetic.
      breeding when youre poor is rape. and abuse and murder
      that’s why we see a “dumb” looking face when we see pride on your faces when you gaze upwards at a tall building we hang our heads in sorrow.
      and mostly stay quiet. a quiet knowing.
      youre strongest when there is less of you
      but if you have cities like the ARABS do where 99% are PISS POOR and dying and a few of you live by a tall building well
      that’s SICK
      but you need to feel you accomplished something by default?
      LOL go there my friend they’ll drop you FIRST just for living here and knowing English
      they will KILL YOU FIRST (blacks killing blacks… most!)
      and you KNOW that’s true
      so I hope youre dumb enough to REVEL in those abominable accomplishments off the backs of the poor blacks that they kill everyday

      never seen a dumber race
      must be internally set on destruction.
      even your accomplishments are built off of failures to your own people
      Africans HATE black americans
      and do kill their own and you.
      oh but they like to say they built things tall and shiny lol
      we don’t need that!!! it makes us feel bad for you. and we are TIRED of feeling bad for you.
      Nigeria is the worst.
      no one says
      oh those germans breed so much and are staving oh but look at the tall buildings lol
      you guys are always sick.

      • You sound just like a typical psychopath . Can never be wrong about anything..LoL…. Why waste my time. You’re coming B.S, allegories to cover your own fault through Projection ism. What else could one could expect from people you ???? You want to see who does Devil worship , pedophile , Cannibalism at an alarming rate. ? Watch this : Click here: Missing Children Are BEING Sacrificed By The Shadow Government! – YouTube …. Get off my land and take the real low life Maggots with you back to europe…. Retard !..LoL… Whites were the first to contract Aids and spread it around the world…. There’s also a Youtube video for that. Europe is replete with Homo’s and every other forms of low life ! No need for me to get into a debate with another Psychopath ! Happy Scumming to You ! 😉

  363. alice linsley says adam and eve are ahistorical,they lived millions of years before cain and seth. The 1dt historical people are actually enoch, cain,seth. so, what this means is eve is not the mother of cain or seth or abel. Thank you ms. alice, you are the best

  364. Does this matter the past is the past don’t matter who was here first just love and respect each other no matter what race

  365. I think European people, that’s all so-called whites, will not get our information through their minds in a million years. Our findings and facts can be top notch academic achievements, experimentation, or results from thousands of tests, but yet their problem is in understanding all darker races. It is imperative for us then to take our own findings and put together our own systematic theology, our own education, our own knowledge to determine for ourselves what the facts are.

  366. Never call people “Black” especially if you are “Black”… Its Melanated. Saying Black or White is a spell. Don’t do it.

  367. Pingback: Mitchondrial Eve? – The SaphonGuard

  368. Pingback: No Mitchondrial Eve – Out Of Earth

  369. Soon as you opened with logic it was already disproved. God (Jehovah) does NOT work in logic sir. It is by faith alone in Christ alone. “The just shall live by faith.” Hebrews 10:38. Believe God or man? I choose Christ. The One who can kill body and soul, Matthew 10:28. Until one is born of Spirit which we see in John 3:1-21, The fallen state of man will always look for logic. And we know (of the believing) in 1 Corinthians 1:18, that gospel is foolish to those who are perishing.

  370. Black people were God’s first creation as hunters and gatherers says in Genesis, and God’s second creation was in the garden of eden, where he created Adam and Eve to tend the garden.

    You got the first part right, but you missed the second part????

  371. This is pretty interesting to learn about, the only thing I really have a comment for is the fact that “homo” had to be censored because someone will get offended. Its just pathetic how some people can’t get over something like that when its our Latin name.

  372. I understand the true purpose of the Bible… which has been revamped countless times…
    But we (beings) did not just come to be on our own… God and Science can coexist… 🙂

  373. The story of Adam and Eve, and God for that matter, doesn’t hinge on the idea that Adam and Eve are the white “parent species” of all humans. The story of Adam and Eve doesn’t say that they were the only creation of God, and even talks about leaving the garden and interacting with other peoples (e.g. From the Land of Nod) and as a Christian is doesn’t shake my faith to believe that God created multiple humanoids across the globe that intermingled and changed as a result of each other. The strongest genes thrived and created all kinds of new “species” of human, and science does prove that. It leaves me in awe of my Creator. The creation story was handed down through millennia of retelling. While I am a firm believer in the Word of God, I am also intelligent enough to know that there are things that the ancients couldn’t not effectively explain without scientific knowledge. I believe stories from the Bible are as true as they can be with the limited language and science of the era they originated in. Cool DNA evidence! I love watching science prove how fearfully and wonderfully made we are!

  374. out of black genes came the idea of Adam and Eve. The bible says there were people when they were kicked out of the garden. They were marked so no one kill them when they get out of the garden. Therefore there were people and they were black people.

  375. Wow! How effective! Connor successfully shifted focus from the actual topic to issues of racism.
    My message to the African American: Suck It Up! We’ve learned to ignore such diverting comments (like insults) and just continue focusing on the main topic here in Africa. Believe it or not we do have some nasty stuff to say to each other about each other’s tribes, but we leave that to trolls and just focus on the main topic. No Response.

  376. It’s pretty sad that people still find offense when the blind(ignorant) soul cries out for help.

    I’m a young black South African who tries by all means to live with Mr Mandela’s mantra of forgiveness because forgiveness removes fear, and all I can see in these comments is deep fear, yes! what Bull said is offensive but why are we fighting racism with more racism. Yes that word and it’s history is a very delicate issue but when someone dumb as bull says it that doesn’t give anyone the right to use racial remarks to set him right…..

    If he’s dumb and all that what does that make you when you’re saying all of those evil comments about white people,

    There is not race older than the other… That’s pure Ignorance

  377. The fact that his DNA is that old is actually proof HE’S NOT of ety-adam….you people need to learn to read….that number in no way matches the lineage of Adam, nor can this man, or any black man for that matter, show blood in his face (as a racial characteristic)….
    All you people talk about all day is God this color, or God looked this way, or Jesus did this or that….better learn to read soon, cause I promise you with all this false teaching, Jesus’ return isn’t far off

    • Regarding your fable comment : Depending on who wrote the article i would go so far to say that it’s probably a ” Lie ” . So i won’t bother reading it ! I’ve seen oo many articles and websites information changed to facilitate lies !

  378. You might have been onto something if the Bible actually said that Adam and Eve were the first man and woman, but it never says that. It doesn’t even say that He never created any more human being a before or after the creation. That is a HUGE misconception that people seem to have but it’s not Biblical. In fact, Adam in Hebrew is a generic term for man, it is not saying a single man named Adam. Also, when God created Adam and Eve in His image, he is NOT talking about race. He is talking about humanity as a whole, which should be obvious. Who cares what race humanity began from? We are ALL human beings, regardless of skin color. The only thing your post proves is your desperation to disprove the Bible.

  379. Pingback: Athiest On Biblical Healing – Health Care

  380. All I can say is apparently no lives matter…. Mother Earth will decide when we are finished on this rock… All creatures… ALL CREATURES! Large and small are Cancer… And what happens to cancer… Either a cure is found or the host dies….. fact..
    The question is… How much would your mother take… Answer… Only Father Time will tell…
    Our days here are very limited and to worry about anything other than ourselves is ridiculous..
    Where the beings on this planet came from means nothing…
    We all must coexist…

    There are to many people on this rock…

    Ok Cancers… That would be all of us.. enjoy the rest of your lives… Keep evolving

  381. I enjoyed the replies until it became a “my race is better than yours” contest. According to an elderly friend who passed years ago, racism in any direction is pure ignorance. He told me that we were seeded here from outer space. He mentioned nothing more. I thought alot of this highly decorated air force veteran. Upon one of my earlier visits with him, he mentioned that he “studied the sun.” I thought he was surely telling a story but it checked out. I wish i could have asked him “what led him to believe we were seeded from elsewhere” but he was the old school type that you didnt want to push too quickly. Unfortunately, i wasnt around him for awhile and the next visit he was very ill and unable to converse. Since then, the research I have done that cooroborates with his claim is the study of rock art in North America. The imagery is among the most complex and surreal one can see, if they ever can. Its obscurity makes it controversial among the “establishment” but it’s enough for me to gather that my old friend was correct. The details otherwise, I doubt anyone will ever know.

    • You’re right it makes No difference who you think you are or where you came from ! We’re all made of sub Atomic particles and space dust , So if you came from the Earth or anywhere else in the Universe you’re still made up of the same stuff. You are related to everything ( Good or Bad ) in the Universe and everything is related to you. I know that’s really hard for most DumbAss People ( Blun English )to comprehend but it’s the ” Absolute Truth ” !!!

  382. Most scientific findings are based on science! Some are hypothetical. Some not even that. Here, we have a group of researchers pulling the y chromosome and dating?. What is the method of dating geneitics? Be real! The average human DNA culture even capable of being dated can’t be more than 120- 200 yrs old max!. So where does that put this?.

  383. Sorry but I think the Holy Bible is a load of bull crap and those of you who want to say I will go to hell for that can do so. It won’t matter because when you die, you go in the ground, not in the sky or in a fiery inferno (unless you are cremated). I don’t have anything against people who “believe” in the Bible and it’s teachings, it’s just not for me because it makes no sense whatsoever. It’s just such an ancient practice and has been carried down throughout the generations just out of habit and family traditions but doesn’t really have a leg to stand on in my eyes. I just don’t buy into it.

  384. When a black has an offspring with a white, it is impossible to achieve the same darkness of skin as the black parent, therefore, Adam & Eve were black. Blacks should only abort mixed race offspring so not to reduce there black heritage that God intended them to have.

  385. I appauld your findings! My individual research of my family began after I saw the documentary of The Real Eve. It was originally schedule as a week long tv program. It was taken off the scheduled after day one’s showing. If researchers need additional volunteers, I would be honored to participate. My family tree looks like the results of a group of very very friendly males. I do believe in God, and I read the Bible. I just don’t have to focus on color or race. Respectfully.

  386. Adam and Eve where black. Gods image can mean a lot of things not necessarily what we look like. Never could understand the difference between black and white, apart from my initial surprise I got at three years old seeing a raft full of negro people for the first time out in the ocean and wandering what are they doing there in a panic for their safety. White superiority sucks something real bad, get over it. signed: Ashamed white person with black roots.

  387. Fairy Tale for Adam because he was never made in the first days …Remember this there was calendars back then so that means that adam was a 7th. day creation ! While of rest of us were descend from a Spirit long before there ever was an adam ! Adan was the only man made dirt,dust,clay and eve was made from one of adams ribs that means she also came fro the dirt,dust and / or clay . This means that neither adam or eve are related to us Human beings !And according to bible scripture IF YOU READ IT VERBATIM ! LoL…. 😉

      • Correction : They didn’t have 7 days a week because there were No Calendars ! They went by the changing seasons ,Not days of the week or months of the year ! But going by what is written in second genesis Adam was made from Dirt, Dust and Clay Only ! It is Written ! I sure as heck didn’t write It !

      • I didn’t say where I got my bible from , But I will tell you this : 16 students and myself were taught in a special work shop by Roman Catholic Bishop and Two Cardinal’s . What we learned in that work shop ( We were taught the truth ) made us all well informed so much so that Now I have Absolutely Nothing to do with Any Religions( I grew up Catholic) because they’re use to control the masses and create Hate, Fear , War and Murder ! You people need to study Religious history and how it was used to Conquer , Kill ,Control and steal from other people all over the Earth ! I would say more , But I’ve said enough for you to have Food for Thought !

  388. Almost…. The Bible is clear about pre adamic man… “Angels” referred to as “the son’s of God” found the daughters of man beautiful and took them as wives..the offspring was the Nephlim(gods and mighty men of renowned, and also beastly men(animal hybrid or animalstic)… Which was destroyed in the flood, except for the bloodline of Noah’s Family…

    The first homosapien “Adam” was AaBb and so was eve, this genetic combination would create a mix of skin color in thier children… Black man is ABAB, white is ABAB the slight dominance in the black gene implies ancient perfected angelic bloodline represented in cain becoming like an animal and taking a wife outside of Eden(, Cain’s mark was a horn on his head, identifying his decent in to the animalistic carnal world..

    • You have your information completely Ass Backwards ..LoL…. Whites have monkey DNA and are known Cannibals who are derived from a sub species of the green monkey ! Not only that but a lot of whites are born with 4 to 6 inch tails which protrudes from the top of their buttocks…. You really need to do some serious research slick because someone have feed you a ton of bull shit ! Black are the Purest Forms of Humans on the face of the Earth ! You are also the only Sub-Humans born with no spirit and were created from dirt/dust/clay . No others were created that way !!!! FACT !

  389. Keep in mind, it is not really the Scriptures that give an age or date for Prophet Adam( peace upon him). This is where Christian scholars get into trouble trying to put an exact date or age to the people mention in the Old Testament when they don’t even have all the scriptures. King James version has 64 books, scrolls, letters; whereas, The Ethiopian Bible has 88 and is much older. Just like December 25th is mentioned no where in anyone’s scriptural account; but, some are hell bent on saying that Jesus(‘Iesa/Yeshua’)(peace upon him) was born in the wintry months on the pagan Saturnalia festival date of December 25th. None of that is true. It comes from misguided Europeans trying to keep their pagan custom going hiding behind the name of the highly respected Prophets of God! It’s not the Prophets(peace upon all of them) fault. Blame the Euronutz! ROFL

  390. I enjoyed your article and its made me think I mean really think and reflect on things I have been taught. It also solidified thoughts I’ve had already.

  391. The last word below the header is entertainment, enough said. This person has a presuppositional bias against the Bible. By the way; the theory of Darwinian evolution is on it’s deathbed. Modern man is so desperate to marginalize the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob they are also embracing the idea that Aliens seeded life here.

    • The is a fictitious book of made stories from other people’s histories .There were anyone with the names of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ! Fact : King Sargon A.K.A. Sargon the Great was an Israelite 700 yrs before the Factitious father ( Abraham )of the Israelite s ! Fact ,Sargon ‘s parents were also Israelite s more then 700 yrs before the So Called Abraham ! Fact : Read the history of Sargon The Great and learn that the so called Moses story is also based ( Stolen ) on his Life ! 😉 Nuff Said ! Bye ! Slick 😉

  392. dr kola kolawole, male psychiatrist from Hamilton Ontario had been convicted of second degree felony, forcible sexual abuse, and third degree felony forcible sodomy molestation of three juvenile patients at the ontario facility where he worked and sexual assault of a highschool girl in a park. He destroyed my daughters life, Merry Christmas

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